Omega Summoner

Chapter 178 - Yeti

Chapter 178 - Yeti

[Your party has successfully defeated the mini-boss Frost Lich.]

[Your whole party has gained experience points.]

[The undead spawning rate on Mount Nieve has been decreased by 10%.]

[Obtained Frost Wand]

[Obtained Frost Lich Cloak]

The frost lich did not even managed to stand up due to the binding skills that kept it from retalitating. Even though it activated its mana barrier, Solstice just basically bashed it with whatever weapon that the blood swamp spawned. The blood swamp did not dissipate as long as Solstice is standing on top of it.

Each blood weapon conjured by the skill basically has small durability. In just ten hits, the weapon will return into a liquid blood state and rejoin with the blood swamp. She basically has infinite weapons as long she remained standing at the blood swamp.

The skill is very much great but its weakness is very obvious. All you have to do is knock her back so that the blood swamp immediately vanishes. Still, it is a very powerful skill especially if the battlefield is filled with blood because she practically has now a domain that infinitely spawns weapons for her.

All of the party members made a mental note to never be on her bad side. Solstice is better being an ally rather than an enemy. She is even smiling after the mess she made. The frost lich is basically now all bone fragments and no usable parts.

The party rolled for the two items on who gets it as they decided that it is only fair. The dice roll is a way to distribute items using luck. The highest number is 100 while the lowest is 1. Creepysoo managed to get the Frost Lich Cloak which is an epic tier cloak while Soleil got the Frost Wand which is also epic tier.

Levin Cloud even blessed the skeleton of the Frost Lich so that it would never revive again. The next thing they were surprised about is that they practically lessened the spawn rate of undead in the mountain. This gave them a clue that they should be at least ten liches that kept spawning the undead.

The ones observing them might already know that they defeated one lich so the rest must now be prepared. The party ascended the steps as there was no longer anything special in the room. They opened the ice like doors and what greeted them is a stone bridge that shows signs of aging.

The bridge is about a hundred meter long and no visible enemy but that is for normal people that cannot see spectral undead. Creepysoo, Vayu and Soleil all see moving white mists that resemble that of a woman flying in a white ghostly dress.

"There are Frost Wraiths flying all over the bridge. It seems that they will not attack us proactively. We should test it out with a clay soldier." Creepysoo stated as he saw the information on the undead.

Monster: Frost Wraith

Level: 104

HP: 700,000 / 700,000

MP: 800,000 / 800,000

Description: Malevolent spirits borne from those who died due to the harshness of winter. They prowl on unsuspecting travelers and freeze their spirits along with their bodies. Their touch will afflict any living person with frostbite. It is said that if things suddenly freeze without it being cold then a frost wraith is nearby.

Peridot made a clay soldier and made it traverse the bridge. The instant that it stepped foot on the bridge, a nearby frost wraith immediately charged towards it and phased right through the clay soldier's body. A layer of frost could be seen on its chest area and Peridot saw that the clay soldier's durability decreased.

Peridot still controlled the clay soldier to keep going as it was not broken yet but it suddenly walked on an area where a lot of frost wraiths were floating by. The moment the clay soldier entered that area, all the wraiths charged towards it and the clay soldier is not pure white due to frost. The clay soldier crumbled seconds after as it durability plummeted to the utmost.

"What happened?" Levin Cloud asked since he cannot clearly see what happened. All he saw was little by little, the clay soldier started having layers of frost until it became white and crumbled.

"The clay soldier basically entered an area where a lot of frost wraiths were and you just saw the result of the attack." Creepysoo replied.

"How do you think we should proceed with this one?" Levin Cloud asked as he still have yet to get his warding skill.

"The Frost Wraith have a fire element right?" Soleil asked as all eyes turned towards her.

"Yes. Basically, the frost wraiths are now weak to both extreme heat and holy attribute attacks." Levin Cloud then remembered that Soleil is actually a half fire elemental.

"I think I can ward them off enough but I think my fire is not hot enough to keep all of them at bay. I am still a lesser elemental." Soleil replied with a bit of a sad face as she knows her limitations.

"That is okay, Soleil. I can enchant your attack with holy attribute so that it increases its potency and we could safely cross the bridge." Levin Cloud replied with a smile and encouraging tone to brighten up the little girl's somewhat gloomy attitude.

Soleil nodded with a serious looking face and she started to create a mini sun on her palms. She slowly expanded it until it was big enough to fit seven people but they must be huddled together. She also had to concentrate as with just a lack of concentration then the fire sphere enveloping them will dissipate.

Levin Cloud then enchanted the fire sphere with holy attribute magic. They could not run across the bridge because Soleil will lose concentration and it is already hard enough for a little girl to concentrate. They walked in a good pace and in about fifteen minutes or so they could cross the bridge as long no mishaps would happen.

The moment they took their first steps on the bridge, the frost wraith near them charged towards them. It tried to phase through them but it was not able to phase through the barrier. Instead, it released a piercing screech indicating that it felt immense pain doing so.

The screech of one frost wraith seemed to attract more of them and those even faraway started to fly towards the party. Some frost wraiths even tried to attack them from below but the holy flame shield kept them at bay. Some even tried to force their way through using numbers but they were instead damage by the shield.

There is visible decrease in the thickness of the shield though every time the frost wraiths attack the area. Luckily, the frost wraiths seemed to be non-intelligent as they move by instinct and does not realize that attacking the same spot over and over is the weakness of the shield.

By the time they were passed the middle of the bridge, they were surrounded by all the frost wraiths. From an outside perspective, it looks like there is another layer to the flaming sphere. That layer though is actually a bunch of frost wraiths circling them and waiting for a time to strike those living inside.

"It seems that the frost wraiths are unrelenting." Vayu exclaimed as they were almost acroos the bridge and the frost wraiths were still circling the bridge.

"I will attack with use an area heal and we will use the chance that they are stunned to run towards the door." Levin Cloud stated.

"Will the door even stop them?" Kabrakan asked.

"We can just hope." Levin Cloud truth fully answered.

They finally reached the end of the bridge and the door is just ten steps in front of them.

"Little Soleil. In three seconds, you can release the shield and we would sprint to the door okay." Levin Cloud instructed and Soleil only replied with a nod.

"3…2…1…Mass Heal" Levin Cloud shouted.

Soleil broke her concentration and the flame shield dissipated. A blinding light covered the whole group. They were not healed because they are already in full health but the frost wraiths that charged towards them did not like the touch of the light. All the wraiths surrounding them screeched in immense pain before running away.josei

The group sprinted towards the door but it would not budge. The layers of ice made the door unable to be opened. The frost wraiths who recovered from the holy damage suddenly screeched and charged towards the group trying to open the door.

"Regulus" Soleil shouted as her red lion doll became big and life like.

Regulus roared and it released a breath full of flames that instantly vaporized the ice that kept the door from opening. Kabrakan then charged with his full body weight to immediately open the door even though it was still shining red due to the hot flames that Regulus spew out.

They immediately entered and what greeted them was a loud roar followed by clanking chains.

"Yeti!" Everyone exclaimed.

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