Omega Summoner

Chapter 215 - Conclusion Of The Fight

Chapter 215 - Conclusion Of The Fight

A loud explosion is heard in the towns that are near Wayward Mountains. A mushroom cloud can be seen from afar that made the citizens wary. The citizens living in those nearby towns have immediately went into evacuation mode because they thought that the mountain has become an active volcano.

Numerous hidden powers felt the clash of two foreign energies. Those hidden powers once again went to the source of the foreign energies. The neighboring towns sent scouts in order to see what is happening in the Wayward Mountains. Some town mayors even sent emergency mission for players to investigate what happened.

Numerous players have heard what happened in the Wayward Mountains. The more curious one immediately set off to find out what is transpiring their while some just waited for PademoNews to feature it. Some thought that an event might happen so they tried their luck and headed to the mountain.


Dust filled the area where the clash between Adrian and Eldritch. A giant crater is formed and if one saw what is inside then they would be shocked. A demon wolf, a dragon, a white bird and a cute undead could be seen lying down and becoming particles of light.

At the very center of the crater, two individuals could be seen and both are heavily wounded. One of them is even holding one's head by the hair. The one pulling someone's hair is Eldritch and he already assumed his humanoid form.

Adrian's Glamour worn off because he only had 2% of his health left and no more mana. Eldritch did not fair any well because he only had 5% of his health left but he still had mana because Adrian's skill did not erase mana but Eldritch' Void Eater would eat the mana of anyone hit which empowered the skill more.

"You put off a good fight bug. Who knew you were actually a demon. I guess that means the demons have weakened because you are weak. I should end your misery because some fossils are coming this way." Eldritch stated as he weakly recited a spell.

Eldritch did not wait for Adrian's reply because the latter is still in the stunned state mixed with the confusion status effect. A magic circle is created below Adrian and a burst of dark cosmic light hit him. Adrian finally became particles of light.

Eldritch did not linger in the area any longer because he does not want to be captured by the old fossils coming his way. The undead that he took captive has also escaped which pissed him off greatly. He now had to think of another way to find the undead king or he needs to find another lead that knows the location of the sealed lich king.

Eldritch used his remaining mana to conjure up a tear in space. The tear is space is like an anomaly because tentacles made of pitch black tar could be seen tearing up the space itself. Eldritch stepped inside the tear in space that he made and disappeared from the location.


[Do you wish to revive now? Yes or No]

Adrian selected yes and he reappeared at the area Eldritch killed him. He also noticed some large energy bearers coming towards his location. Adrian could clearly sense this people because they did not bother to even hide their energy levels. Adrian also became sensitive to great energies because he is a Daemos and he is always interacting with beings with high energy levels.action

"I guess our battle is too eye catching that this powerful NPCs are heading this way. I should escape from here. Still that guy is too powerful that he even killed all of my soulbounds by himself. He is basically an army himself. I hope I do not encounter him again anytime soon." Adrian muttered as he ripped a teleportation scroll so that he could return to the Paradox Planes.

Adrian vanished into a speck of light just in time because if not then he would have been hit by an arrow fired at him hundreds of kilometers away. Numerous figures then landed on the crater that Adrian and Eldritch made. Different types of people could be seen and even some races that are treated as monsters appeared there.

"It seems we are late. It seems the Green Sniper is a bit too late to launch her arrow or else we could have a hostage by now." A female voice of a dark elf stated while looking at the wood elf a few meters away from her.

"You did not even made it yourself Shadow Dagger despite being the fastest out of all of us." An old dragonkin man teased back.

"You should be careful, old man. You do not know who might slit your throat. Nevertheless with Green Sniper's eyesight, you should have seen your target. Tell us the details. We are curious." The dark elf stated.

All the old monsters then looked towards the green haired wood elf to see if they would get a response. Surprisingly, the wood elf said what her target looked like. Even Shadow Dagger is startled because they knew that the Green Sniper rarely spoke.

"It is either a devil or a demon." The Green Sniper stated as she started to walk away.

The people gathered there became surprised as they did not expect one of those races to be here. All of them knew that the devils and demons have been heavily persecuted to the point that they do not live in the main world. Devils and Demons were strong but that also means that they procreate slowly.

The eyes of the old monsters there became greedy because if it was a demon then they must have it at all cost. A demon who could erase a whole mountain meant that the core would be strong as well. The only problem is catching it. Demons have mastery over space magic so unless you prepare fully then catching one would be a pipe dream.

Many of the old monsters covet a demon's core because it could help them achieve transcendence and break away from worldly rules. Demon cores are considered to be cheat keys to achieve transcendence because demons do not play by the rules of the world. The demons could manipulate space and time according to their will.

Seeing as they are waiting for nothing, all of them started to leave because that demon would surely not return to this area. Which smart person would return to their crime scene? The old powers already left when the scouts of each town reached the explosion site and investigated what happened.


Adrian immediately went to Ascalor when he appeared at the Paradox Planes and asked to be transported to the undead king's castle. Creepysoo immediately hugged Adrian while crying when the former saw the latter. Valar is still affected by the Seed of Eternal Pain so all the high ranking undead are doing their best to take it out.

Adrian also went to Valar to see what is happening and he almost fainted. They basically opened up his back and his spine could be seen. Connected to spine is something like a plant with eyes and sharp teeth.

Adrian then remembered that this might be something in Koronn's expertise so he returned to the Paradox Planes to tell the elder about it. When Koronn heard what Adrian said, the elder jumped for joy and he dragged Adrian himself and teleported to the undead king's castle.

The undead were suddenly alarmed because a high ranking demon suddenly just appeared before them. The undead only calmed down when they saw Adrian being dragged by his collar. Du'an escorted Koronn to Valar's ward and the only thing coming out the mouth of the elder is 'Interesting'. Koronn is looking at Valar like he became a test subject and Adrian could feel his spine tingle when he saw Koronn's smile.

"Can I see your undead summon, big brother? I hear that it is very rare. I always wanted to know what types of undead are there because I am one after all." Creepysoo asked with great enthusiasm. It seem that the boy has finally regained his energy because Valar is now safe in a sense.

"He really likes the undead here. Let's just hope Koronn does not kill Valar with all the experiments he is doing." Adrian thought as he remembered that Koronn once asked to do tests with his unique body.

Adrian then summoned Charon and the little bugger immediately adopted a battle pose. Adrian calmed it down saying that Creepysoo wanted to meet it. Charon then hid its lantern and floated towards Creepysoo as the life eater looks curious towards other undead.

Creepysoo held out his hand because he wanted to shake Charon's hand but what the latter did is shocking. Instead of shaking Creepysoo's hand, Charon actually bit it which made the boy jump in surprise.

"Big Brother! Help me! Charon is eating me!" Creepysoo shouted which made Adrian grab Charon and pulled it away from Creepysoo.

Adrian managed to pull Charon away but it took Creepysoo's finger with it. Crunching sounds could be heard coming from Charon's nonexistent mouth. Creepysoo became paler than he is now but Adrian suddenly got an idea on how to evolve Charon.

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