Omega Summoner

Chapter 339 - Collecting Firewood Is Easy, Right?

Chapter 339 - Collecting Firewood Is Easy, Right?



Timber Village Chief's Request Part 1

The Village Chief of Timber Village wants you to collect firewood to be used for a special event. She wants you to head to the east part of the village to collect some.

Difficulty: C

Condition: Collect 44 pieces of firewood

Time Limit: None

Reward: Continuation to the Next Part of the Quest Line

Failure: Disappointment of the Timber Village Chief

"You shall collect firewood at the east of the village as the trees that are grown there burn better than the ones in the other directions. You must…" The Village Chief stated but Adrian already started heading to the door.

"Okay! Firewood from the trees in the east side of the village. Got it." Adrian replied as he ran towards the east part of the village.

"I was going to say that he should be quiet as the trees will run away if he does not take them by surprise. I am sure he can handle it because if he cannot then we will never find peace." The village chief stated as she looked towards the rusty axe that is mounted on her wall.


Adrian headed to the east part of the village after talking to about five villagers where only the fifth one actually answered him because the first four would run away from him due to either fear or being shy. He was also given the advice that the trees near the village must not be touched and better firewood will be obtained after walking about five minutes deeper in the forest.

Adrian walked for five minutes and the villager was right as the trees that are farther from the village are not as lush and drier in a sense. Adrian decided that his sword psyche armament could easily cut the trees here even though a sword was not meant for the job of an axe.

"Maybe I should have bought an axe from the village or borrowed one from the lumberjacks in the village. I will finish much faster with an axe but beggars can't be choosers." Adrian told himself as he summoned his sword psyche armament.

He then walked close to one of the trees and observed it for a bit. He had no idea on how to cut an actual tree by himself. He had watch tree cutting on television but he has never seen it done it real life.

"If I swing fast and strong enough then it might fall down in just a few strikes." Adrian muttered to himself as he swung his sword with all his might to hit the tree.

Adrian's strike is successful and the sword embedded itself on the tree. What Adrian did not expect is the tree to suddenly uproot itself and start running away from Adrian with his sword still stuck on the tree trunk. Adrian was dumbstruck of what happened but he finally realized that his sword would not return if he did not follow the tree.

"Eeekkkk" the tree sscreeched.

Monster: Timid Treant

Level: 75

HP: 37% / 100%

MP: 90% / 100%

Description: A type of treant that dislikes violence and is rather timid. It will immediately uproot itself whenever someone strikes it with a sharp edge. Many lumberjacks have already lost their axes to Timid Treants as they are much faster than they look. Its camouflage is so perfect that even high level appraisal skills cannot distinguish it.

The description of the monster almost made Adrian puke. The Timid Treant was not stopping as Adrian chased it. He wanted to fly but the space inside the forest was not suitable to spread his wing and fly. Adrian had no choice but to condense a ball of pure mana on his hands which is the newly added basic attack feature of summoners. (It was not added before but was added due to the complaint of newbie summoners being more of a cheerleader than an actual job class.)

The mana sphere had the size of a tennis ball and only consumes 1% of the summoner's mana. Each sphere deals 10% of the total damage that a summoner can do. Adrian could have made it bigger but he was currently disarmed since he has no weapon in hand so his mana spheres only deal half the usual damage.

Thankfully for Adrian, the Timid Treant has a predictable running patter so he easily gunned down the monster but was surprised with it dropped. Adrian managed to retrieve his sword but was not pleased.

[You have picked up Unusable Firewood.]

Adrian could easily deduce why the firewood became unusable as he hit the Timid Treant with a barrage of mana spheres that blew some parts of its body to smithereens. Adrian was more surprised that he used up 3% of his stamina just chasing one Timid Treant.

"I need to think up a better solution. Greater Summon: Sirius! Greater Summon: Kanlaon!" Adrian stated as he needed the help of his two aggressive soulbounds. Adrian wanted to summon Charon but he oddly cannot due to one system notification he got after the war.

[Cannot Summon Soulbound Charon for two months.]

All that Adrian needed to wait now is about 24 hours before he could summon Charon again. He even sent a ticket to the developers because he thought that being unable to summon Charon was a bug but the reply he got said otherwise. The most likely scenario was that Charon is undergoing evolution but Adrian does not know if soulbounds could evolve that way.

Adrian then commanded Sirius and Kanlaon to follow his instructions clearly. Adrian's plan is for either Sirius or Kanlaon to topple the Timid Treant before it manages to speed away. He returned to his previous location which was shockingly a hundred fifty meters away.

"Okay! You two surround that tree while I strike it down." Adrian commanded and his soulbounds did as they told.

Adrian then swung his sword to strike the tree. The Timid Treant then wailed in pain as it uprooted itself and started to almost sprint away.

"Topple it down!" Adrian shouted and the two soulbounds successfully did it. Adrian then dealt the last strike towards the Timid Treant.

[You have picked up Good Firewood.]

"Alright! 43 more to go!" Adrian shouted with energy.


[You have successfully collected 44 firewood.]

Adrian then returned back to the village to present the firewood that he got. He wanted to finish as fast as he can so he rode Sirius to the village while Kanlaon shrunk down so that he does not look as menacing. He arrived at the village in just a minute but the villagers were rather scared of Sirius so Adrian used Polymorph to reduce his size.

"Village Chief, I have finished the quest. Where do I pile up the firewood?" Adrian asked.

"Is that so? Very good. Place them in front of my house as that should be the village square." The Village Chief stated.

[You have succeeded in completing the Timber Village Chief's Request Part 1.]

Adrian then piled up all the 44 firewood outside on the village square.

"Here is your next quest child." The village chief stated.

Timber Village Chief's Request Part 2

The Village Chief of Timber Village wants you to pile up the firewood you collected in order to make a bonfire. Do your best

Difficulty: F

Condition: Arrange the 44 pieces of firewood into a respectable bonfire

Time Limit: None

Reward: Continuation to the Next Part of the Quest Line

Failure: Disappointment of the Timber Village Chief

"I will do my best!" Adrian replied as he piled up the firewood. Fortunately, Adrian was taught basic survival tips by his mother when he was younger. He also went camping because it is somewhat a regular activity for his family back then before his accident.

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