Omega Summoner

Chapter 268 - Walked In At The Wrong Time

Chapter 268 - Walked In At The Wrong Time

Adrian did not know if he traveled to about half the area of Niflheim but he was certain about one thing. That one thing is that he will not find the Everfrost flower today. He decided to retreat for today because he had no idea where to go and could not even use magic. He was thoroughly unprepared for his travel here.

Adrian took out a teleportation scroll and tore it immediately in order to return to the Paradox Planes. He needs to find a person that knows about Niflheim and he thinks that he already encountered the right person for that information.

Adrian reappeared at Ascalor's backyard while the old man was actually relaxing. It surprised the old man that he spilled his drink. The unfortunate thing is that Adrian is now doused with it and summoned Kanlaon to become his personal dryer.

"Have you finally realized that your endeavor was hopeless?" Ascalor asked as he once again become dignified then sipped his hot drink.

"If you told me what kind of harsh land Niflheim was then I would not have make a fool out myself. It was all snow and ice. I walked for a few minutes and it was still snow. There was not even a sign of life in that realm. I would have been quite happy if a monster appeared because I could at least follow it to where it lives." Adrian grumbled as he took the kettle and poured the hot drink in another cup. He then took a sip and was surprised that it actually really good.

"Anyways, I hope that you give up on your quest to find a flower there because there is no flower to begin with." Ascalor stated as he knows that Niflheim was empty to begin with and that magic cannot be cast there easily.

"How can I circumvent the restriction of not being able to cast magic there anyways?" Adrian asked himself.

"Tsk…Tsk. You are a scribe and yet you could not even imagine what you need to if you cannot cast magic there. You should make talismans to aid you as activating it would not require you to cast magic. But even that is not enough because there is really nothing there." Ascalor stated.

The elders of the Daemos only put restrictions on realms that are considered dangerous if unprepared. Niflheim is one of those reals as magic could not be cast there easily due to a fluctuation in the magical atmosphere. Only demigod level people could cast magic there but it was still restricted to low tier magic.

"Thanks for the hot drink old man! I need that because that place even froze my balls." Adrian shouted as he rode Kanlaon to the spatial fracture.

"Yah! Watch your mouth brat! My reputation is plummeting because of you!" Ascalor shouted back but the old man is actually smiling.


Adrian directly use Teleport to go to Aurgelmir's forge because he thinks that the frost giant might help him. There was no hammering sounds so Adrian just let himself in as he thought that the frost giant might be resting. The sight that he walked in on was very controversial to say the least.

He felt like the world stop because two people were eating each other's faces in front of him. In other words, the two people are actually making out. Adrian had to shield Kanlaon's eyes from the horrors of the adult world.

"I got to admit that the old lady has game. I did not even think that the old man had in in him because he is obsessed with crafting weapons. Still, it has been like thirty seconds and yet they are not stopping. It feels like I walked in on my parents when they exercise or something. I better let my presence be known." Adrian thought as he let out a cough.

As if lightning stroke the two and pulled them away from their own world, they fixed their hair and clothes because it was disoriented to some extent. Adrian has to admit that despite the two being old, they are still full of passion. The evidence being a lot of blacksmithing materials scattered across the ground. Adrian did not want to imagine what happened but a scene would pop in his mind from time to time.

"Sorry if I am interrupting your…um…whatever it is that you two are doing. I could return in a later date if you think that I am being a burden." Adrian stated as Aurgelmir and Elona are standing straight and acting like nothing happened.

"So have you returned because you have found what I have asked for?" The Ice Queen Elona asked in her stoic face but Adrian pointed out that her crown was still tilted.

Elona fixed her crown while Aurgelmir just stood there like an ice statue. Adrian scanned them both up and down like he was a warden staring at inmates that started a riot. He is actually enjoying the role a bit too much but he decided to become serious.

"I made it to Niflheim but all that was there is ice and snow." Adrian stated as he noticed Aurgelmir's face suddenly reacted for a split second but that was enough to prove the former's theory.

"The Great Star Gazer said that the Everfrost flower will be located in a land only filled with ice and snow. That place would only be the rumored realm of Niflheim. No other realm has been said to be made of ice and snow because water can hold memories. I even used all my strength to make sure that is the case." The Ice Queen Elona stated in a hurried manner which made her almost grasp for air.

"Are you crazy!? It would have taken all of your strength to push the limits of reading the memories of water! Is that why you were not strong enough to contend that Arch Lich and even got hurt in the process." Aurgelmir berated Elona as he became worried that she pushed herself too hard.

"So old man, do you know anything about Niflheim? I have been reading your expressions the whole time we were having a conversation and you look like you want no part of it." Adrian asked as he acted all high and mighty but he should have not because he got whacked on the head for it.

"Ouch!" Adrian reacted.

"Respect your elder's boy!" The Ice Queen Elona shouted at Adrian after she whacked his head. No damage was accumulated but strangely it hurt.

"I really should not be saying this but I cannot hide it forever anyways. Niflheim is like that because it is a resting ground of a god." Aurgelmir stated weakly.

"Resting ground? Do you mean like a burial site? If that is so who is buried there?" Adrian asked as he is curious.

"The one buried there is me." Aurgelmir replied.josei

"Eh?!" both Elona and Adrian shouted at the same time.

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