Omega Summoner

Chapter 470 - Operation

Chapter 470 - Operation: Get The Prophet

"I should be off now as my personal guards are already on their way to come and get me. Feel free to ask me any question abut your awakenings after getting the Prophet of Life." Elder Danaya stated as she fled from the scene. 

"It seems she is avoiding her responsibilities again." Adrian stated as he saw Elder Danaya scurrying away with her guards chasing.

Adrian then shifted his gaze to the two and they seem to be in a trance. He could more or less guess what they are thinking. They seem to be busy thinking about their Ephemerals which Elder Danaya just talked about.

Adrian is a bit jealous that elves seem to have an innate power and even wondered if other races have this as well. It seems that the innate talent is something to even the playing field for the starting races. He now knew that the los of the world tree is a a much greater blow to the elves because they cannot unlock their innate talents without it.

Adrian then clapped his hands which woke the two from their daze. The two then focused their attention on him as Adrian suddenly clapped his hands.

"Do you have the key to enter the Grove of Vitaemortem?" Adrian asked as Levin Cloud informed him that they need to go back to the grove.

"I do but do you think that they are still in that pocket dimension?" Levin Cloud asked as he is not sure if Vitae is still in the pocket dimension.

"If she moved and transferred to the main world then Mortem would have noticed it. Creepysoo would then inform us of the possibility because he treats Mortem like a younger brother. He is practically spoiling the Prophet of Death." Adrian stated as he told Creepysoo to keep the former updated if Mortem says something about his sister.

"We are going to a pocket dimension?" Anastacia asked because she is not really ready. She is about to get aid from her guild members, but Adrian stopped her.

"We are not going to need back up. We might be fighting a high level NPC but they are mostly priest classes. Also, I would not be able to rampage if I need to mind my surroundings. There is a new skill that I want to test." Adrian stated as he took out a scroll.

"A scroll?" Anastacia stated in shock.

"I cannot use Dimensional Teleportation, so this is the only way getting out of this place. Faekin and the Elementals have other ways, but I do not know of those ways. Can everyone get close to me in a one-meter radius? This will take us straight to the location of the entrance to the pocket dimension." Adrian stated.

Levin Cloud and Anastacia did just that and Adrian tore up the scroll. Anastacia observed this scroll with great interest because this item is extremely rare. Only two or three of these precious scrolls will be up for auction every month. Those scrolls go for about ten thousand gold coins each because it is a lifesaving item.

Flashes of light flooded their eyes, and they are now in a different location when they regained vision. They arrived in a location where life is both lush and dreary. They are also in the location where the two peaks meet.

Adrian is about to ask for the key as he needed to find the entrance to the pocket dimension when they are suddenly attacked. Numerous arrows suddenly flooded the skies and all of them are aiming at the trio. Levin Cloud immediately activated Sanctuary which made them invulnerable to the attack but immobile.

"We are under attack! Can you see our opponents?" Anastacia asked as she does not have Far Sight.

"We are under attack by elves. It seems they are players, but I do not know why they are in this location." Adrian stated as he knew that this place is rather hidden from the view of others.

Adrian and Levin Cloud are in their true forms as they are in a hurry and did not bother to hide. Adrian even thought that he no longer needs to hide when only a few people could see him. The players have seen the amazing array of different races that Koronn has gathered.

"I am Anastacia, the Guild Master of Evergreen Guild. If you continue hostilities, then do not blame my guild for targeting you in this place. They are coming as we speak." Anastacia shouted.

The warning made the other attackers stop but it did not deter the others. Adrian did not mind because he already casted Quantum Cascade. After a few seconds, all the people hiding in the targeted area will come flying together. He likes that Anastacia is buying enough time for them.

"You cannot scare us by pretending to be a big shot of a guild. Why would a big shot of a top guild be here anyways? They are all busy dealing with that huge monster in the fallen imperial capital." A female voice shouted back, and another volley of arrows is fired.

"Quantum Dispersion" Adrian stated.

All the arrows heading for them suddenly shifted courses as Adrian spread them apart. The numerous volleys of arrows started hitting everything around the three. Adrian cannot control how Quantum Dispersion affects a target as it just pushes them away from the epicenter of the target location.

No more attacks are fired when Adrian dispersed the arrows. The archers all docked for cover when they saw all their arrows coming back towards them. A few seconds after the rain of arrows stopped, the archers once again pulled their bowstrings, but their bodies suddenly experienced a pulling force.

Those that were caught unaware of the pulling force were not able to hug a tree or grip a tree. Some were even unfortunate to hit their head on large branches. The numerous elves are then clumped together and dropped to the ground. They did not know what happened because everything went too fast.

"Hello and Goodbye!" Adrian stated as numerous tendrils from his shadow bound the group he managed to capture.

"Wait! Do not kill them. We need them for information." Anastacia whispered to Adrian, but the tendrils still bound the elves.

"Surrender now or else your friends will be done for." Levin Cloud shouted and the attacks subsided for now.

"The demon!" The crowd murmured as they finally see the demon player that is being talked about.

"The guy next to him looks like an elf but his hair and skin is different. He looks like a plant human hybrid." Another murmured.

"Why did you suddenly attack us? More importantly, how were you able to find this place?" Adrian asked and activated his Asmodian aura that he normally suppresses. If Adrian did not suppress it then low-level monsters would still clear of him.

"We are not going to tell you that. Kill us if you dare!" A female elf stated with great intensity.

"I am Anastacia. The guild master of Evergreen. I told you to stop yet you dare try and offend me. We have no hostility against you, yet you dare to attack us suddenly. Would you like it if I asked my guild members to attack you out of the blue whenever we encounter you?!" Anastacia stated in a chilly tone that scared the other players.

The Evergreen guild might be the most down to earth guild but that does not mean they are pushovers. They are good to those who are good to them, but they always avenge their comrade that is bullied. The elven players knew of this because some of them dream of being recruited by the Evergreen guild.

"We are sorry. We did not know. We are only completing our daily mission to protect this area from anything." One elven player stated.

"I am just like him. We are only faithfully accomplishing our mission. It is free 10 gold just by guarding this area. We barely have anything to protect which is why we accepted this task." Another elven player added.

"You guys are the first ones to suddenly appear in the area which is why we attacked. We also received a system notification that someone has entered the perimeter. If you did not appear suddenly then we might not have attacked and strike up a conversation first." Another stated.

Anastacia heard all of their excuses but that is what all they are. She decided not to press for more answers because the results would be the same. The one thing that she learned is the 10-gold reward just by guarding the area for a day.

"The Church of Life does not cling to materialistic possessions because we help those who need to live. Where did they get the gold to reward players when the treasury is buried with the dead world tree?" Anastacia thought but Adrian did not agree with accepting their answers.

"Greater Summon: Kanlaon" Adrian chanted as his dragon soulbound appear in his full size.josei

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