Omega Summoner

Chapter 469 - Ephemeral

Chapter 469 - Ephemeral

Elder Narra could not even say her reply and just nodded her head. She felt like she is looking at her ancestor when she looked at the brat before him. The elven guards have finally recovered from their great shock.

"Seeing as Elder Narra promised to do her best, we should make it so that she will recover much earlier than the date she foretold." Adrian stated as he let Levin Cloud do his thing.

Levin Cloud called upon some guards and told them about the circumstances of the old elven lady they brought. She is put in a facility that is near the tree of life so that she could absorb more life energy near it to recover herself.

"My cutie Equinox!" Someone suddenly called.josei

Adrian noticed the voice calling to him and is about to teleport out, but he is stopped. Adrian's feet are suddenly tangled in vines which rooted him in place. He had no choice but to submit to his fate.

"Were you thinking of escaping?" Elder Danaya asked as she hugged Adrian.

"Nope. I just suddenly thought of something that I forgot and is bout to get it." Adrian replied but Elder Danaya did not let him getaway.

"Do you really not want to be my child? Ascalor is already treating you like his own child despite him always saying he does not want one yet. If that is the case, then you can call me mother." Elder Danaya stated but Adrian suddenly blushed.

"Oh! It seems that Levin Cloud is here. There is also an elven woman. Is she your girlfriend?" Elder Danaya asked Levin Cloud.

"No! Seriously, Elder Danaya must choose your words wisely despite you being the strongest elder next to the Fairy King. You must show great qualities for being the best." Levin Cloud stated but Elder Danaya never really cared for those things.

"You do know that I became the strongest so that they cannot boss me around here. You are the only one that is telling me these things which is quite refreshing. The others are just scared to voice their opinion but as long as I have my cutie here and Ascalor then all is fine." Elder Danaya stated as she squeezed Adrian.

"I concede. Cannot breathe." Adrian stated as the rich mountains is suffocating him. This did not happen when he was below the adult age. It is not like he disliked it though but Elder Ascalor might hit him or punish him if he gets whip of what Elder Danaya did.

"Is she the candidate that you say that would be the Envoy of Life?" Elder Danaya asked as Levin Cloud already given her the details about the plan.

"She is the best choice that can be the Envoy of Life as she is devoted to the Goddess Gaea. She even saved her mentor when her other students just ran for their lives." Levin Cloud stated with great assurance.

Elder Danaya then looked at Anastacia from head to toe. Elder Danaya seemed to release a fierce aura from her body when she looked at Anastacia. Anastacia did not cower and met the elder's eyes head on. Elder Danaya then smiled as she felt the strong will of the candidate that the future Envoy of the Twin Gods chose.

"It seems that she is close to becoming a High Elf. She has yet to unlock her Ephemeral, but she is close." Elder Danaya stated which made the three players curious.

"What is an Ephemeral?" Adrian asked as this was new information.

"Ephemerals are basically the talent of the elves. It also makes them evolve into High Elves once they manage to unlock. It can only be unlocked with the help of the world tree though." Elder Danaya answered.

"What does an Ephemeral do?" Levin Cloud asked as he was once an elf.

"It is like a talent for elves. It is split into three categories. The first is Elemental Sense. The second would be Nature Sense. The last and rarest is the Nature Spirituality. If you are curious then your master has the last one which is why he is strong despite being a High Elf." Elder Danaya stated which made Anastacia suddenly excited.

"If it is not rude, can you please elaborate, elder?" Anastacia stated as she bowed before Elder Danaya.

"You do not need to bow child. Since you are a friend of these two then I would elaborate. The two also seems curious despite not being able to unlock it. 

Elemental Sense is an elf unlocking deeper understanding of the elements. Some signs of elves having this is the elementals gathering before him. It could make understanding the elementals and the elements easier and faster. It is an innate talent." Elder Danaya stated.

"Alder should have this talent. The elementals like to gather around him. He might not yet unlock it but with a world tree then he might." Adrian commented which Anastacia took note of. She did not know but she started to believe all Adrian is saying is true.

"Nature Sense is the ability to be one with nature and be able to extend your senses using the environment before you. It works like an extra sense like when Daemos could feel the shift or change in time and space.

High Elves that master this could immediately know that you enter their forest. The whole forest could become their senses. It is not a domain, but deep concentration is needed for this aspect. The other High Elf that you brought seem to have that talent." Elder Danaya stated.

"If they can tap that power while fighting then they could evade attacks that they cannot normally see. It also makes them the perfect hunter because no prey could elude their sight." Adrian commented.

"The last and most powerful talent is Nature Spirituality. Willow has this talent and is very rare for someone to have great mastery in it. It might be powerful, but it is difficult to train.

Nature Spirituality lets you control the natural environment before you. It can make an entire forest bloom in just a day. It is also called the Forest Guardian Ability because high elves who have this skill would be so powerful in a natural environment. I believe Levin Cloud has this talent which is why Willow took you as his student." Elder Danaya stated.

"Too bad that I have change to a Leshy. I would no longer be able to unlock it." Levin Cloud stated in dismay.

"Who says that you cannot unlock an Ephemeral?" Elder Danaya stated which made Levin Cloud flinch.

"Does that mean that I can still unlock my talent?" Levin Cloud asked as he wants any type of power up that he can.

"The elves are our descendants which means their talents came from us. For the faekin, there is something even much stronger than Nature Spirituality. It is called Nature Dominion which can only be unlocked once someone unlock Nature's Spirituality. I have this very skill which is why I am the strongest of all the faekin on par with the Fairy King." Elder Danaya stated proudly.

"Can you help us unlock it? Please!" Levin Cloud stated as he bowed. Anastacia also did the same as she wanted to become a High Elf. Her teacher is supposed to help her become one when she is ready, but tragedy struck. She did not want to waste this perfect timing that she is given.

"Since you two are very sincere, I guess I should accept. Should I accept my cutie baby?" Elder Danaya asked Adrian.

"She added baby this time. She is really determined." Adrian thought but also bowed before Elder Danaya to help his friends.

"Fine. Since Equinox wants me to help you then I will accept. The training would only start once you save the Prophet of Life though. If she blesses the world tree here, then the chances of it hastening your wakening would be faster." Elder Danaya stated.

"Has there been a faekin that managed to unlock one or more Ephemerals?" Adrian asked as there should be some very talented individuals that can have more than one talent.

"Very good question. There have but the only one alive today would be the Fairy King. He has both the Elemental Sense and the Nature Sense. He is the reason why the Elementals live at the other side of Alfheim. He is also the reason why we have friendly relations with the elementals despite them being more of the free spirit king and do not like others not of their kind." Elder Danaya stated.

The three then realized that the Fairy King must be powerful to even be on par with Elder Danaya that has Nature's Dominion. 

"He would have been the perfect king if he did not like playing pranks. He sometimes acts like a child and even transfers children to Alfheim. The term 'Spirited Away' is created because of him." Elder Danaya stated with a heavy sigh.

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