Omega Summoner

Chapter 199 - Another Peculiar Old Man

Chapter 199 - Another Peculiar Old Man

Adrian is looking at the spell book descriptions in the bulletin board when someone suddenly tapped on his shoulder. Adrian turned around and saw an old man in robes that mages in the tower wore. Adrian wondered why this old man suddenly tapped him by the shoulders.

"Do you need something from me Sir?" Adrian asked.

The old man did not answer Adrian's questions but instead stared at him intently. Adrian felt creeped out by the old man's staring because it was if the old man is seeing him naked. The odd reason though is that Adrian felt some sort of familiarity from the old man's aura.

"Can I help you with anything Sir?" Adrian asked once more but this time he used his evil eye to discern the old man's name.

NPC: Emrys

Adrian used his evil eye but all he got was a name which is very weird to him. He wondered why that is the reason but all he could think about is that this old man is special. The old man in front of him could not be someone weak as Adrian's evil eye could not discern all of his information.

"You might be a bit weak currently but that might be the only way out of our current predicament." Emrys started muttering to himself.

"Uhm? If you do not need anything Sir then I will be on my way." Adrian stated but the old man grasped his shoulders.

Unexpectedly the old man's grasp is firm and unyielding that even with Adrian's strength, he could not budge an inch. Try as he might but he is not able to get away from the old man.

"Seriously what does this old man eat anyway? How come he is stronger than me despite his frail looking body?" Adrian thought as he kept trying to walk away from the old man.

"Follow me." Emrys stated as he dragged Adrian's hand and they entered a door.

"Should I shout for help? I feel like we are invisible or something. This old man is covered in magic and he also covered me with it when he held my hand. I should at least try." Adrian thought.

"Help! I am being dragged against my will!" Adrian shouted but no one could hear him. His suspicion is suddenly proven when no one actually even turned towards them.

"You should keep quiet while I am still being patient, young demon." Emrys stated which made Adrian shocked to his core.


"We need to find the person responsible of making those talismans." A voice of a man that resembles that of the person in VIP Room 1 stated.

"The only lead we have would be to ask the merchant guild but even their lips are tightly sealed. They would protect all the craftsman that are registered to them. Even if we try to bribe them, it would not work as that scribe's identity will be heavily guarded." A voice next to him stated.

"We are not the only one curious on who is that scribe. Everyone in Pandemonium is curious on what his identity is. We just need to be the first one to recruit him not the first to find him." The voice of the man in VIP Room 1 stated.


When Adrian and Emrys passed through the door, they did not reach the next room but instead vanished. Adrian felt the same sensation when he used his new skill Teleportation. Adrian finally felt why the old man seems familiar and that is he had the same aura as that of a Daemos.

The two of them arrived in a room full of books and drawings of magic circles. Emrys finally let go of Adrian as they arrived at their destination. Adrian though is still suspicious of the old man as who in the right mind would drag someone unwillingly.

"Where did you drag me to, old man? Do you not know it is illegal to detain a minor?" Adrian suddenly blurted.

"You cannot fool my eyes brat! I know you are a demon. I can see through your disguise very clearly." Emrys stated.

"I am human, old man. Have your eyes gone blind or have gone senile?" Adrian replied.

Emrys' brows were raised and he suddenly chanted something. He then threw something invisible towards Adrian. Something like a blast of air hit Adrian and with that his Glamour was also blown away. His full demon visage is now for everyone to see but thankfully there are only two of them inside the room.

"Anything else to say?" Emrys inquired.

"You are not a pure human are you?" Adrian stated which made Emrys raise a brow.

"Oh? What makes you say that?" Emrys inquired.

"A normal human would not react like you upon knowing that a demon is in front of you. You also smell different from other humans. You smell like a demon but not completely." Adrian replied.

"Hoh! It seems that I lucked out this time. You are right as I am not completely human." Emrys stated.

"Then I would like to know how someone not entirely human became the royal sorcerer for the empire." Adrian suddenly stated as he remembered who Emrys was.

"I thought his name sounded familiar but I did not think I would meet him in my visit to the mage tower. Emrys, the royal sorcerer of the empire, a wizard that is said to have complete mastery of the elements and is even said to be able to cast arcane magic." Adrian thought as he remembered all the details about the old man in front of him.

"Of course, I can tell you that but I doubt you would like to hear the rattling of an old man about his past glory. Rather, do you not want to know why I dragged you all the way to the top of the mage tower?" Emrys stated.

"You are probably going to ask something of me that will be a major pain the head. I am already busy enough as it is so do not add something on my plate. The normal reaction would be to immediately kill me because demons are well verse in space magic so escaping is rather easy. The fact that I am still alive means you want to ask something of me because you might get find out by the empire or something if you make a move yourself." Adrian stated which made Emrys dumbfounded.

"Well, you are no fun. I wanted to be mysterious for once or something." Emrys replied and the old man became sulky.

"So what is it that you want Royal Sorcerer Emrys?" Adrian asked as he knows this might ultimately lead to a quest.

"I am not asking you as the royal sorcerer but I am asking you this as the half demon Emrys. Can you accept our kind and shelter us?" Emrys stated with a firm determination that even Adrian felt the old man's dignity.

"We ourselves are having a difficult time protecting ourselves because the whole world is basically hunting us. How can we help you half demons if we cannot help ourselves?" Adrian replied as he knows that half demons would not be able to survive in the Paradox Planes.

"Are you not curious why the demons are being persecuted by every church even the church of life?" Emrys stated which made Adrian immediately interested.

Even the elders of the Daemos only told him that the churches suddenly started persecuting the demons. They could only speculate the reason why such things happen but could not investigate any further. Glamour cannot always keep you in hiding just like what happened to Adrian as Emrys easily saw through his illusion.

"Apparently, some kind of shapeshifters managed to infiltrate the royal families of each kingdom and even high positions in the church. I managed to find one by accident when I made my rounds of the royals of the empire." Emrys stated then something clicked in Adrian's mind.

"When the one you found shed their disguise, what do they look like?" Adrian immediately asked.

"If you want more information from me then you would have to agree to my demands. Do we have a deal?" Emrys stated but Adrian could not easily agree to the demand.

"I would need to consult with my elders before agreeing to any of your demands. I am not someone who could shoulder the responsibility of an entire race just like that." Adrian stated as he knew that making this decision is not easy.

"I will await your decision then. We are not in a hurry but a faster decision would be much appreciated." Emrys stated.

Adrian then activated his Teleportation skill in order to go towards a fracture. He stepped inside a fracture but he suddenly remembered something important that flew by his head. He actually forgot the one of the reasons he actually went to the mage tower is to get spell books.

"Ahh! I did not even get a chance to buy one spell book!" Adrian suddenly shouted as he entered the spatial fracture.

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