Omega Summoner

Chapter 483 - Return To The Known Universe

Chapter 483 - Return To The Known Universe

Adrian suddenly had an idea on what he wants to ask the Void Mother. As he is about to ask his question, a portal appeared behind him and a giant demonic hand grabbed him.  action

The Void Mother did not interfere as she could feel the origin energy from the hand. She just thought that the little one's brood is collecting their lost child. Adrian could not even struggle or ask his question as he got shocked to his core and it took time for him to recover.

Adrian left The Void without saying goodbye to the Void Mother but that will not be the last time that he goes there. When Adrian left, numerous eyes that glowed green appeared that surrounded his previous location.

The numerous green eyes came from the children of the Void Mother. She acted like a queen bee and is protected by her very own children. The only reason that they did not attack Adrian is that he did not emit bloodlust and has origin energy in his body.

The Void Mother is not entirely honest that all beings sucked in The Void without origin energy would die. In fact, some have survived for a few minutes, but their life is ended by none other than the Void creatures. The unfortunate beings became nourishment for the void creatures like the ents that were sucked by the black hole.


Adrian reappeared back to the universe of pandemonium or what the void mother called the known world. The giant hand that grabbed him belong to none other than Bronx. The three Daemos elders gathered at Alfheim due to Levin Cloud.

It seems that when Adrian did not contact them for about an hour, Levin Cloud immediately went to Elder Danaya to tell her the whole thing. He explained that after getting the Prophet, the faceless one attack them once more and Adrian jump into the black hole with it.

Fearing the words 'black hole', Elder Danaya immediately contacted Ascalor. Upon learning that their favorite little demon got eaten by a black hole, they immediately searched for his unique energy. They search each world that they know in the in the universe, but Adrian cannot be found.

The Daemos elders could only jump to one more conclusion. Since Adrian could not be found on any other known world, decided to try their chance with The Void. The elders combined their powers in order to form a rift that connected the known world to The Void.

It is not only the elders of the demons that help but also Du'an. Since Adrian could not be detected using origin energy inside the void, the demon elders track team using death energy. They had to find the help of someone who is very proficient in using death energy which is why they called for Du'an.

  The demon elders managed to open the rift successfully. Du'an then channeled his that energy towards Ascalor as he was the one using spatial magic to find Adrian's energy signature. Koronn stabilized the rift while Bronx will grab Adrian from inside the void.

They successfully return Adrian to the known world but the look on his face did not scream enthusiasm. Adrian's best friend is celebrating but he is contemplating whether to jump back inside the rift to ask the void mother. A few seconds after he get out, the rift closed as it was no longer stable.

"I was so close in finding out the secret of the Daemos race. If you just fetched me a few minutes later than I would have found out." Adrian thought.

"Why do you look like you are constipated or something? Were you transported to a gruesome place where you cannot do you business!?" Levin Cloud jokingly stated but Adrian is not in the mood.

Adrian wanted to ask the Void Mother if she knows something about an item called the Eye of Origin. It is the item needed to unlock the Daemos race for all the players. Adrian might not admit it, but he might become a hero and earn the respect of all players of Pandemonium.

"I had so much to ask her but so little time." Adrian thought as he lay on the floor like a deflated balloon. The Daemos elders went back to their responsibilities as they are already used to Adrian's antics. The little brat did thank them but it could barely be heard as it is soft spoken.


When Adrian accidentally reached The Void, he did not know that he triggered Protocol Null. The protocol that Adrian triggered should not have been triggered this early. The forecast of its trigger is actually three years from now.

The developers suddenly sprung into action as the Void beings must not develop an interest in the known world as of yet. Even the developers did not expect that Adrian would actually reach the place called The Void this early.

He would be able to visit a subsection of it in a latter time as he needs to go there to retrieve the Eye of Origin. The subsection of the Void that Adrian will visit to retrieve the Eye of Origin is actually an isolated space far from the inhabitants of the Void. He should not have met the inhabitants of the void as this point in time.

The developers actually urged the NPCs to spring into action and fortunately there is a trigger. Levin Cloud actually reported to Elder Danaya to which the developers instructed her to ask help to the Daemos Elders. 

The next problem resurfaced when the Daemos elders could not locate Adrian without the help of another being because the Void is filled with Origin Energy. Thankfully, the Daemos are in league with the undead that sworn loyalty to the God of Death. 

Although the developers could have just easily pulled Adrian out of the void, they must not break the story feeling quality of the game. The game must feel like a new alternate world where there is logic applied or else it would just turn up like a game where anything goes.

The developers were tasked to monitor any game breaking mechanics and told to not interfere as much when it comes to players. The CEO of Atlas told them that Pandemonium must revolve around the players and not the game developers.

They were told that they are like the police officers that made sure everything is running smoothly. Everyone knows that freedom without consequence is dangerous as it might result into the game breaking without some form of order.

"How did the Player Equinox reach The Void?!" the director asked as he might get scolded by the CEO if he cannot give an alibi. His daughter has been grumbling of wanting a play castle in their house and he cannot get it if his salary gets cut.

"It seems that the player Equinox managed to enter the Void as he fit one of the conditions of entering it." The worker with a futuristic visor stated as she projected what happened prior to Adrian entering the Void.

The whole control room observed that Adrian accepted his dying fate to a black hole but that is not actually a black hole. The AI configured that all pocket dimensions that collapse will be absorbed into the Void as the void creatures feed on things without origin energy.

"So, he managed to enter the black hole because he is a Daemos, and the black hole served as an entrance to the Void. Did he encounter the void creatures?" the director asked.

"Fortunately, he only managed to talk to the Void Mother and is not able to ask her a decent question. We could say that he more or less has an idea on what his race really is. The Void Mother has given him a great deal of information. We managed to extract him from the location in time before he managed to ask a question." The employee with a futuristic visor stated.

"Good. Submit a report to me about the details of the conversation that the player Equinox had with the Void Mother. We must find a hole in case he skips missions that uncover the truth of the Daemos. We all know that the outcome will be way out of prediction if just one mission is skipped." The director stated as he went back to his observation of Eldritch.

The director is observing Eldritch because the player in question is notorious for being unpredictable. It is not that their supercomputer AI could not predict his patterns but the fact that the results could be different than predicted. Right now, the Envoy of the Dark Gods is busy finding a god slaying weapon.

If the Envoy of the Dark Gods managed to feed a god slaying weapon to his growth weapon, then the damage could be unimaginable. The director feared what would happen if a weapon that could take the abilities it could feed on falls in the hands of the herald of doom.

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