Omega Summoner

Chapter 198 - Is The Seller Serious?

Chapter 198 - Is The Seller Serious?

A legendary skill is something not anyone could pick up. Only a handful of players could get one as even NPCs that are rated legendary could use or teach a player a skill like that. Even if it is an epic skill now, just the assurance that the skill book can evolve into a legendary one would increase its price astronomically.

The first thing that popped in the heads of those that are in the auction is "who would sell a potential legendary skill?". Nevertheless, why would they care as the only thing important now is they people in this room had a chance to get a legendary skill. They eagerly waited for the conditions for the trade.

"The seller of the skill book would like to exchange a legendary weapon for the epic skill book. We will show you the details of the book that a highest rank appraiser of the merchant guild personally inspected." Mei stated as she gestured at the monitor.

Item: Abyss Dragon Breath (Degraded) Skillbook

Tier: Epic (Upgradeable into a Legendary Skill upon mastery)

Conditions: Magic Job Class

Effect: Fires a concentrated beam of cold energy in a straight line of damaging enemies for 500% of magic damage. Induces frostbite for mage classes specialized in ice magic.

Mana Cost: 1500 MP

Cast Time: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 2 hours

Even Adrian only found out that the skill could evolve into a legendary skill when he inspected it using his Evil Eye. Even after knowing this fact, he still wanted to trade the item. He needed legendary items in order to upgrade his weapon.

"The seller also pointed out that he would even accept broken weapons as long it is still legendary rated." Mei announced.

At first, no one actually wanted to speak because who in the right mind would give up a legendary weapon. Another fact is that who even has a legendary weapon that you would be willing to give away. The reason Adrian added the condition of even if it is broken is that he could ask the demigod blacksmith to fix it after finding one.

The quests given by the NPCs will not lead them to a dead end because there should be a demigod blacksmith that could fix even a broken legendary weapon and they just need to find the person. Adrian's rationale is that a legendary skill is much more useful than a legendary weapon that has lost its durability.

The NPC blacksmiths in-game could only fix weapons that are of their caliber or rating. This is the reason why top players who managed to get a legendary weapon would have another weapon for mobs. Seeing as they could afford lots of gold means that some players here have encountered a legendary weapon at least once.

"Is there no one willing to trade?" Mei asked and scanned the crowd if anyone would bid.

Adrian became disappointed as no one answered. When he is about to tell the attendant to change the bidding to gold, a voice is suddenly heard. This bid ignited the bid war for the skill book.

"One broken legendary weapon for the skill book." A voice from VIP Room 2 stated.

"Two broken legendary weapons for the skill book." A voice from VIP Room 8 stated.

Silence descended when they heard the bids. Even the crowd is shocked as nobody thought anyone would actually agree to the bid. The reason the VIPs are fighting to get this skill book is that a legendary skill is a game changer. Legendary skills are vastly different from epic skills like Adrian's Vortex skill.

When the videos of the fort defenses are released, certain videos got more views than others. One of them would be the defense of Hou Yiwei and Alabaster fort's defense. The two videos caught the attention of the big guilds video because they saw legendary skills being used.

Hou Yiwei used a skill that brought down a sun to smash the undead in a wide area. In the Alabaster Fort defense, they saw two swirls of energy that sucked all the undead inside it. The top guilds could only be amazed and envious at the same time. They longed for a way to get a legendary skill no matter what.

 "Three broken legendary weapon for the skill book." A voice from VIP Room 9 stated.

Those below actually be came numb as they did not expect people to bet that much for a skill book because some have yet to see the effect of a legendary skill. Ignorance could really kill someone. The fact that top guild are willing to throw broken legendary weapons should mean something.

"Four broken legendary weapons for the skill book." A voice from VIP Room 6 stated.

"Five broken legendary weapons for the skill book." A voice from VIP Room 5 stated.

After the last bid, no one could increase the bid anymore and no voice could be heard for a whole minute. The silence became no more as Mei begun the countdown for the current bet. It seems that no one is bidding anymore as no one is raising the price.

"Five broken legendary weapons from VIP Room 5….Going once….Going Twice….Sold to VIP room 5. Congratulations!" Mei announced and the auction finally ended.josei

The auction ended and it became the buzz of every news outlet to gaming. Adrian got his money increased by more than he imagined. He even considered just spending all his time making talismans but he shivered at the thought of undergoing continuous explosions.

"Here are your items that you have bid for Master Equinox." The attendant of the merchant guild stated as he gave the items to Adrian.

"We really profited this time Brother Equinox!" Piggy Bank stated with a hearty laugh to which the Evergreen ladies raised their brow.

"If not for this guy's great business sense then I would have hated him by now." Mariposa thought but not voiced out.

"I should be the one to say thank you. If not for you then I might have just sold them at a lower price." Adrian replied.

"Just contact me again once you get something good. We are friends after all." Piggy Bank stated as he shook Adrian's hand and left as he needed to count his earnings for this day.

"Do you have anything to do Equinox?" Anastacia asked as she wanted to gain the boy's favor.

"I am currently doing a quest to save a tree so I have to finish that because there is a time limit." Adrian replied with a vague answer.

"A tree? You surely do odd quests. Is that how you get so strong?" Mariposa teased.

"Well, an old woman basically forced the quest onto me so I had no choice." Adrian stated and a dryad somewhere sneezed.

"If you want, you can join us in one of our raids again. I am sure that you have trouble leveling up." Cersei inquired as she knows that summoners take vastly longer time to even reach another level.

"I am good but if you need more talismans then you can contact me but the next set will be for sale though. I will see you guys again if you need me." Adrian stated as he bowed and left.

"I wanted to recruit him then and there but now would not be the right time. I got tongue tied though." Cersei stated after Adrian closed the door.


"Now that I am at the imperial capital then I might as well visit the mage tower and buy skill books for Kanlaon and Saena." Adrian murmured to himself as he is now in front of a giant spire.

The mage tower is different from the other buildings and it is actually located at the edge of the noble's district. The mage tower is actually being managed by the Royal Wizard of the palace. Each floor of the tower has different access levels but the first floor is where you can buy spell books. Adrian entered the mage tower with enthusiasm as even he is excited of the prospect of new skills.

At the top of the mage tower, a certain old man is currently meditating but he is suddenly awoken by what he sensed. He felt the presence of what he felt as something familiar as he himself has almost the same kind of aura. He is the head of the mage tower and is the current royal wizard.

He had a robe that is colored royal purple with gold and silver linings. You could see that everything he is wearing is carefully made by the finest craftsman. He had gray hair and a long gray beard. On his head is the signature wizard hat that everyone knows and it is colored the same royal purple as his robes.

"Interesting. A demon actually managed to come inside the tower without any malicious intent. Maybe he could fulfill the wishes of our kind." The old man stated as he disappeared from the room that he is in.

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