Omega Summoner

Chapter 338 - Timber Village

Chapter 338 - Timber Village

A few weeks have passed after the war and all Adrian did is to search for the potential areas on where the remaining psyche armaments are hidden. He had a difficult time locating the last two because the energies of the remaining two are rather faint which means they are dormant.

It is good news for Adrian that the remaining two psyche armaments are dormant but that also meant that they are much more difficult to locate. He did find traces of the possible location of the remaining psyche armament in two villages of different stature.

He found traces of one the psyche armaments in a rather rundown village in the middle of the woods. The other response he got is from a village hidden in the mountains and it is supposedly a hidden ninja village when he researched the area.

Adrian took a lot of time finding the remaining psyche armament locations because he did not really know how to even start. He just lucked out one time when he summoned one of his psyche armaments near the rundown village and it suddenly glowed which is not normal at least to his knowledge.

This odd behavior of his psyche armament made him hypothesize that a psyche armament is near the village called Timber. Using this guess, Adrian went around the central continent once more with a psyche armament in hand but it no longer glowed like that again which is why Adrian tried the eastern continent where it actually glowed once more.josei

Adrian once again looked at the requirements needed for him to advance in his second job class Twilight Summoner.

Requirements for Eclipse Summoner job class advancement:

1. Reach Level 150 (Complete)

2. Collect All Seven Psyche Armaments (Six out of Seven)

3. Unlocks when the previous requirement is fulfilled

4. Unlocks when the previous requirement is fulfilled

5. Unlocks when the previous requirement is fulfilled

He is now currently on the second requirement but he felt that the next requirements should be much more simple. Adrian did not want to go in and over his head but his acquisition if the mirror and scythe psyche armament were rather quite difficult and circumstantial in unlocking. He actually praised the fact that all he needed for the two remaining ones is to find them and not battle someone for them.

If Adrian actually knew that the collection of his psyche armaments were not supposed to be that difficult but was made difficult because of Eldritch then he would have already hunted the one who increased his stress right now. Eldritch is actually the reason why the Arch Lich found the tomb of the demigod nicknamed The Reaper.

Adrian just thought long and hard on what he should visit first because he wanted to start off strong. He deduced that the one in the rundown village should take priority because it seemed much easier. He deduced that he would not need that much strength and just needed to finish some task like collecting this and that. He used Glamour on himself and teleported to the Timber Village.


Adrian appeared about three minutes away from the village because they might get startled if he just suddenly pops out of nowhere. He walked and reached the village entrance which greatly surprised him because the people did not even do so much as a greeting but rather became meek around him. Some of the villagers even hid from him just because he glanced in their direction.

Adrian wanted to ask questions but the people once again would stay away from him. Adrian knows that the village might be secluded but they do not need to be too wary of him as he did not come there and started slaughtering them. He did hear some players who did that in order to conquer some remote villages but in the end they did not even get the deed of the land.

Getting the deed of the land is quite difficult in Pandemonium which is why the top guilds were scrambling to get the highest contribution during the war with the undead. In Pandemonium, the lands themselves are alive and only legitimate successors could claim it or else the land will reject them by not giving them its blessings.

Adrian had no way to ask the ordinary villagers on what to do so he headed towards the village chief. Village Chiefs are usually the NPCs that any player could easily talk to because of their programmed personality of giving anyone quests if they should ask. Adrian went to the house in the village that is slightly larger than the others by half the size.

Adrian knocked first and the voice of a sweet old lady could be heard telling him to come inside. Adrian opened the door and saw the inside of the village chief's house. The house was simple and quaint. The walls and roof are made of wood that looks rustic.

Adrian's gaze then gravitated towards a rusted looking axe mounted on the wall in front of him. Adrian was for sure that this was the Psyche Armament because he only feels this sensation whenever he sees one of his armaments. Adrian speculated if he could just blatantly take it but he does not want to resort to theft.

"Oh! How peculiar!? We almost never have adventurers stay at out peculiar village. We are very far from civilization. I bet the other villagers fled from just the sight of you." The village chief that is an old woman stated with a caring tone seeing that Adrian was rather young.

"I am just passing by to see what is in your humble village because I am currently exploring to see how vast the world really is." Adrian replied.

"I see. If I may ask the young adventurer something as no one in this village is capable of completing it but I do not know what to reward you with because my tasks are rather difficult." The village chief stated.

"Is that so? If I may be quite brazen, can I get that axe as a reward instead?" Adrian stated.

"Oh my! That axe is just there for decoration and is now blunt from old age. I think that was held by my great grandfather back in the day. I hold no sentiments of it but that would be rather lacking for a reward." The village chief stated but Adrian did not back down.

"That would be enough as a reward." Adrian firmly stated and the village chief finally agreed after some coercing.

"If you really want it then I cannot stop you. Your first task would be to gather firewood. Come back when you have a hundred pieces." The Village Chief stated with great seriousness.

"Eh? Firewood?" Adrian surprisingly remarked because this would be easy but he thought too soon.

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