Omega Summoner

Chapter 480 - The Pocket Dimension Collapses

Chapter 480 - The Pocket Dimension Collapses

Adrian is almost close to his destination as he could feel the life energy in the distance. He is only a few minutes away from it or so he thought as distance is difficult to calculate in a collapsing dimension. He is no longer even killing the mobs that he is encountering.

While Adrian is carefully threading the area with great haste, a system notification suddenly popped up in front of his face.

[Your soulbound, Dodu, is currently in a weakened state.]

Upon seeing the system notification, he immediately increased his speed more despite his stamina dropping rapidly. The system notifications that followed after a few minutes is not the news that he wanted to read.

[Your soulbound, Charon has been defeated. Your soulbound's soul will now return to you.]

Adrian then felt a rush of energy return to him, and another system notification popped up.

[Your soulbound, Charon, has returned to its soul chamber. Charon is now resting for it to be summoned again when the summoner wishes.]

Adrian did not like the system notification that he received. He knew that Charon could not be easily defeated unless the enemy is very strong. He ruled out the possibility that Charon is attacked alone because Charon could escape by becoming incorporeal for a period of time.

His hunch would be that they encountered a boss monster that is far stronger than Charon. He could even speculate that Charon got mixed up with one of his two companions. That would mean that they encountered an enemy they could not defeat.

Adrian's fears grew even bigger as the succeeding system notifications broke his heart. The fear that he felt from seeing the succeeding system notifications are what changed his mindset.

[Your soulbound, Sirius has been defeated. Your soulbound's soul will now return to you.]

[Your soulbound, Kanlaon has been defeated. Your soulbound's soul will now return to you.]

The two system notifications made Adrian pick up his pace even more. He no longer cared if he broke the delicate nature of the pocket dimension which is why he unfurled his wings and directly interfered with the energies of the pocket dimension. The souls of the two returned to their soul chambers like Charon.

Adrian did not know that his choice would later affect the stability of the pocket dimension even more. The black hole in the horizon proceeded faster than before but he did not pay attention to it. He used his mastery of spatial magic to forcefully break through which not only drained his stamina greatly but also his mana.

By the time that Adrian arrived at the location, he saw Dodu sacrificing itself to protect a group of people. This made Adrian overlook the fact that he only has about 10% of his total mana. Dodu's soul also returned back to its soul chamber.

[Your soulbound, Dodu has been defeated. Your soulbound's soul will now return to you.]

"Quantum Dispersion" Adrian chanted without evaluating the threat.

The spell immediately took effect and blasted the faceless one towards the direction of the black hole. Adrian immediately descended but the elven sentinels aimed their weapons towards him. They are now in full defense mode because the demon that took the prophet's brother has returned.

The elven sentinels are wary but rather relieved that the demon blasted the faceless one away. The faceless one dropped down into the abyss and they guessed that it finally died or at least unable to attack them. Another threat is eliminated but another one has sprung up.

Vitae upon seeing Adrian land immediately ran towards him. He could see the pure life energy that Adrian is emitting. Levin Cloud is also like him, but Adrian's life energy is being complemented by his death energy which is why Vitae is attracted to it. She sees Adrian's energy composition as something she and her brother could do.

The elven sentinel leader immediately blocked Vitae from reaching her hand towards Adrian. The elven sentinel leader pointed his sword towards Adrian. The others did so but Levin Cloud and Anastacia came close to Adrian and greeted him. They are wary of Adrian but at the same time they realized this calming aura he radiated.

"It seems you were flung to a faraway place. We almost thought that you died or escaped on your own." Levin Cloud stated in a joking manger.

"It is great that you arrived at the right time. You were like a hero descending to the scene when it is the most crucial." Anastacia stated as she smiled a little.

"Sorry about that. If I knew that we would be flung to different areas, then I would have made us all hold hands." Adrian stated as he bowed towards the two.

"You do not need to apologize. At least, you managed to open a portal for us to enter from." Anastacia stated and Levin Cloud nodded his head.

"If you encountered the prophet then why did you guys not escape with her? I already gave you guys teleportation scrolls that can be used to send a large group to the destination of their choosing." Adrian stated but Levin Cloud suddenly got embarrassed.

"I lost mine when the faceless one suddenly focused on me. I do not know where it got flung to. Sorry about that. Hehehe!" Levin Cloud stated with an embarrassed smile. He knew that they will not fault him for his blunder but an important item like that should have been expensive.

"I still have mine." Anastacia stated as she also got embarrassed. She actually forgot that she had the teleportation scroll as the battle with the faceless one kept her on her toes. She is not a person that would abandon a comrade in arms.

"Anyways with that scroll alone, we should be able to get out of this collapsing pocket dimension." Adrian stated to which the elven sentinels heard their conversation because they are actually listening to the exchange between the three.

The elven sentinels did not loosen their guard, but the black hole is still coming closer. They are weighing their options of escaping from the three or entrusting their safety to them like what they heard in the conversation. 

"I trust them." Vitae suddenly stated which surprised the elven sentinels.

"Prophet Vitae, it is not wise to trust a demon. They only bring death and destruction. They like to toy with human life for their amusement because they got nothing to do with their immortal lives." One of the elven sentinels stated.

"You all talk about the demons is like this or like that, but have you ever even encountered demons? Have you engaged in a conversation with them for you to judge their lives? Do you even know what demons are like in the real world?" Vitae argued.

"That…I…The elders always warned us of these things. You are too important for the world than you think you are. You will lead the next generation for all of the living beings to flourish." An elven sentinel argued.

"That is what is wrong with your statement. You have based your observations on what other people have told you. One of the elders that you speak highly about is actually a monster in disguise trying to kill me. Yet you have the right to tell me not to trust a demon that saved us from that monster." Vitae argued to which the three players started to clap as if they are proud of their daughter.

"She is right you know. All that you know of the demons are what your people have written. We all know that everyone is biased but you must experience the world for yourself. You cannot grow as a person if people are shielding you from the world while describing it to their interpretation. 

It is not knowledge being passed down but prejudiced that has occurred since the beginning. Individuals like that will not be able to adapt to the situation if it becomes unprecedented." Levi Cloud retorted.

"Sometimes, even you can be very inspirational. I never thought you had it in you." Adrian stated as a joke to lighten the tensed situation.

"I blame you for sending me videos that give inspirational messages. I got hooked and wasted a whole night just watching them." Levin Cloud whispered his reply.

"Nevertheless, we are your only chance of escaping this dimension. The black hole is closing in on us and I bet you people do not have a mode of escape. If you did then you would have already used it since you treated the Prophet of Life like a prized treasure that no one should rob." Anastacia's analysis is exactly on point.

The elven sentinels do not want to admit it, but they cannot escape from the pocket dimension. The elder or the faceless one was the one responsible for opening the portal for them. Now that the faceless one is gone, they have no choice but to hope for a breach to the dimension to appear.

"Let us trust them." Vitae reiterated once more, and the elven sentinels could only sigh.

The elven sentinels decided that they should trust the demon since he is friends with a dryad and an elf. Anastacia handed the scroll to Levin Cloud for him to activate. As the scroll is ripped to about half, elongated arms with sickles at their ends suddenly shot out towards Vitae.

Adrian reacted first and received the attack. The faceless one is back, and Adrian decided to make a choice. Adrian grabbed the elongated arms and flew towards the black hole.

"What are you doing?" Levin Cloud shouted.

"Go! I can take care of myself." Adrian stated as he flew towards the black hole. The group disappeared in a bright light while the pocket dimension finally collapsed with Adrian inside.


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