Omega Summoner

Chapter 1815 Hint Of Twilight I

Chapter 1815 Hint Of Twilight I

Ark did not know where the voice came from at first, but his body suddenly gravitated towards it. The voice actually came from a small angel boy that looked like a baby. He thought that this small angel boy would actually try to torture him, but it was looking at him curiously.

The angel baby boy looked at Ark curiously and he was able to see what the little being looked like. The angel baby boy had platinum gold hair and a small pair of wings that carried its chubby weight. It was also quite cute as its beady blue eyes looked at you with such great curiosity.

"What are you doing here? Get out and hide before they think that you are trying to help me." Ark stated as he wanted the angel baby boy to get away.

Ark knew that the Goddess of Light Luminaria will not take kindly to even beings that she created if she learned of this. The angel baby boy then smiled as if he was amused by what Ark said and understood it. Ark suddenly had shivers on his spine as he suddenly thought that there should not be an angel of this height and size.

The angel baby boy was half a meter big as if it was only five years old. The age limit for the game was ten years old in order to play with a guardian. Not only did the angel baby boy not have a guardian but it was also in Heaven. Ark knew that this being in front of him is not a player but an NPC.

"Who are you? The Goddess of Light Luminaria will not create an angel that is a baby since she thinks children are repulsive. It is also the reason why all the angels that she created were adult looking since the form also reflects the respect that they deserve. Are you one of the Fallen that managed to hide in Heaven?" Ark stated as he knew that a small angel will not be possible.

Ark thought that the angel baby boy was a Fallen that has eluded the eyes of the Goddess of Light Luminaria. The Fallen are the only ones that can have the power of light yet have a vastly different form compared to the angels. Ark thought this might be one of the Fallen that was created and hid in Heaven since even the Goddess of Light Luminaria cannot control her very first creations.

"Fallen? Is that what they call my brothers and sisters?" The angel baby boy stated with a voice of a five-year-old kid, but Ark felt the power in that voice as if it was older than the divine realm of Heaven itself.

"Who are you? If you are not a fallen, then what are you?" Ark asked.

"Who am I? Do you not know that? You have my blood in your veins, and you cannot even recognize your own ancestor?" the angel baby boy stated.

"Ancestor? By the looks of things, it would be more likely for me to be your ancestor. You are a small kid." Ark stated which made the angel baby boy do a face palm on himself.

"To think that the ancestor that I got was not the brightest but at the very least you must be strong since you managed to get to Heaven." The angel baby boy stated.

"About that…" Ark stated as he suddenly told what happened to him.josei

"What! You were trapped here as a sacrificial pawn to replace the Goddess of Light Luminaria in the mortal realm! How can my descendant be this weak? The perfect bloodlines were made to create you! My beautiful wife must be turning over her grave to know that the child we were supposed to have incarnated to become a bit light on the head." The angel baby boy stated.

"Hey! I know that I am not that bright compared to Basil or as cunning as Pana, but I know my way around the world. It was just difficult to defeat greater gods when I am not yet that powerful. Also, who are you?! You have been calling yourself my ancestor, but I do not even know who you are?" Ark protested.lights

"Silly brat! You do not even know who I am?! I am the Angel Samael! The blessed winged one that was favored by the Asmodians and have their blood running through me!" The angel baby boy stated.

"Angel Samael? You have died though. Does this mean that Heaven is also one of the death realms? The guild master did not say anything about that though as angels are not really welcomed in the death realms since they have cheated death too many times." Ark stated which suddenly made the face of the angel baby boy heavy.

"What do you mean that angels cannot die and are revived? That should not be possible as the Law of Causality will be broken and would have angered the Gods of Death. Do not tell me! They used the Huur that I caught for them to create such a perverted spell! Does the Goddess of Light Luminaria not care about the angels?" The angel baby boy stated.

"They can finally die now though since the guild master has freed that bird that you are talking about. Although, he said that they will not treated kindly in the underworld because they have broken the taboo even if it was under the order of the Goddess of Light Luminaria." Ark stated which made the Angel Samael even more gloomy.

"What have I done to my brothers and sisters? I only wanted my own freedom from the control of the Goddess of Light Luminaria but to think that they were the ones to take the brunt of the payment." The angel baby boy stated.

"If you are really Samael then why do you feel pity for them? They have betrayed you, have they not? You do not owe them anything since they also killed all the Nephilim that were born from the angels that followed you. Also, how are you here if you are already dead?" Ark stated in a logical manner.

"You do not understand the sacrifices I made in order to attain freedom for me and also the angels that became devils. I caught the Huur in exchange for my freedom, but I also sacrificed one of my Halos for the freedom of the devils." The baby Samael stated.

It was only then did he noticed that the angel baby boy had no halo. All angels regardless of power should have a halo even if they only had a pair of wings. The halo of an angel is also the status of their power and having no halo means that you are not treated as an angel. The devils sacrificed their halos in order to get rid of the influence that the Goddess of Light Luminaria had on them.

"I am not really alive per se. I am but a remnant of my past that was woken up by your bloodline when you arrived here in Heaven." The baby Samael stated which suddenly made Ark perk up as he managed to put the dots together since he could feel the baby Samael is indeed connected deeply to Heaven itself.

"You… you are Heaven itself. Your Halo was used to create this divine realm." Ark stated as he did learn about divine realms from the guild master as it was important knowledge.

"It seems that you are not that dumb. Your thinking is correct. My halo was used to create this divine realm which is why I am the true owner of this divine realm but that is no longer of use since my true body has already died." The baby Samael stated.

Ark did find it a bit ridiculous that there were no Gods of Light in the divine realm. Adrian told them that divine realms are like houses that do not have doors. Gods would need to be attentive in their divine realms as it could be invaded by other gods should they find such a door. It is also the reason why only a few gods have descended to the mortal realm as those that have will not care what happens to their divine realm.

"If a divine realm is empty then the gods that own them cannot go back if it is encroached by other gods. They will truly die if they are killed in the mortal realm since their divine soul will have no place to go back to. Still, that does not answer the question on why you are still here? Even if you are a halo, you should not have conscience." Ark stated.

"You are correct. It seems that you are not a lost cause. You activated me as I was in a long sleep, but you are now here even if the circumstances are not ideal. It is time for you to know about the God of Twilight. They were the one that provided me a chance to become the most powerful angel of all." The baby Samael stated.

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