Omega Summoner

Chapter 1814 Sacrifice of a Goddess

Chapter 1814 Sacrifice of a Goddess

Chapter 1814 Sacrifice of a Goddess

[The Goddess Nemesis has been sealed for a set period of time.]

[Any blessing that the Goddess Nemesis has given will be half as effective.]

[The Gods of Law and Judgement are entering a state of hibernation and will be limited.]

[Law and order in the world will decrease due to the Gods of Law and Order being weakened.]

Adrian and the others saw the Goddess Nemesis vanish with a smile as she did everything for the sake of the world without anything in return. The players saw the valiant sacrifice of the Goddess Nemesis and prayed that she may return early. The other Gods of Law and Judgment also sacrificed part of their divine power as well since it takes a lot of energy to seal a High God as powerful as the Goddess of Light Luminaria.

Adrian looked at the empty place that where the Silver City used to be. As if giving everyone a warning that the seal is not permanent, a crack suddenly appeared in that specific area. The crack was seeping light as if the Goddess of Light Luminaria was forcefully breaking the seal with her own powers.

"We have two weeks to prepare. A battle with a High God is not easy even for the Daemos since just battling her might create numerous rifts in the world. The world is not yet able to handle the power of a High God as it was only recently that Greater Gods can descend without worry." Adrian stated as he teleported away along with the other Daemos and dragons.

It is not just Adrian that has started his preparation as all the players are preparing as well. Even if the Goddess of Light Luminaria is part of the gods that reside in Pandemonium, it does not mean that she will be pardoned for her nature to look at mortals with disgust. Numerous champions of the gods also prepared as killing a High God will reward those that have great contribution with divinity.

It is not just the ordinary players that wish to kill the Goddess of Light Luminaria as even the Followers of the Dark Gods want to kill her as well. The gods of Pandemonium, the Dark Gods, and Distorted Gods want to have the Goddess of Light Luminaria killed as their followers could then present them with her divinity. The wounded dark gods and distorted gods could recover should the divinity of the Goddess of Light Luminaria be harvested.


While the world conspires and trains for the next two weeks, Adrian appeared in a temple located at the center part of the central continent. In this temple, most of the priests were blind or have a sight disability but that does not make them weak. The Temple of Nemesis is where the priests of the Goddess Nemesis reside.

One might say that the priests of the Goddess Nemesis were the weakest but that is not true as even priests from the war gods fear them. The Priests of the Goddess Nemesis were the most relentless beings to every be created. A harsh trial is needed to be endured in order to become a priest at the temple of the Goddess Nemesis. The rules are even strictly followed to the very minute detail which makes it exponentially harder.Discover, Devour, Delight: N♡vεlB¡n.

"You have come, Champion Equinox." A female wearing a silk eye band stated as if she was expecting Adrian.

"I have come to deliver the holy relic of the Goddess Nemesis, High Priestess Galatea. About the goddess…" Adrian stated as it was only right for him to return the holy relic of the goddess personally as he was moved by her great sacrifice.

In the world of Pandemonium, the divine gods are real but that does not mean that all of them cares what happens to the world. Each of the gods have respective elements or status that they care more about which is why they are fragmented like this. The oldest Gods, the Twin Gods, are also giving the gods a hands-off approach as they are more worried about the foreign gods that attack.

This is also the reason why Adrian is not restricted by the Twin Gods when it comes to his movements. Still, the gods of Pandemonium will band together if the world really does come to an end. It is also the reason why the gods of Pandemonium have decided that the sealing of the Goddess of Light Luminaria is of the utmost importance.

"You have no need to explain, Champion Equinox. The Goddess Nemesis have already given us the information before she was put to a deep sleep. We must prepare well to defend our church, but we will send fighters when the seal of the Goddess of Light Luminaria comes undone. We shall fight for the goddess even though she cannot hear us right now as she went to a deep sleep." The High Priestess Galatea stated.

Adrian wanted to say that the Priests of Nemesis did not need to join the battle but that would make him look like he is underestimating them. Adrian could only thank the High Priestess Galatea that they would be sending troops to subjugate the Goddess of Light Luminaria. The High Priestess Galatea might not be showing it, but she is incredibly distressed, but she trusts her goddess more than her sadness.

"Thank you for the support but make sure to be cautious. A god that has undergone deep sleep cannot answer prayers or give out miracles." Adrian stated as he gave a bow and vanished.


Adrian returned to Avalon and saw the others return after him which puzzled him. He thought that they would be in Avalon first but learned that they were late as they were cleaning up previous battlefields. It seems that Koronn sent them to different locations to quell the heated battles that remained. They also went to the area where the Silver City was but was too late as the Goddess of Light Luminaria has been sealed.

"I seem to have forgotten something?!" Adrian muttered but Levin Cloud managed to jog his memory.

"How are we going to save Ark when he is at a divine realm of a god?" Levin Cloud stated to Adrian as soon as they met.

"I do not know because trespassing into a divine realm is not easy and is only reserved to the devoted followers of that god." Adrian stated.

"So, are we just letting Ark be trapped there for 2 weeks? I contacted him and he was able to send messages, but they are mostly heavily distorted. I did manage to transcribe that he was fine, but he is still trapped inside the cage." Levin Cloud asked.

"Only gods can reply to that answer which is why you need to go to the underworld." Adrian stated.

"Why am I the one going?" Levin Cloud asked as he was puzzled as he thought that Adrian will volunteer himself.

"I need to go to the eastern continent. I need to be stronger in the upcoming fight as the most powerful gods that can help us are Greater Gods." Adrian stated as he looked at the branding on his left hand.

"It seems that the two weeks that we are given would be incredibly hectic. I shall deal with the matters of saving Ark and also informing the Fallen which they might not take kindly, but they must know." Levin Cloud stated.

"Also, make sure that the guild will be prepared as well. We might need to cast some forbidden magic just to win. We must also not forget the fact that the Goddess of Light Luminaria might create more angels while being sealed. It was not her powers that were sealed but her entire body which might no longer be bound by the chains." Adrian stated.

"Got it. You already gave some instructions on the next courses of action. It seems that we need to find ways to kill gods which might be blasphemy if the fate of the world was not hanging on the balance." Levin Cloud chuckled as he was an Envoy of the Twin Gods while Adrian was their champion.


Ark was still in the divine realm known as Heaven. It is the divine realm of all the gods of light, but it was currently empty. The Divine Realm of Heaven was just like what was described as a place where darkness could not even be seen as light always pierced the clouds to illuminate everything inside of it. The gods of light that escaped did not even dare to return to Heaven as they feared that the Goddess of Light Luminaria has prepared ways to capture them again.

"It is a beautiful place but seeing it empty just makes it sad." Ark stated as he was the only one there, but he suddenly heard a voice.

"Psst!" A voice of a child could suddenly be heard and trying to take his attention, but he was shocked to see where it came from.

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