Omega Summoner

Chapter 1586 The Wanderer’s Gift II

Chapter 1586 The Wanderer’s Gift II

"Master, the space around us has become unstable. Any simple spatial movement might tear a hole in reality. We could be able to bypass it if we know what kind of item, they have used to trigger such a phenomenon. No other other Daemos has been detected in the area of the enclosure." Paradox reported.

"A divine artifact, maybe? The scope is too small for it to be a divine artifact though." Adrian thought.

While Adrian was thinking of the possible scenarios of what is happening, twenty individuals suddenly came to the enclosure. All twenty of them surrounded Adrian while there are still some that are observing from afar. The twenty individuals rained attacks once more towards Adrian, but Sirius and Charon easily blocked all of them once again.

Ko – Kei noticed the bloodlust being emitted towards its new friend and tried to help Adrian, but the latter told it that everything is under control. He should stay safe and hide as the one that they are really after is Adrian and not Ko- Kei. Adrian then looked at who seems to be leader of the group, which is a large, bodied man.

"So, you are the one that they call, The Demon!" The man stated in a loud and obnoxious voice.

"You are someone that I do not know and could care less about." Adrian replied which made some of the people surrounding him burst out laughing.

Adrian saw the interaction and justified that not all of them are allies. The ones that laughed out loud are probably people that were just roped in with the reward of killing him. The ones that emitted bloodlust towards him must be the ones that are under the large, bodied man.

"It seems that someone is looking down on you, Herk! You are someone that is unregistered after all." One of the individuals stated.

Adrian heard the term 'unregistered' from one of the enemies and he already knew that these people are a bit tough. Tougher than he expected because the term 'unregistered' is for people that are as powerful as rankers and at the same game level as them but choose to not participate in the ranking. Adrian was the same back then, but he already posted his official ranking when he was already known to the world.

"His strength is almost on par with Apolaki but that is only in terms of aura. The battle sense and style would make my evaluation either increase or decrease." Adrian muttered.

The man named Herk has the same aura that Apolaki emits when it comes to pure power but that is not everything in Pandemonium. You could be high level but without proper control and skill then even someone twenty levels below you could defeat you. Levels are a means of giving you power but how you use that is what makes you powerful or weak.

"Put maximum output on the Copied Relic!" Herk shouted.

"But if we do that then it might break?!" One of the enemies stated as it was not a relic that they could easily obtain.

Adrian's ears heard the buzz word that he was looking for. What he did not expect is that there would be the modifier of 'Copied' next to it. This puzzled Adrian because relics cannot be 'copied' because they are an amalgamation of divine energy. A relic is basically a powerful force of nature that could alter reality if powerful enough.

"It does not matter. We could just ask Michaelangelo more later." Herk stated as his subordinate immediately used the copied relic to 99% of its output.

The subordinate did not use the maximum output as they were warned that the stability of the copy would immediately deteriorate. Even just by outputting close to the maximum value is putting a strain on the copy as one could see that it is already breaking. Adrian was able to see the copied relic though and it had the shape of a black orb that has a crackling storm encased inside of it.


Item Name: Bead of Spatial Storm (Counterfeit)

Item Tier: Epic (Degraded from the Original Legendary Tier of the Relic)josei

Item Type: Counterfeit Relic


-  Activate to create an unstable environment in a chosen area. The more it is pushed to its limits, the greater the instability of the area.

-  Unable to be copied from the originalI think you should take a look at

Duration: 10 minutes to 1 hour

Area Coverage: Fifty Meter Radius from the Bead of Spatial Storm (Counterfeit)

Activation: Instant

Durability: 89%

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Description: A counterfeit of the real Spatial Relic Bead of Spatial Storm. It does not possess the power of the original but a watered-down version of it. It only possesses half of the real power that the original possesses, and it can also be destroyed as it has gained Durability. It was made using the special abilities of an individual named Michaelangelo.


"That individual seems interesting. To think he could copy a relic but that would also require materials because creating a fake does not mean it will be easy." Adrian muttered as he noticed that the relic made the space quake.

If the space earlier was unstable and any spatial spells from Adrian could rip a hole in the fabric of reality, the space now is chaotic because gravity is not well defined in some areas. Stones started to float while some areas have sunken as if gravity doubled or tripled. Even the areas seem bent as the whole area has become distorted.

"It feels like I am suddenly at home!" Ko – Kei stated as it reminded him of the Void.

Just like what Ko – Kei stated, the Void is a place that is unpredictable as well. Gravity could be existent then nonexistent. Space could be twisted or distorted which makes traversing impossible if you have the standards of humans. Only a body that is resistant to natural forces could traverse the Void without problem, but Adrian did learn from Ko – Kei that there are special stones that could aid in traversing the Void as well.

"Idiot! I told you to control it well because you are a mage! If I knew that you would be this haphazard, then I would have commanded another person to do it!" Herk shouted as he noticed the strange changes in surroundings.

"In the end, the relic that you are proud of has served my purpose instead of yours. You allies are basically struggling to even understand what is happening." Adrian stated as he pointed at the enemies that were unable to move properly.

"What you saying!? You are trapped with us. You are acting tough when you yourself cannot even move." Herk stated as he was told that Daemos tend to tiptoe in areas where space is unstable because their very being can trigger a rift in reality if they are not careful.

"I see. It seems that you are very knowledgeable about my race despite no demonic players except for me. You can only receive this information if one is close to the Daemos in Avalon, but no player has built that kind of rapport yet. The only way for you to know of this information is that there is a mole in my group or rather the ones that left told you about it. That kind of information was only privy to those in my guild." Adrian stated.

Herk might not have much facial expressions but Adrian could read from the former's face that his statement was spot on. Adrian knew that the ones that left the guild immediately are either spies from other guilds or thought that they could profit off from his guild. He also saw that some information about things he has disseminated have also found their way on boards but those were not top secret which is why he did not put energy in taking them down.

"You see, I do not trust people easily which is why I mixed some truth and lies together for some of that information. I will not tell which is which though because you can assess that for yourself." Adrian stated as his hands started to spark deep purple flames.

Adrian did say the truth about Daemos tiptoeing in places with weak spaces but that only goes for Greater Demons and below. Arch Demons are a whole different breed because they can protect themselves easily even if space collapses on them. The people that failed to ambush Adrian suddenly have sweats in their backs.

A magic circle suddenly popped up in front of all of their faces. This was Adrian's signature space mines that explode the space in an area. This would not deal that great of a damage but that is a different story in an unstable area like this one. Adrian smiled like a demon and snapped his fingers.

All of the space mines exploded and each of them punctured a hole in reality that sucked all of those near it. Numerous spatial holes were created because of Adrian but he was not worried.

"Starting the repair of the dimension. Calculated the needed mana being 50% of the master's maximum. Should I proceed?" Paradox asked.

"Yes." Adrian replied as if nothing happened.

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