Omega Summoner

Chapter 477 - Escape The Pocket Dimension I

Chapter 477 - Escape The Pocket Dimension I

Vitae is now running for her life as the elder that kept him in the pocket dimension is actually a monster. She always believed the elder was a monster because it separated her from her brother. She does not have battle experience to kill a monster.

All her life is all about mastering the magic to give life to others. She is tasked with learning the greatest magic in the Life elemental system. She is tasked with learning the spell that could bring the dead back to life. 

After a few years of hard work, she finally learned it, but she could only revive small animals at first. She wanted the ability to revive the dead as she fears they might kill her brother. She finally learned Resurrection which could bring back a person from the dead and retore them to peak condition, yet she could not use it at the time.

She is running for her life while being protected by the elven sentinels. Only five are left from the mighty thirty that should be protecting her. She cried tears of sorrow as she saw the elven sentinels sacrificing their lives just to keep her safe.

She prayed to the Goddess Gaea, but it seems her prayers could not reach her. Even she could feel that the power of thought that she is sending to the divine realm is not ascending this plane of existence. 

Prophets are not prophets just because they can talk to their respective gods or goddesses. They are prophets because of the face that they can sense the power of thought being delivered to their gods or goddesses. 

They also make use of the power of thought to make themselves perform miracles in the name of the god or goddess. The power of thought is a type of energy that the gods receive from their believers to strengthen themselves. The massive energy for the power of thought does not entirely reach the domain of gods as it need to breach the two realms.

This is why Prophets are more powerful if their religion is also large. They could utilize the enormous power of thought, but Vitae could not do it now. She is still learning to harness this power and pocket dimensions tend to have low amount of energy.

She wanted to utilize the energy to Resurrect the fallen elven sentinels, but they stopped her. They argued that the prophet must conserve her energy should they fall. They kept escaping and finally she felt the entrance open. She immediately sent a cry for help to her brother.

Vitae did not expect her brother to actually rescue her but the demon she saw back then would probably hear her plea. She is told that demons were dangerous and evil but the demon she saw is different. She saw that the demon's life energy is clear and serene.

The demon also has the same energy as her brother which is why she felt that he is familiar. She felt that she could trust the demon unlike the elder that took her and her brother captive. She always liked the idea of a savior that will free her from this prison.

"Get back here!" the faceless one shouted as it hurriedly approached Vitae's group.

It would have been easier for the elven sentinels to escape if they did not protect the prophet, but the world would be doomed should she die. Prophets are difficult to come by and are rarely born. They must save the prophet no matter what for the prosperity of the Church of Life.

Two of the elven sentinels nodded their heads and charged at the faceless one. The elven sentinels have the ability to escape but winning against the faceless one is another thing. They might be faster than the faceless one, but they are not stronger than it.

They are also having a difficult time maneuvering across the land that is consistently shifting. The faceless one is also having difficulty adapting to the new landscape which is why it has yet to catch up to Vitae.

"We should help them! There is a much better chance if we all work together!" Vitae shouted but the elven sentinel countered her argument.

"You would be put in danger of we fought, Prophet Vitae. Do not let their sacrifices be in vain. Life is precious and they decided that your life is much more precious than theirs." The elven sentinel that carried her stated as they started to get farther away from the faceless one.

The faceless one suddenly transformed into a weird monster with sickle as hands. The sickle hands suddenly elongated and launched towards Vitae. The two elven sentinels located beside their leader blocked the two sickle hands with their weapons, but the force is much more powerful than they expected.

The two elven sentinels that blocked the sickle hands were knocked back a few meters while the sickle hands reached the elven sentinel leader. Due to being somewhat blocked, the sickle hands injured the elven sentinels two shoulders. The force of the attack is still decent enough to outbalance the elven sentinel leader.

He crashed to the ground but managed to place Vitae on top of her so that she would not be crushed by his weight. Vitae immediately sat and channeled healing magic with her hands to heal the injured elven sentinel leader. The remaining four decided to clash with the transformed faceless one.

The transformed faceless one then grew two more sickle arms at its back. It used one arm each to deal with the four elven sentinels attacking it. The elven sentinels could not believe that the monster somehow has sword techniques using its sickle like arms.

The wounds on the elven sentinel leader might not be deep but he became poisoned. The wounds on his shoulders started to foam and even signs of necrosis started to appear. Vitae could see that just healing the elven sentinel leader is not enough. She had to purify the poison first so that he could walk again.

While the four elven sentinels were busy with the four arms of the transformed faceless one, it suddenly opened its mouth and the tongue lunged towards Vitae. The tongue looked like a muscle at first but sharp thorn like bone suddenly extended from the tongue.

The four elven sentinels could not block the tongue, but Vitae suddenly saw the elven sentinel leader rise up. The elven sentinel leader got up and aimed to take the attack for Vitae. Vitae froze on the spot because she knew what the elven sentinel leader is about to do.josei

"No!" Vitae shouted as the pointy tongue has reached the elven sentinel leader.

Just as the pointy tongue is about to pierce the chest of the elven sentinel leader, a pillar of golden light descended upon him. The pointy tongue that should have pierced the elven sentinel leader suddenly hit the wall of light that descended upon him. The pointy tongue got deflected as it hit something indestructible. 

"Sanctuary!" A male voice sounded in the distance.

A fury of flame and frost then descended upon the transformed faceless one. A chain is also suddenly attacked to the faceless one and it started to absorb its life energy. The elven sentinels got some much-needed distraction and immediately created distance from the transformed faceless one.

The elven sentinels looked at the source of the voice and saw what they call 'Forest Gods'. A leshy is actually before them and it also used spells from the life elemental category. Some of the elven sentinels even remember this leshy as it was the one who took the prophet's brother.

The elven sentinels still put their guard up as the leshy might be an enemy. Their wariness is reduced by a bit as the leshy protected their leader. The spell the leshy used is another indication that it might be on their side as Sanctuary is a spell learned by Childe of Gaea.

"Vitae are you alright?" Levin Cloud asked as he surveyed the situation.

Kanlaon and Charon is now in battle mode as the enemy is none other than the faceless one. Levin Cloud immediately took out the teleportation scroll in hopes of immediately getting out of the pocket dimension but the faceless one stopped him. The faceless one seemed to notice the scroll and charged towards Levin Cloud with the intel to kill him in one strike.

"Bramble Armor!" Levin Cloud shouted as a bunch of thorny vines covered his entire body. 

The faceless one collided with the thorny vines and screamed in pain. The elven sentinels then soon followed up their attacks on the faceless one. Charon could only try and suck the faceless one's health bit by bit as it only released physical attacks which he is vulnerable from.

Levin Cloud used his unique constitution and turned into vines and escaped via the ground. He then appeared a few meters away which prompted Kanlaon to fire of its breath towards the faceless one.

"I always wanted to do this." Levin Cloud stated as it is now time for him to use the skill unlocked by his weapon.

"God's Agent!" Levin Cloud stated as his weapon that is a pendulum suddenly transformed into a sword made up of holy energy.

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