Omega Summoner

Chapter 471 - Dark Gamers

Chapter 471 - Dark Gamers

"Greater Summon: Kanlaon." Adrian stated as he summoned his draconic soulbound.

Adrian summoned Kanlaon in his full form which is now forty meters long. For the average person, Kanlaon could swallow them whole as its head is the size of a regular human's height. Kanlaon almost blocked out their view of the sky due to how colossal he is.

The players that were captured suddenly felt something is wrong. They started to voice their distress as they could feel that they would be killed. If they are killed now, then it would not be considered as PK because they are the first ones to engage.

"What is he doing?! We agreed to surrender!" One of the elves shouted as he did voice his surrender. The others who were caught did so as well, but Adrian could see that they do not really mean it.

Adrian just smiled as he told Kanlaon to greet out guests. The ones before him might have surrendered but he could still see some who are looking for a way to attack. He could feel about three elves gathering energy from afar. Adrian could also see invisible elven scouts using his evil eye.

" They are using the whisper function of the chat. I can see their mouths moving slowly. If someone is not paying attention, then their plan would have succeeded." Adrian thought as he started observing the players, he gathered using Quantum Cascade.

Adrian found it odd that they seem so calm despite attacking them earlier. He even saw some players blocking one of their own from the line of sight of Adrian's group. The one who is blocked would then issue some type of verbal command and smile slyly.action

Adrian could more or less tell that the group before them is not a roundabout coalition of people. They are a well-trained group that is synchronized enough to fool anyone that they are not a group. Adrian was trained by her mother to spot people like them because they are rampant in the streets of his country.

"Maybe I should set an example first? They seem awfully confident on their hidden team members." Adrian thought.

"Kanlaon, aim your breath at the loud one when I give the order." Adrian commanded via their soul link.

"Yes, master." Kanlaon replied via their soul link.

"You say that you surrender but you have yet to release your grip on your weapons. You were also using the chat to whisper to someone that is in your party." Adrian stated which made some of the elven players jerk for a quarter of a second. That reaction was enough for Adrian to see that they are not ordinary players.

"Then again, ordinary players would not be able to come to this place easily. I also refuse to believe that the elves hiding in that pocket dimension would hire players. They are not that desperate to seek help from others." Adrian thought.

"Is your head on straight? You are being paranoid. We are already caught so why else would we try and concoct a plan to kill you three. I just told my party members to not go near us because you might go back on your word and slaughter all of us." The male elven player stated.

"I agree with my friend here. If you were not bound right now, then you guys might have continued your attacks." Levin Cloud argued.

Anastacia does not like threatening other people but even she found them suspicious. The others hiding should have shown themselves to make an agreement with their group. She gave them the chance to surrender and go away but it seems that they have other plans. She then noticed that Adrian's floating cube weapon is not beside him.

"If you surrender right now willingly then log out one by one. Let us start with the blabbermouth over there." Adrian stated but that is just the bait he needed for them to make a mistake.

Adrian told Sirius to loosen the binding on the blabbermouth. The male elf player then looked like he is clicking the system interface to log out, but he actually took out an orb. The orb is white in color and is radiating some light.

The male elf player suddenly smashed the white orb onto the ground, and it released a burst of light. The shadows binding them suddenly loosened and some disappeared. Those that managed to escape immediately took distance away from Adrian's group.

The attacks that were being channeled are also released as the orb of light is a signal. Numerous spells of different elements are fired towards the location of Adrian's group. The elven players that managed to escape cheered as they knew that the spells would immediately kill anyone as long as they are hit.

About half of the elven players were able to escape while the other half should have activated their life saving skill. They were already oriented on the plan.

"Do you really think that we, the dark gamers, will surrender to trash that just got lucky. It was worth it bullying that elf player for this location. We even defeated the famous demon and a guild leader. You can only blame yourselves for being too proud of the strength you achieved through luck." The male elven player stated as he laughed.

The dark gamers are basically players who make a living through gaming, but they do not just resort to farming. They do farm but they liked farming player's more because they sometimes hold their items captive in exchange for real life money. 

Their modus operandi is killing the player with either a monster horde or PK. They would then first offer the item to the player that is killed. If the PKed player could not buy back his or her item, they would then sell the item via the auction house. They would do anything for money like repeatedly kill a player as long as they get paid for each kill.

Upon looking at the party roster, those that were caught up in the attack are still alive, but their health bars are red. They would just compensate them with the dropped items of the three people. The drop for PKs is high especially for items. They are sure that the three have very rare items that has yet to be known.

The items that the three dropped will become their money. They are sure that the three would have dropped a legendary tier weapon or armor. Just with a legendary tier weapon would make them properly fed for two months. They could even enjoy pricey dishes like lobster and steak every day.

The smoke finally cleared but the scene is different from what the dark gamers imagine. A strange looking undead that is holding a coffin is in the location where their three targets were. Their other teammates are also still bound again but they are buried halfway on the ground.

The dark gamer' teammates are stuck in black pool that seems to be the shadow of the strange undead carrying a coffin. They wondered where their three target players were, but they cannot be found. All they can see is an undead glaring at them with is blue soulless eyes.

"Help us! We are stuck!" The players who were unfortunate enough to endure the attack shouted.

Even their teammates that activated their life saving skills did not know how they became stuck. All they knew is that their vision is flooded with light, but something pulled them. The force of the pull has double the strength of what bound them.

The trapped dark gamers also saw the strange undead as soon as they regained their vision. The thing that worried them the most is that the undead before them did not get damaged by the numerous magical spells hurled at them.

"Let us go and help them." One of the dark gamers stated but they stopped on their tracks.

The dark gamer's saw that the strange undead's coffin started to open. Three figures then came out of the coffin with big smiles on their faces. Their smile has an underlying anger beneath it though.

"To think that you guys would attack us despite me giving you the chance to escape. I do not know if you guys are acting dumb or just plain stupid." Adrian stated in a mocking tone.

"I, Equinox, sentence those of you here to die by my dragon's breath." Adrian stated and Kanlaon who is waiting for his cue opened his mouth wide.

The players stuck on the shadowy ground suddenly panicked and shouted that they will really surrender. Their pleas did not reach Adrian's ears though as he already told Sirius to gather the rest. Thankfully, the area they are in is rather gloomy and dark. The effect of the Night King passive skill started to take effect.

"Attack them! They will not be able to kill all of us if we attack together!" One of them shouted as they hear the screams of their burning and freezing party members.

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