Omega Summoner

Chapter 478 - Escape The Pocket Dimension II

Chapter 478 - Escape The Pocket Dimension II

Levin Cloud managed to reach the source of the enormous life energy. He only sensed it when he got close, and he felt the energy of life being used in a particular area. He immediately told Kanlaon to fly towards the area he pointed.

The dragon also trusted his master's friend as he is trusted by their master. Kanlaon picked up the pace and carried both levin Cloud and Charon. By the time they arrived, Levin Cloud immediately activated Sanctuary to save an elven sentinel.

Levin Cloud also saw the faceless one attacking the group which made him shocked. He thought that his group would fight the elder and the elven sentinels protecting the prophet but that is not the case. 

He could more or less deduce that the other elven sentinels were wiped out by the faceless one. He decided that escaping more of a priority which is why he took out the teleportation scroll but the faceless one intervened. He dropped the scroll as he protected himself with a skill that summoned a shield made of thorny vines.

Since the teleportation scroll is no longer in his hands, he had to change to another plan. The pocket dimension is still collapsing but the faceless one is making their escape impossible. He also lost the teleportation scroll somewhere as he could not find it.action

"I do not have any other choice but to fight." Levin Cloud thought to himself as he asked for the cooperation of elven sentinels.

"God's Agent!" Levin Cloud stated as a pillar of light descended upon him and his pendulum weapon turned into a sword made of light.


Skill: God's Agent

Tier: Legendary

Type: Awaken and Buff

Effect: For a given duration, your Devotion stat will become the Devotion Gauge. Your attacks will become long range and will inflict holy attribute damage to those affected. You will also have 100% increased mana regeneration and health regeneration. 

The user will also be immune to status ailments for the duration of the transformation. The duration can also end early as soon as the gauge is completely used up. If the bearer of the skill manages to hit an enemy for three consecutive strikes, the enemy will be rooted for 0.5 seconds.

Duration: 10 minutes or Devotion Gauge is completely used up.

Cooldown: 48 hours

Cast Time: 1 second

Mana Cost: 15, 000 Mana Points


Levin Cloud has about 75,000 in terms of Devotion because of the two gods he worships. Since he has yet to become the Envoy of the Twin Gods, he still gets half the Devotion from doing quests for the God of Death. He still managed to reach the 75,000 Devotion stats though because of his hard work.

He is 75,000 Devotion stats away from gaining the access to the synchro skill that they received as a reward from the twin gods. Levin Cloud's form is something akin to a heavenly being as he is coated in a bright gentle light. He also has a halo floating above his head, but it is more of the style of a wreath.

His weapon that is a pendulum became a sword made of light with the handle having a guard for his hand. With a swing of the sword, a wave of holy light came out to strike the faceless one. The faceless one's body became seared by the sword wave as the holy element is detrimental to it.

The faceless one screamed in pain as the damage took 2% of its health. Levin Cloud used 1000 Devotion Gauge points for that attack, and it is worth it. He could finish off the faceless one with less than forty attacks since it is already damaged.

The problem is that Levin Cloud is no used to using this skill because he usually uses support characters. He did use a Paladin once on an old game but the Paladins gameplay that he knows does not use long range attacks. The elven sentinels and the soulbounds did not idle as they supported Levin Cloud in killing the faceless one.

The faceless one is now embroiled in a battle against the group which it did not expect. When it tries to attack the prophet, the dragon would use that chance to catch it off guard while the undead would suddenly transport her to who knows where.

Since Levin Cloud's attack speed is not that fast, his succeeding attacks could barely touch the faceless one since it is quite fast. The elven sentinels could follow its movements, so Levin Cloud managed to land another attack. Each of Levin Cloud's attacks applies a sharp cross wound on the faceless one.

When his third attack landed on the faceless ones, the cross shaped wounds glowed in a bright light and suddenly rooted the faceless one in place. The 0.5 second root might be short in duration but that is enough for the elven sentinels to get a few attacks in. It also made Levin Cloud hit another sword wave at the faceless one.

The faceless one started to get agitated as it could not overwhelm its enemies using speed. Its body started to change in mass once more and a hulking figure replaced his sickle armed transformation. The faceless one now has four gigantic muscular arms, and its body is also large.

It became easier to hit due to its increased size, but it could fling an elven sentinel with one swing of its arm. Levin Cloud and Vitae took on a supporting role due to the increased damage that the team is getting. They thought that they would certainly die here but something emerged from the shadow of the faceless one that bit its shoulder.

The faceless one is bitten by none other than Sirius. The bitten area is bleeding profusely, and it could not heal immediately. Sirius is affected by the buff of the Night King which is why his attacks are very hard hitting. 

The faceless one managed to catch Sirius and pin it to the ground. The faceless one tried to pummel Sirius to the ground, but it noticed that the large wolf I not getting damaged. The damage that Sirius is taking right now is being soaked by Dodu that is a few meters away.

Another healing light is then released, and the target is Anastacia. It seems that she is closer than anticipated but Sirius is one of the reasons they arrived faster. If one looked at Anastacia, the clothes she is wearing, and her hair has a look that she travelled using an open cabin train at full speed.

"Sorry, I am late. Is Equinox here?" Anastacia asked as she healed the elven sentinels.

"He is still not here. He must have been sent to a faraway area. Good thing that you manage to arrive. Can you support us with healing magic? My skill would be wasted if I used the gauge points in heals." Levin Cloud stated as he focused on the offensive.

"No problem. We have no hard hitter right now so we need all the damage we can get." Anastacia replied.

Anastacia looked at Levin cloud and saw that he is covered in light like a film. Anastacia then situated herself beside Vitae as Levin Cloud went closer to the faceless one. Levin Cloud managed to land three more hits which rooted the faceless one in place once more. The elven sentinels and the soulbounds launched a barrage of attacks as soon as the faceless one is rooted.

The faceless one is now being battered by its enemies and its body is bleeding. The wounds are not even healing due to the intensity of the status ailment. The faceless one once again morphed into a different form as it judged that it cannot win with the form it took.

The faceless one morphed into a quadruped monster with two sword like wings and a pointy tail. It also has a multitude of sharp teeth but still no facial features. The wounds on its body disappeared while it became faster than the first form but retaining the strength of the second form.

The quadruped faceless one dealt with Sirius first at it bit his neck and flung him to a floating island. Kanlaon immediately went to fetch Sirius as he looked gravely injured. The quadruped faceless one then roared and reduced the stats of every being that heard it. Even Dodu that does not have ears managed to get his stats reduced.

One by one, the quadruped faceless one dealt with the elven sentinels, but it did not kill them. The quadruped faceless one only incapacitated them and headed towards Vitae. Levin Cloud tried to block but the two sword like wings managed to cut through the sword wave he generated.

Charon sensing that Vitae is in danger stood in front of her to block the faceless one. Charon used its coffin to bash the faceless one. The faceless one got hit and got disoriented. The faceless one is about to move again when a giant mouth suddenly swallowed it whole. Dodu even burped.

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