Omega Summoner

Chapter 479 - Escape The Pocket Dimension III

Chapter 479 - Escape The Pocket Dimension III


Dodu swallowed the quadruped faceless one when it was hit by Charon. The elven sentinels, Vitae and Adrian's two companions all stared wide eye. The enemy they were having difficulty defeating is actually taken care off by the squishy thing in front of them.

The elven sentinels have no recollection of the thing that swallowed the faceless one because they were not born yet when the extermination of slimes happened. The elven sentinels could guess the origin of the liquid monster in front of them, but they are not a hundred percent sure.

They thought that everything is safe, and they could now escape but Dodu suddenly started to jiggle violently. Levin Cloud asked Dodu if everything is fine, but the slime only showed a disgruntled expression. A few seconds later, Dodu vomited out the faceless one that now looks like a flaming ball of fire.

The others thought that Dodu used a spell, but it is none other the faceless one. Dodu severely inflated because of the effects of what the faceless one did. The faceless one basically morphed itself into an entity without a physical body per se.

Faceless ones do not choose to transform into beings without tangible bodies because of one reason. They cannot sustain the incorporeal form for too long and they could lose the feeling of having a tangible body. In other words, their bodily constitutions are not in line with beings like elementals.

The faceless ones can still eat the souls of these incorporeal beings. The faceless one transformed itself to a fire elemental that it once devoured as it noticed it is being digested by a slime. The faceless one is not ignorant that the monster that swallowed it is a slime because it has lived since that time that slimes are being purged.

Since it knew the weakness of the slime race, the faceless one used the immense heat that it can produce but it also gambled using its life. The faceless one could care less for its own life, but it must fulfill its mission to kill the Prophet of Life.

The faceless one is given a mission by its own god directly. That mission is to kill the Prophet of Life that it is currently guarding. It has been doing this duty for about five hundred years and it would also secretly assassinate the prophet of life when that individual becomes more powerful.

In fact, it is the reason why the previous two prophets died unexpected deaths. It is never pinned down on it because the faceless one would only kill the twin half of the prophet of life. This is the reason it cared for or more accurately kept the other twin alive.

The faceless one did not report this particular information to the council of elders but kept it to itself. It was given the task to ensure that the Church of Life will not interfere in the business of the faceless ones. The only thing different now is that the prophets this time around are more powerful than it thought.

The faceless one tried killing the two children off with their parents at the start, but the prophet of death awakened his powers at that moment and killed the 'thieves'. Due to that event, the prophet of life awakened as well, and the elders of the Church of Life sensed the rich and bountiful aura that the prophet released.

Vitae at that time made the flowers bloom at the hill they were living while calming down the rampant powers of her brother. The faceless one disguised as the elder told the other elders to get both o the kids but only really care for the Prophet of Life. The other elders did not know that the prophet's brother is the Prophet of Death which is why they agreed.

The faceless one pulled off it scheme and decided to kill the prophet of death when no one is looking. It then encountered a problem. The prophet of death could feel the killing intent it would release whenever it wanted to do the deed. 

Mortem would then release a thick layer of death energy that made the faceless one back off as it would die if it got caught up in that. The faceless one then turned its attention to the Prophet of Life herself, but she is guarded by the elven sentinels all the time. 

The perfect opportunity came for the faceless one when intruders took away the prophet of death. The faceless one thought that all the elven sentinels would move out to chase the culprit, but the elven sentinels only got stricter in guarding the prophet of life. Vitae also did not make a fuss like she always does which made the faceless one doubt if she changed.

It is then it received the oracle from its god to kill the prophet of life. It no longer cared for its life and decided to throw it away in the service of its god. It no longer cared of its well being and threw its life just to kill Vitae which is why it has no quals transforming into an elemental.

"Why are you doing this!?" The elven sentinel leader as it tried to see if the faceless one formed some sort of emotional connection to them. After all, it has posed as an elder for years now.

"Did you really think that I have emotional attachment for lesser species like you? Everything is for our to control and enjoy as our god pleases!" The faceless one rambled in its fanaticism and undying devotion to its dark god.

The elven sentinel did not ask the faceless one without a cause as he needed a chance to activate the spell engraved on his sword. The faceless one did not notice as it is still intoxicated in the feeling of revering its dark god. It seems the distraction is successful.

The five elven sentinels with the help of Levin Cloud attacked the faceless one all at once. The faceless one effortlessly dodged all the attacks as it morphed into its most powerful form. The faceless one is no longer wasting its time as it could feel its form becoming difficult to control due to transforming into an incorporeal being.

"It turned into an Asura!" Anastacia shouted as fear crept up in her face.

The faceless one transformed into a two headed Asura which is a boss monster in the eastern continent. An asura is often described as the eastern demon and is an evolution of the monster called oni. The only difference is that asuras should only have one head.

The two headed asura seemed to emit an aura that made them feel fear and their attacks all failed due to it. Kanlaon and Sirius managed to get back into the fight, but the latter is seriously injured. Even Kanlaon is also seriously injured because of saving Sirius from doom.

Kanlaon pushed itself to the limits as Sirius made a free fall from being flung by the faceless one. They hit numerous floating islands along the way, but the ever-changing gravity made them get hit by more. The asura spared no expense and charged its way to Vitae.

Dodu could not move because of getting weakened from the internal attack so Charon defended her and Anastacia. As Charon is about to pull them into his coffin, the two headed asura faceless one ignited its sword and thrust it in Charon's chest. The Lifeless Lord did not expect the attack to kill it in one strike.

Seeing what happened to their brother, Sirius and Kanlaon pushed their bodies and attacked the faceless one. They managed to damage it greatly before ultimately dying due to tanking too much damage. It seems that the attack of the faceless one has both physical and magical properties.

The elven sentinels saw this and decided that running is better than fighting it. The faceless one seems to be damaged greatly and tired from the fight. Levin Cloud and Anastacia agreed as their main damager got killed. The elven sentinel leader took Vitae, and they once again ran for their life.

Before they ran for their life and try escaping the faceless one, a loud explosion sounded and the stable black hole on the horizon rumbled. The black hole became stronger in suction force and it seemed to be coming closer than ever. This prompted the group to try and escape faster.

Levin Cloud and Anastacia used every crowd control skill in their arsenal to stop the faceless one. They all ran for their lives as not only the faceless one is chasing them but also the black hole is closing in on them. Dodu, who is limply lying on the ground, also used the last of its strength to buy time for the people. It was then they heard a voice.

"Quantum Dispersion!" the voice stated and the faceless one got sent flying towards the direction of the black hole.

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