Omega Summoner

Chapter 1585 The Wanderer’s Gift I

Chapter 1585 The Wanderer’s Gift I

Adrian with Ko – Kei have teleported towards the sea or rather to beach where there not many beings. Ko – Kei immediately gave a loud scream of excitement as it has not encountered something like this before. Adrian could see the childish excitement that the fourth Wanderer possessed and is reminded of his soulbounds that act like a child.

Adrian would have wanted some of his soulbounds to play with Ko – Kei but he knew that they might accidentally die. It might scar the poor child if its playmate suddenly turns into particles of light. Adrian did not know what kind of effects Ko – Kei has on other living beings which is why it is safer if they are out of populated areas.

Ko – Kei does not even know how old it is as time is not a unit of measure in the Void. He was told that in the Great Expanse, you only become powerful due to two things. One is to grow old by absorbing energy from it for a long time or devour other beings that do not use the energy of the Void.

Adrian learned many things from Ko – Kei such as the beings in the Void or the Great Expanse. He is told that the Void is home to many different races and monsters. Those that are intelligent enough to create societies or communities are part of Races. Those that are mindless beasts that pursue destruction and devour others are called beasts.

There are instances of beasts that created a Race when they attained enlightenment but that is a very rare occurrence. The Great Expanse is also extremely large that Ko – Kei said that it has only explored 50% of it. It seems that his race are drifters that just float freely in the Void.

"Do you have a concept of a mother then?" Adrian asked.

"I do have a mother, but she is just the one that birth us. Mothers are a great being in our race because they grow into big sizes just like that big rock there!" Ko – Kei stated as it pointed towards a large rock formation in the middle of the sea.

Adrian gulped as the island that Ko – Kei pointed at was extremely large. It was the size of a baseball stadium if Adrian could put in a human structure scale. Adrian almost spit out the drink that he was sipping from the unbelievable size of what Ko – Kei calls a mother.

"I see. The Void or the Great Expanse is a place where there is no concept of boundaries which is why the beings that live there should not be stunted in terms of their size." Adrian concluded as he learned from a class that the environment also plays a part on how big beings can get.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" Ko – Kei asked as it was given the same juice that Adrian was drinking.

"Then Ko – Kei, do your race have the concept of death?" Adrian asked because he already has a hunch and just want to see if it is true.

"What is death?" Ko – Kei stated with pure innocence.

Adrian knew that he would get an answer that is negative, but he did not expect that the cute little bean would be clueless. Still, Adrian had an answer in his mind because he could clearly see that the being before him almost does not have a soul. Ko – Kei has a soul, but it is like small flame of a matchstick that burns very bright.

Adrian could see the colors of souls, intensity and capacity since he has become stronger. He has seen the souls of demigods, gods or any powerful beings which is why he is sure of his criteria even if there is no definite one. A normal human would have a soul equivalent to a bonfire that burns bright at the moment of birth.

The colors of the flame represent the purity of the soul and the race of the living being. This is how Adrian could detect truth from lies as long as he could see the souls of the beings. He could also know criminals or people with bad intentions by the color of their soul.I think you should take a look at

The capacity is represented by how big the fire is. The fire becomes smaller as they live their lives as they grow old and use their life force. There is also the case of them dying even if the fire is burning bright and big such as killing them and other unfortunate events.

The intensity is determined by how bright the soul burns from dim to blinding light. This is usually the measure of one's innate talent and nature. This can change due to diligence and training which is why this is not always an identifier as there are many mystical things in this world that could change one's talent.

Ko – Kei has a deep purple color which means that it is innocent and childlike. The capacity just like that of a matchstick which means its life is very short, but Adrian cannot judge what is short for a being of the Void. The intensity that is almost blinding which serves that its small body has incredible talent.

Another reason why Ko – Kei has such a soul that cannot be easily measured by this universe standards is the fact that the Great Expanse have no death gods. In that realm, beings are not reincarnated hence they do not have the concept of death. The 'soul' that is collected there is immediately re-used since there are no god of deaths to supervise it.

Another explanation could be that the souls they possess will just vanish into existence. A realm without the concept of death and god of deaths is an unstable realm. It is also one of the reasons why gods of life and death are often born when a new universe comes to existence. The Void is not a universe but is something more like a junction hence the absence of the gods of life and death.

An explanation why there is life in the Void must be due to the fact that energy from the multiple universes it serves as junctions are spilled into it. Overtime, the introduced life and death energy gave birth to existences that are not of the norm. They have an extremely loose concept of life and death which is why Ko – Kei's soul has the form of a blindingly, deep colored flame that is the size of a matchstick.

Adrian paid it no mind and spent a fun time with Ko – Kei because he thought that it might be their last time seeing each other. The other Wanderers might have been bewildered by this universe which is why some lost their minds. Adrian then thought that the Ancestor of the Daemos must have been such a being as well, but they were able to form a soul to anchor themselves to this universe.

"In other words, the Asmodian Daemos must have pledge their very existence to this universe for them to be accepted which is not something easy. The universe would have to pay a price as well since they basically adopted an irregular being that is not born from a universe but from a junction." Adrian thought but buried it on the back of his mind since he needed to enjoy time.

Adrian was enjoying his leisure time and even called it as his job vacation. He made sure to not think about what is happening in the western continent because he left all of that troublesome job to his sister. A commander in the actual battlefield will have more grasp of the battle than someone way from it.

He was calmly creating talismans while observing Ko – Kei splash the water when Sirius and Charon suddenly came out from their hiding places. Sirius used his shadows to destroy all the projectiles that were aimed at Adrian while Charon used its chains to block the elemental spells aimed at him. Adrian raised his eyebrows as he did not expect that someone would actually be brave enough to attack him suddenly.

Adrian knew that there were people that always observed him from afar with malicious intent, but they rarely acted upon it. Actually, Adrian was just really difficult to pin down because he can easily escape with teleportation. He actually has a large bounty on his head for someone that could kill him and present a video of proof.

The only reason no such thing happened is due to the fact that Adrian can immediately disappear as it is very difficult to trap a demon. Adrian would have teleported away, but he was a bit far from Ko - Kei and an unknown barrier has already been set up on top of them. The space around him suddenly became unstable as any spatial movement from him would rip a hole in reality.josei

"This is no easy feat. Tell me, who are you guys affiliated with?" Adrian asked as he released his aura in full blast.

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