Omega Summoner

Chapter 216 - Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 216 - Unexpected Visitor

Adrian suddenly got an inspiration on how to evolve Charon because of what the former did to Creepysoo. The person that his finger was bitten off is still grumbling about what happened to him and becoming hysterical but Adrian already zoned off. He thought himself as not thinking seriously of the description of Life Eaters.

Charon is a natural born undead. Why would the universe give birth to an undead so easily? He gained enlightenment because of Charon biting off Creepysoo's finger. The universe created a natural undead so that it could get rid of the undead that is currently plaguing it.

"I will rip your head off little skeleton!" Creepysoo shouted which snapped Adrian out of his zone.

Creepysoo immediately grabbed Charon's head and took him from Adrian's grasp. Creepysoo then pulled hard on the life eater's skull in order to separate it from its hooded body. Creepysoo is successful but he immediately tossed Charon's skull towards Adrian.

When Creepysoo pulled Charon's skull, he only pulled the skull literally. The hooded robe that Charon wore fell to ground indicating that there is nothing there. Creepysoo freaked out because he never met an undead that only consist of a skull. Even Adrian became fascinated on what happened but Charon used their soul link to tell him that it is uncomfortable.josei

Adrian then brought Charon's skull towards his hooded robe. Adrian placed Charon's skull down and the robe twisted around Charon's skull. The robe then floated in the air and Charon is good as new. Adrian and Creepysoo reflexively clapped like they watched a magic trick performed by a magician.

Charon then brought out his lamp and started hitting Creepysoo with it but the little undead did not even damage the latter. Adrian decided that it is enough interaction and started the sealing process. Adrian does not want Charon to unexpectedly chew a wandering undead in the undead king's castle.

"Greater Seal: Charon" Adrian chanted. A magic circle appeared below Charon which rose up and swallowed the life eater's body.

"That soulbound of yours is dangerous big brother! You must never release it." Creepysoo stated with firm ambition but Adrian only lightly chuckled at the boy's antics.

"I will not summon it freely here in the castle if you are that worried." Adrian replied.

"Can you summon Sirius then? I really wanted a dog to play with but my parents said this to me: You can barely take care of yourself and now you want to take care of another life. Tell me that when I see the fruits of your responsibility." Creepysoo stated while impersonating how his parents told him those words.

Adrian spoiled the boy and summoned Sirius. He told Sirius to play with Creepysoo while he goes to visit Koronn. He wanted to ask the elder if he knows any demigod blacksmiths. If anyone could know a demigod blacksmiths then elders of dimension hopping people would.

The room that Koronn is currently in is Valar's quarters in the castle. The Ghoul Asura still has the Seed of Eternal Pain planted in his spine. Du'an and Koronn are working side by side while the former would often ask questions regarding arcane magic towards the latter.

It seems that even Du'an is enjoying the conversation with Koronn despite the horrible attitude of the latter. Creepysoo did tell Adrian that Du'an only became an undead so that he could understand arcane magic better. Du'an was a mage from a forgotten empire long ago and his purpose in life is to master arcane magic. Creepysoo even told Adrian that Du'an really wanted to meet Adrian that he even volunteered to be the one to escort Adrian.

Adrian knocked before entering and he could see that the two are inspecting a sample of the Seed of Eternal Pain. They did not even not look towards Adrian who just entered but just kept a close observation on their specimen. Adrian waited a while but his impatience over took him because he already waited for half an hour.

"So Elder Koronn…I need to ask you something?" Adrian stated.

"I thought you were just going to stand there all day." Koronn replied but he is still closely fixed onto the specimen.

"Do you know of demigod blacksmiths that can fix Transcendent tier items?" Adrian asked.

"If you need to know of demigod blacksmiths then it is better to ask old man Pann." Koronn replied.

"Why old man Pann?" Adrian asked.

Koronn stopped what he was doing and looked at Adrian.

"Old man Pann is a Noblesse. He is basically a demigod. Did he not tell you that?" Koronn stated which shocked Adrian for a good two seconds.

Adrian then had a realization why he did not put two and two together. A normal monster breeder would not have godly pets that could warp space and time. He just never really accepted the idea because the old man is not flashy or grandeur.

Adrian thought that demigod level NPCs would live in a palace made with gold or have their own pocket dimension. He never really thought that a being just below the gods would be right by his doorstep. Another thing to ponder about is that Ascalor told him that the demons do not have a Noblesse right now.

"But Ascalor told me that we do not have a Noblesse in our race." Adrian replied and then Koronn snapped his finger making the whole world freeze.

Adrian is caught off-guard but the issue might be sensitive which is why Koronn stopped time.

"Pann is one of the surviving demigods when war with the dark gods began. He is still not at full capacity because of an injury. All demigods who survived the war would be the same as Pann but given time they would regain their peak." Koronn stated.

"So right now, Pann is not at his peak form but will be in the future. I get it." Adrian replied.

"Pann would still be more powerful than me though. If Bronx, Ascalor and I team up then we could beat Pann but if he is in peak form then we would have no chance of even scratching him. That is how powerful a Noblesse is." Koronn replied.

"I would go ask Pann then. Thanks old man. Also, I do not know if this would help but that thing is similar to the poison of the world tree. It gives off the same aura when I look at it using my evil eye." Adrian stated as he exited the room and looked for Sirius and Creepysoo.

Adrian did not know that his last words would ignite Koronn's researching spirit even more. Good for Koronn but a bit sad for Valar who is the test subject.


Adrian is walking leisurely back to Creepysoo's room then he heard a scream. He would hear screams here and there because there are banshees in the castle but the scream was that of a boy. He recognized that scream came from Creepysoo so he took a shortcut by using Blink.

Adrian reappeared at Creepysoo's room after consuming all three charges of blink to see what is going on. He thought Creepysoo is in danger but the boy is actually playing tag with Sirius. Creepysoo only screamed because he almost caught Sirius who is popping in and out of shadows.

"I thought someone was attacking you but you were just having too much fun." Adrian said with a sigh of relief.

Creepysoo was about to reply when a bottle came out from his body. The bottle flew out of his inventory and landed a few feet away from him. Adrian thought Creepysoo took it out and accidentally dropped it but the bottle landed perfectly.

"I forgot to return the bottle!" Creepysoo shouted.

"That bottle? Who are you going to return it to?" Adrian asked back but the bottle started shaking and emitting green smoke. The voice of Baron Samedhi then reverberated in the whole room.

"I told you that you will pay with your life if you are late to return it boy." The voice of Baron Samedhi stated.

"It's not that I did not want to return it. I just forgot about the bottle in the heat of the moment that's all." Creepysoo replied while staring at the bottle.

The green smoke that the bottle emitted stared swirling forming a whirlpool of green smoke. A coffin then rose up slowly from the green smoke. Adrian and Sirius started getting ready for combat but Creepysoo just sat there in defeat. The coffin then burst open with accompanying party poppers.

"Hello world! Here is the life of the party!" the man that came out of the coffin shouted while the confetti is still dropping to the floor.

The whole shout filled the castle and each person there had a different reaction. Koronn and Du'an was startled and even shouted back. The other high ranking undead moved away from Creepysoo's room while the undead king just sighed in defeat.

"He is here again." The undead king stated with a big sigh.

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