Omega Summoner

Chapter 270 - Librarian Of Worlds?

Chapter 270 - Librarian Of Worlds?

Adrian teleported himself to the nearest spatial fracture that led to the Paradox Planes. He wanted to return and ask the guards about the other realms of ice and snow. Adrian is actually extremely doubtful of the words that the Great Star Gazer stated that the Everfrost flower is located in a land of ice and snow.

He knew that such a flower would not be possible normally and if it does grow then those that find it keep it a secret. In Pandemonium, plants or herbs that grow in extreme conditions are usually if not most of the time considered a treasure. This plants or herbs are often called miracle medicine which made Adrian sullen after realizing his foolishness.

He now regrets his decision of easily accepting the deal without thinking. He knows he made a rash decision but he needed immediate help at the time so he had to accept his mistake. He asked the Daemos portal guards if there are other realms that is full of ice and snow and they pointed out three.josei

One of the three is Niflheim so that made only two more realms to search upon. Adrian explored the two realms only to find nothing. He wasted ten days just exploring unexplored land in the frosted realms. He did level up and is now close to getting level 150.

He thought clear and hard but he did not know what this Great Star Gazer is so he went to Ascalor to ask. Thankfully, Ascalor knew what this Great Star Gazer was and it is actually some sort of mystic that can read the stars in order to give answers. The only problem is that their answers are rather cryptic and not direct which is why normal people do not like them.

Ascalor told Adrian that there was a time that their fortune telling became a hot topic because a king of a certain country managed to become powerful due to the advice of a Star Gazer. Due to this occurrence, numerous royalty started roaming the lands in search of them. There was once a time that Star Gazers were akin to something to having powers like that of a royal adviser.

Due to the rise of power because of the profession, numerous people started coming forward to royalties as Star Gazers. A very tiny percent were genuine but a large number of those who presented themselves were frauds. This lead to numerous beheadings which made the real Star Gazers hide their gifts.

The frauds were not the only reason why the Star Gazers became persecuted. Another reason is that the Star Gazers have no control of what they see. They could see a person's past, present, or future. One unlucky Star Gazer was captured by a tyrant king and she told him that he will die a painful death with nothing to his name. Needless to say, she did not survive the next day.

The unique nature of the Star Gazers was also not a good thing for the dark gods because one managed to foresee a dark future. She said that she saw a great tree burning and lakes poisoned with something that has no cure. The next day after telling that prophecy, she quietly vanished from her home without anyone knowing.

"In conclusion, you have to bet everything on luck and a miracle in order to see what you want to see. Star Gazers really have a cruel fate if you ask me because they can see the downfall of others." Adrian said to Ascalor.

"The Great Star Gazer is different though because they are born from only once every millennia. Though the sad part is that they are said to be destined to die at a young age due to the great power they hold. The Great Star Gazer can accurately see whatever they please but it takes great energy to do so." Ascalor stated.

"And that energy is…let me guess…their life force." Adrian stated in a confident tone.

"Exactly. That is the main reason why they do not live for long and die young. The Great Star Gazers expend their life in order to divine anything they want. The life force expended is also proportional to how far they want to see. They can peek into the far future accurately but that would mean killing themselves because that is taboo." Ascalor stated.

"Is there a limitation on what they can see? Something akin to a boundary?" Adrian asked he speculated that this land of ice and snow is not really a different realm.

"Of course. The Great Star Gazers cannot pierce through the veil of the gods and the afterlife. They are also limited in seeing things that are only present in their world. So they can only see what can happen on the world they are residing in." Ascalor answered.

"I see. So it is like they can see the records of the world like they are the librarians." Adrian muttered which Ascalor heard clearly heard.

Ascalor is actually greatly pleased with the analogy that Adrian made. The analogy that Adrian made is actually perfect which increased Ascalor's appreciation of the former even more. Ascalor really thanked the gods that they sent someone bright and has a decent heart.

"Then that means that the land of ice and snow is located in Nebulon. Yet if it is the far north then the Ice Queen Elona should have fund the flower already. Wait! I visited a place of extreme temperatures to evolve Kanlaon!" Adrian suddenly realized as he shot up from his seat and bolted to the exit.

"Aishh…That brat always leaves without even offering to clean up. What does he think my house is? I swear that I will lock that boy in an Infinity Prison once he is not doing anything. I will make him clean up all the dishes on that day." Ascalor grumbled as he saw Adrian run away.

Adrian ran off to find Pann because he does not know the location of Infernofrost Ridge. He wanted to know how to get there because would need to know a safe passage. The hotshots in the east do not like them very well.

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