Omega Summoner

Chapter 177 - Letting Off Steam

Chapter 177 - Letting Off Steam

The group kept on observing the lich that funny enough not attacking them. The lich is actually just standing on the middle section of the stairs and not even looking towards them. The lich is like a statue that is facing the exit. Creepysoo immediately identified the monster before them.

Monster: Frost Lich

Level: 105

HP: 750,000 / 750,000

MP: 1,000,000 / 1,000,000

Description: A lich transformed into a Frost Lich by an unknown energy. Besides being able to raise the undead, it could also wield ice attribute spells with great accuracy and power. Adventurers should never fight them in their own domain unless they are confident in defeating it. It omits a frost aura around it that can freeze those near it if exposed for too long.

"Thankfully, it is not a named monster. It is just a Frost Lich." Creepysoo stated in the party chat in order to not alert the Frost Lich to their arrival.

"What is a Frost Lich?" Levin Cloud asked even though he has a rough idea on what the creature is.

"It is basically a lich with ice magic added into its arsenal." Creepysoo replied.

"I see. We need to seal it or root it in place first so that we can bombard it." Levin Cloud stated.

"Leave that to me!" Creepysoo replied.

Creepysoo then started murmuring some words and he was suddenly enveloped in dark violet runes that looked like a music sheet. A few second later he finally uttered the name of the spell. He tapped the bottom of his staff while doing so.

"Grasp of the Undead" Creepysoo stated.

Creepysoo's staff suddenly glowed in a dark violet color and this light went down towards the bottom of the staff until it was transferred to the floor. The dark violet energy then snaked towards the Frost Lich and it finally looked towards its back. The Frost lich tried to block the spell by creating ice spikes in front of the snaking energy but it failed.

Despite the terrain changing, the dark violet energy seemed to had homing capabilities as the Frost Lich could not dodge it. The frost lich then tried to use a movement skill by shaping the ice below it into a moving ice platform but the dark violet energy still trailed towards it.

Vayu seeing the frost lich mid-air knew that he had to bring it down because if it was bound mid-air then only a limited type of attacks would be able to hit it. Vayu then activated one of his movement skills that he likes.

"Autumn Wind" Vayu stated.

A gentle breeze then swept the entire room. Accompanying the wind are leaves of different shapes and sizes. The leaves were dancing in the wind so to speak and Vayu then jumped towards one of the leaves.

Normally, a person's weight would be a thousand times heavier than a leaf but Vayu stepped on the leaf and he did not fall. Instead, he stepped on it like it was a firm foothold and then jumped towards the next leaf. He continued doing this and in no time he reached the frost lich.action

The frost lich who saw Vayu approaching it is suddenly given a decision. It should either deal with the immediate danger which is Vayu or the upcoming danger which is the "Grasp of the Undead" skill. The frost lich chose the former as it would decide its action after removing Vayu from the equation.

The frost lich's icy staff then glowed in a pale white light and released a white mist. Vayu who saw this could see that the frost lich chose to deal with him first. Vayu could only smile as the frost lich chose wrong because he was not a normal person because he was half wind elemental. It is never wise to battle wind elementals mid-air as it is their favorite battleground.

The frost lich immediate made ice spears and hurled it at Vayu but the latter's form suddenly dispersed when the ice spears touch him. Vayu then rematerialized behind the frost lich and immediately made a downward swing of his sword to bring the lich down to the floor.

The skill that Vayu triggered is his elemental passive skill called "One with the Wind".

Skill: One with the Wind

Tier: Racial Skill

Type: Passive Dodge

Effect: Become the wind for a brief moment when a spell is about to land towards you. You can then choose a location around you in a given radius to rematerialize.

Duration: Three seconds

Radius: Five meters

Cooldown: 20 minutes

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: Instant

This skill was basically a free invulnerability if used right. It means that if a player is a pro at dodging skill shots then he or she could basically trigger this passive to dodge sure hit skills or high damaging skills. Although Vayu is not a master at dodging yet, he was getting there as wind elementals are said to be the hardest to trap and are the free spirits.

The frost lich was sent crashing down by Vayu's attack and it wanted to stand up but the dark violet energy finally struck it. Numerous hands made of either bones or rotting flesh grabbed onto the frost lich. The frost lich's blue shining eyes suddenly flashed red because it was actually trapped by a spell made using undead energy.

This was the most embarrassing moment in this frost lich's undead life as it should be the master of forbidden magic and should be immune to it. The frost lich tried to emit undead energy so that it could reverse the magic used to bind it but it realized that it cannot. Whatever undead energy was used on him was vastly superior to the one he is using but only its current master is able to do the exact same thing to him.

The frost lich released more undead energy so that it could break its binding but Creepysoo is actually continuously pouring its mana on it which made it impossible for the frost lich to break its binding.

"Keep the frost lich pinned down. I need to release some steam as I really want to punch something." Solstice stated while her face was eerily smiling.

The three friends who saw this immediately stepped sideward and only activated their binding skills to aid Creepysoo. Although their mana will be continuously drained, it was still better than not granting the wish of the tigress before them.

The three of them remembered that they accidentally made paper planes using her progress report when they were kids. The four friends did not hear the end of it from her and they were basically Mina's slaves for the entire day until they replace her progress report. She was generous as long as you are in her good side but unforgiving if you get on her bad side.

Right now, Mina (Solstice) wants to let out steam as this was a way for her to cool down. It also did not hurt for her to vent her anger on a virtual punching bag. She decided to try out one of her new skills on the frost lich as she is presented with a rather great guinea pig or punching bag.

Levin Cloud and Peridot activated their binding skills. Levin Cloud moved the ground so that it traps the frost lich to the floor like cement. Peridot threw a green looking gem towards the frost lich and it exploded into small bits that tied the frost lich like a rope. The struggling frost lich could no longer make big movements like earlier when it was just Creepysoo's skill that is affecting it.

"Let us hope my new skill has high damage. Seriously, undead are not a good match against vampires. They do not even bleed which is very annoying." Solstice stated as she slit her palm using her sharp nail.

Her blood then dripped onto the floor and she immediately formed a sword using it. The sword made of blood solidified and it looked like a sword made of red metal instead of something liquid. It even looked sharp because when it scraped the floor, the pointed tip created sparks when it was ran against the floor.

Solstice sacrifice ten percent of her health to make the blood sword because there is currently no blood splattered onto the surroundings for her to form. She had to make use of her own blood and decrease her health in turn but the blood sword is more powerful due to it containing asmodian blood in it. The vampires are still descendants of the first race which means their blood is more potent than normal blood of random creatures.

"Let me start then. Be sure to keep it nice and bound for me. Blood Swamp." Solstice muttered.

The blood red sword then sunk towards the ground below her and made a swamp full of blood. Emerging from the blood swamp were weapons of the same constitution of the blood red sword. Only this time, all types of melee weapons were emerging from it ranging from spears to even morningstars.

Solstice then picked up a Morningstar first and proceeded to club the frost lich with a demonic smile. Vayu had to cover up her daughter's eyes from the gruesome scene while the others paled and once again saw this tigress' sadistic side.

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