Omega Summoner

Chapter 181 - Snow Woman

Chapter 181 - Snow Woman

The chains draining the life force of the yeti was protecting it from the Greater Seal skill that Adrian cast. Mina who saw this could only grumble show her displeasure.

"What happened? Why did you fail!?" Mina grumbled every few seconds because she was not immediately getting what she wanted.

"It's the chains. These chains are a bit more special than I thought. Everyone step back. I will try something." Adrian replied.

"What is so special about those chains?" Mina asked.

"I cannot see its details but those chains are using both curse and undead energy." Creepysoo stated.

Adrian then used up all his nether energy and focused it on his giant gauntlets. Adrian is going to use pure physical force plus the enchantment of nether energy to try and break the chains. The first few seconds nothing was happening. Little by little, the chains are showing signs of breaking.

Although the chains were showing signs, the power that Adrian exerted seems to be not enough so he even used some of his soul essence. The burst of strength surged in Adrian's arms and the chains are now starting to break. The sound of cracking metal is now spreading inside the room and the others were immediately on guard.action

Once the chains break then even the yeti might attack them. They must be ready if the yeti would suddenly charge towards them when it becomes free from its bondage. A loud clang and a sudden shockwave of energy spread out inside the room when Adrian finally broke the chains.

The others members braced themselves for the sudden charge of the yeti. But contrary to what they expected, the yeti looked like it became calm and then it fell to the floor with a large thud. From the looks of it, the yeti fell asleep because of intense exhaustion.

The yeti might have been fighting a much more intense battle than they thought. Adrian though actually received damage from the act that he did. He would have been afflicted with a curse but he resisted it. It seems that whoever imbued the chains must have put the curse and whoever destroys the chain would be afflicted by it.

"Can you seal it now?" Mina asked.

"Yup. But I do not have an empty companion stone so you would have to wait until we are out of this dungeon." Adrian replied.

"I am fine with that." Mina replied as Adrian once again started the skill.

Adrian then once again activated Greater Seal. The soul chains once again bound the yeti but it did not even fight it. The large body of the yeti slowly sunk towards the floor and its body becoming illusory. Its body is now becoming one with the magic circle and it transformed the magic circle.

The magic circle now had an insignia of the yeti in the middle and it now glowed in a pale white light. The magic circle disappeared and then a system notification appeared in front of Adrian.

[Do you want to name the sealed Yeti? Yes or No]

[You have selected No. The soul of the yeti will remain in the soul chamber.]

Adrian did not name the yeti because it would form a link between them and the yeti would become his soulbound. He might not be ready to part with a creature that becomes his soulbound so he did not seal any random creature that he sees. He might be called picky but he is careful and even other summoners from top guilds do this.

"Okay. Now we can proceed to the next room." Mina stated and all of them stared at her with wonder.

They did not know where the tigress gets her motivation from. Nevertheless, the only thing keeping them in this room was the yeti so they head to the next room. The door to the next room was suspicious because there is no physical door but just darkness.

Usually there would be a physical door but all there was is pitch black darkness that their vision could not pierce. Even Adrian's eyes only see total darkness and the sensation was different when they passed through the entrance. It felt like they passed through a thin film or membrane.

The next scene gave them chills because the next room was vastly different from what they expected. The whole room was like the outside as it was actually snowing inside an actual large room. There were even snowmen inside the room so some even got close and patted them.

"Aahhh!" A scream of a young boy suddenly echoed.

"What!? What is wrong?" Solstice suddenly bolted towards the direction of the scream since Vayu is already looking out for his daughter then she must look after the other kid.

The group all hurried towards the location of the scream and they saw Creepysoo visibly shaken. He then pointed to the snowman that had the snow in its face gone. It was actually a real man encased in a frozen block of ice with visible fear written all over his face.

They then checked all of the snowmen and all of them were the same. The only difference is that they were men of different races. The snowmen inside the room were all men that was frozen to death. The party then stuck together much more tightly than before but no enemies were showing up.

They once again saw the entrance to the next room and it was like the previous entrance that they have just went inside. All of them basically ran to the next room as they were really creeped out by the view in their current room. It was like they were inside a horror movie or something and the next target would be them.

Inside the next room was like the previous room but this time there were actual enemies inside. There are two frost liches and a pale woman with bluish white hair that is wearing white kimono. The kimono she was wearing had patterns of a snowflakes and she is seen smiling at the party that entered.

"It seems that we have some lovely visitors. Have you seen my beautiful masterpieces in the room before?" the pale woman asked the group.

"If you are calling those masterpieces then you do not have any taste in art, you hag." Solstice immediately rebutted.

"How dare you tell me I have no taste in art!? Freezing them after they felt euphoria and then extreme terror is the most beautiful thing that I have made. Well, I am prettier of course." The pale woman said as she made outrageous movements like she was waving to an audience of something.

"Did she get hit on the head or something?" Peridot whispered.

"Do not be fooled. That is not a living woman." Adrian stated as he looked at the pale woman with his evil eyes.

Monster: Snow Woman

Level: 108

HP: 1,000,000 / 1,000,000

MP: 1,500,000 /1,500,000

Description: An undead said to be from a woman who died in snowy mountains and rose back from the dead to kill unsuspecting hikers. She would first lure the hikers with her beauty. When they least expect it, she would then show her hideous form and suck the life force out of her victims. The life force she has drain would make her look beautiful façade younger and more beautiful. The victim would then be frozen in ice with horror still preserved in their frozen bodies.

"There are undead that are fixated on looking young and beautiful. Those are usually the crazy ones that take life force from any person so I advise to not associate with those." Creepysoo stated as he started chanting his skill.

"It seems that you managed to kill one of the frost liches but that will not happen again." The snow woman said as she suddenly summoned a blizzard inside the room.

Soleil immediately used a flame shield so that the upcoming blizzard does not cover them. The snow is immediately melted by the flame shield while the others immediately started discussing a plan once the initial attack of the snow woman disappears.

It took about thirty seconds before the intensity of the blizzard subsides but snow would still rage every second or so. The vision of the group became blurry because of what the snow woman did. They also saw that the snow woman is no longer located on the area she was standing on. Even the two frost liches near her disappeared.

They immediately formed two circles. Soleil, Creepysoo, Levin Cloud and Peridot in the inner circle since they could be easily killed if they get focused on. Vayu, Kabrakan, Solstice and Equinox on the outer as the vanguard. Sirius was already hiding inside Adrian's shadow.

Kanlaon is in human form beside Adrian while Adrian will summon Saena when he sees the enemy. Saena was not good in very cold climates. She could barely heal anyone because she was shaking due to the freezing temperature so she had to sit this one out.

Suddenly, numerous ice spikes is shot towards the group from three different directions. The vanguards easily blocked the ice spikes but then they heard a giggle. The giggle reverberated all over the room so there was no obvious location to trace where it came from.

Levin Cloud then saw that a shadow is suddenly forming from below them and it was actually expanding. He looked up and saw a giant iceberg coming down towards their location.

"Everyone scatter!"

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