Omega Summoner

Chapter 269 - Truth Of Niflheim

Chapter 269 - Truth Of Niflheim

"Can you explain on how it is your burial ground? You are here in front of us. You fixed the crown of the undead king. You are even making out with the Ice Queen so you are surely alive." Adrian stated but he could feel a cold piercing gaze just beside him.josei

"What do you mean your burial site? You have been living in this northern continent ever since I was born. If you were dead then the aspect of death would have escorted you to the afterlife." The Ice Ueen Elona asked as she became very confused with the situation.

"If you are dead then I would have known it. If you are a soul then you would be afraid of me right now. All spirits with sentience tend to steer clear of me. Even though I wanted them to give me missions." Adrian stated while he just uttered the last sentence to himself.

Due to Adrian's title of being The Shepard of Souls, he can get quests from wayward souls but they tend to steer clear of him. He wanted to know why and when he finally cornered one to ask, they told him that his aura makes them terrified of him. Even if Aurgelmir is a demigod soul, Adrian would still have a strong influence against him.

"It does not mean that this body of mine is dead per se. What I really mean is that my godly body is no more and it is basically the realm of Niflheim itself. You can think of the me in front of you as my mortal incarnation. Are you not curious why a frost giant could harness the power of flames?" Aurgelmir stated as he tried to explain his current situation.

"Still a mortal body would not be able to house a godly soul easily or without consequence. The only case of that happening is when dark gods possess mortal bodies but their strength will be greatly weakened." Adrian replied.

"That is because this is not my full godly soul. The rest of it is in Niflheim which is why magic is greatly forbidden there due to my godly law." Aurgelmir replied.

"I see that is possible but the act of tearing one's soul is crazy to begin with. You have to be either desperate or foolish. The act would make the person who tear his soul apart be in such great pain that they would wish that they would die instead." Adrian replied.

"The dark gods were very difficult to battle and my godly body was dying. Encased in my dead godly body is a dark god that control flames. That dark god has been locked there since the war with the dark gods. I sacrificed myself in order to subdue that dark god but an eternity with him will make me go mad. I separated my soul in order to be able to reincarnate." Aurgelmir stated.

"Then if your godly body is Niflheim itself then you must know where the Everfrost flower is. I need that to save someone I care for." The Ice Queen Elona stated as she clasped Aurgelmir's hands.

"I do not know if there is one because I myself am barred from entering that realm. If I step foot in that realm then I might fuse back with my godly body and undo the seal for the dark god. We must not let that happen and it will not happen because only the demons can access that realm." Aurgelmir replied.

"So I am really going to enter that realm alone again. I thought I could at least drag you there but it seems that would result in a much larger headache. I cannot let a dark god roam around." Adrian stated while he thought of what to do next.

"Yes. You are right." Aurgelmir nodded.

"I do not want another quest thrown at me and make my hectic schedule more troublesome. I need a vacation from my duties." Adrian replied which stunned the two people with him in the room.

"Is there really no other hope? I need that Everfrost flower." The Ice Queen Elona stated as her eyes became watery.

"There should be other realms full of ice and snow that can support life. It might not just be Niflheim. Although you told me the place is Niflheim, as long as I get the Everfrost flower then everything would be all good right?" Adrian asked as he asked the Daemos Portal Guards and they replied that there are other realms of ice and snow.

"I am fine with that but the time limit is very difficult to adjust because I only froze her temporarily. I cannot bear to see her in pain which is why I delayed her illness using a spell. So you need to get the job done before my spell disappears." The Ice Queen Elona stated in a weary tone.

[The quest Find the Everfrost Flower has been updated. Please look at the updated quest log.]


Find the Everfrost Flower (Updated)

The Ice Queen Elona wants you to find a certain flower in the frozen land where it could possibly bloom. Find it so that you can repay the favor you have been granted. The Ice Queen Elona might give you a reward if you do a great job.

Condition: Find the Everfrost flower that is said to be the only flower that can bloom on a frozen land.

Reward: Unknown

Failure: You will be unable to journey to the far north as Ice Queen Elona will bar you from the borders of her kingdom. This might be overturn with the information you hold. Knowledge is power so take note of that.

Time Remaining: 25 days

"It seems that I can get a reward because of the updated quest. I knew that quest can be updated but it usually just changes it to become worse. I can breathe a sigh of relief because I know that I am going to be rewarded." Adrian thought.

"Since it is getting late and you two might get jiggy, I will excuse myself and find that flower. Wherever that might be." Adrian stated as he picked up Kanlaon who was playing with the rare metals. He teleported out of the forge and smiled sheepishly at the blushing couple.

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