Omega Summoner

Chapter 182 - Snow Illusion Array

Chapter 182 - Snow Illusion Array

Everyone was alarmed with Levin Cloud suddenly shouting. Instead of finding the cause of his panic, they did what he tasked and scattered. This just goes to show that all have gained a level of trust that they will follow through immediate instructions.

A loud crash was then heard and with the ground shaking. When they all looked back, they saw a huge iceberg located in their previous standing place. If they were not warned then they might have been squished flat and die due to suffocation.

The most terrifying thing was that the iceberg fell but it was silent as it was muffled by the sound of the cold whistling wind. Thankfully, Levin Cloud managed to observe that a shadow was forming and spot the iceberg in time. It is true on what they say that it is always the most observant who lives in horror movies.

"Che! Where did that hag hide?!" Solstice suddenly shouted.

"Even I cannot sense their undead energy. As if they became the environment themselves or are in a separate dimension and attacking us." Creepysoo stated and looked towards Adrian hoping that he can verify his claim.

"It is not spatial magic. It is as if they are everywhere at the same time." Adrian stated as he activated his evil eye and saw that their energy signatures was all over the place.

Adrian thought that this should be impossible. No one should be able to attack if they dispersed themselves in the surroundings like when vampires turn into blood mists. It would be seriously over the top broken if they could do that as they could kill anyone while being invincible.

Adrian focused more and saw some glyphs and runic lines on the floor itself. The snow was covering most of it so he did not notice it immediately. He read some of the runes that were small in scale because some of the runes run far throughout the room.

The runes consisted of more than ten enchantments so it would mean that this was not done immediately. This formation was laid and perfected in a long time. Even Adrian is not confident enough to break it as he is not that proficient as it looks like a master scribe made this one.

"It seems we are trapped inside an array or formation. It is some kind of illusion that masks their energies. It somehow makes the surroundings have the same energy signature as them." Adrian stated as he remained in high alert.

"Do you have an idea on how to break the array then? Any idea would be good right about now. I sick and tired of this freezing place." Peridot grumbled as she does not like the cold since she rarely goes outside the country and is not used to the freezing weather.

"There are only two ways to break an enchantment using runes. The first way is to somehow rewrite part of the array. This way is more time consuming and if we are not in an immediate threat then I would use this one." Adrian stated.

"What is the other one?" Vayu asked as he was curious.

"The second way would be to use brute force in order basically shatter the array." Adrian replied.

"Any idea on how we can do the second option?" Kabrakan asked as he is the one taking the brunt of the damage from the ice spears getting fired at them continuously.

"Easy. We just melt the snow in this room. They cannot hide using the power of the array if there is no snow. They are using the snow as a cover so erase the cover then they would be revealed." Adrian stated.

"Got it! I will use my wide area skill then. I need to cast for a minute so please protect me." Soleil said as she began chanting and she was now glowing red.

"Kanlaon start firing your breath randomly around us so that we can at least pinpoint their immediate location. Sirius, hide in a shadow with a bit of distance from us so that you can attack the enemies when they show up." Adrian ordered via their soul link.josei

Kanlaon then transformed into his dragon form and spewed his breath around them. Sirius used the shadow created by the breath attack to move towards a location a bit far from them. Adrian would cast Chrono Lag on some ice spears that are too fast for the others to react so that they would not be caught unaware.

Adrian's increased senses at level 100 is so useful that he can even see minute details if he adds his evil eye. About thirty seconds of the chant, another shadow once again formed above them and all of them noticed it because they are now more conscious of their surroundings. They cannot move right now as Soleil is chanting.

"I wonder?" Adrian murmured and the cast his skill Quantum Repulsion.

The iceberg manage to tilt a little but it would still hit Kabarakan that is standing at that location. Adrian then cast Quantum Cascade and set the iceberg as the only target. A while later the iceberg is pulled and it landed two meters away from the group. Now, they have an impromptu shield in that area as ice spears would take time to destroy that giant iceberg.

Kabrakan now has lesser area to guard thanks to the temporary iceberg shield. The group then suddenly felt that their surroundings becoming warmer. The red lion stuffed toy now had a small red round sphere of intense flame. Soleil then raised her stuffed toy up in the air and the small red flame sphere was shot upwards.

The small flaming sphere suddenly started to increase in size bit by bit as it rose up in the sky. It stopped becoming bigger when the small sphere became a miniature sun that is five meters in diameter. The heat basically melted the snow bit by bit and the group could notice it as water started forming inside the room.

Not only did it melt the snow, the ice spears that are fired at them also started to melt before it reached their location. A scream filled with disgust is then heard by everyone.

"Ahh! Why did it suddenly become hot?! The heat is unbearably disgusting. What happened to the Snow Illusion Array!" The snow woman stated in an irritated tone which made her location known.

"Found you!" Both Solstice and Adrian said as they charged towards the snow woman.

The rest were the last to notice but they agreed to split up and defeat one frost lich each. Kabrakan, Peridot and Levin Cloud on one team. Creepysoo, Soleil and Vayu on the other. The first team might have a tank but the second team has an elemental advantage.

"Sirius use Phantom Rush." Adrian commanded while he summoned his sword Psyche Armament.

The two siblings charged towards the snow woman but Adrian is faster than Solstice. It also helped that he used Chrono Shift towards himself. The snow woman contorted her face because the two individuals charging at her was likely underestimating her.

The snow woman immediately made huge ice spears as she backed away. She was basically an ice spear machine gun. Sadly for her, she was caught off guard by Sirius who suddenly emerged from the shadows and struck her using Phantom Rush.

The snow woman is struck five times by Sirius and she no longer fired off ice spears because she cannot keep her concentration. Sirius was about to land his sixth hit but the snow woman crumbled. Sirius actually hit snow that was shaped as the snow woman. The snow woman reappeared five meters away from her previous location and left the attack radius of Phantom Rush.

The two siblings saw what the snow woman did and agreed that this mini-boss is no pushover.

Shifting to the two teams who went and charged to their respective frost liches…

The group of Levin Cloud is fighting a frost lich that summoned frozen corpses while Creepysoo's group is fighting the one that summoned ice golems. The frost lich that Creepysoo's group is battling only using summoned ice golems because Creepysoo could basically disable low tier undead easily. It would take at least a death knight for it to put up a decent fight against Creepysoo.

Soleil also deals tons of damage to the frozen corpses and Vayu finishes them off after. Their group is basically a sweeping specialist. The frost lich battling them had to resort to using ice elemental spells and ice golems to tank the fire elemental spells that Soleil uses.

Levin Cloud's group is basically facing a battle of attrition because the only one who has burst damage on their group is Peridot. Levin Cloud is acting as a secondary damage dealer while Peridot is chanting her spell. Peridot might deal high burst damage but her cast times are longer in order to bring out the potential of the gem she uses as a catalyst.

"I really wanted to test my new skill out so what better time than now?" Adrian stated.

"Soul Recall!"

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