Omega Summoner

Chapter 484 - Harmony Council

Chapter 484 - Harmony Council


Adrian recovered from his 'great' depression, but the others only saw it as him being a drama queen. They did not know that with a few minutes more then he might have unlocked the Daemos race for the player base.

"Anyways, you need to get ready as you are needed in the meeting between the two churches. The champion of the twin gods must arbitrate for it to happen. We need proof that life and death energy complement each other." Levin Cloud stated.

"I know. You already said that to me like five times today. Do not worry because I will help you. I might even get stat bonuses just by helping you. I even got a mission for it." Adrian stated as he looked at the quest given to him.



The Twin Churches

The Church of Life and the Church of Death has agreed to meet at a middle ground. The twin gods are also expecting the meeting to be successful as the two churches have been one since the beginning. You must succeed in the two churches aligning back with each other.

Difficulty: Unknown

Reward: + 10 Status Points to all stats

Failure: Increased enmity between the Church of Life and Church of Death

Time Limit: None


"I am not going to say no to status points since it is getting very difficult to level up." Adrian stated as his experience bar barely moved despite defeating numerous enemies.

"The only problem now is where the meeting will take place. The Church of Death members wants to have it in the castle of the Undead King while the remaining elders of the Church of Life wants it to be done here in Alfheim." Levin Cloud uttered which made Adrian think of his very own land.

"Why not do it in a land that I own? It is at the far end of the central continent. It is also a village with no one in it because you know of the story. Let us set the meeting in Avalon. It is a neutral territory and the Daemos will facilitate the meeting, right?" Adrian stated.

"Yeah. It seems that the Daemos will act as a buffer per request of the two churches. The funny thing is that the leaders of both churches are actually similar." Levin Cloud stated.

"I know right! If you did not tell me that the leader of the Church of Death is a dark elf, then I might have not believed you. I mean the leaders of the churches are actually elves." Adrian stated.

"Unlike the wood elves, the dark elves are not very keen on sticking together as they do not form large societies but small villages." Levin Cloud stated.

"The dryads and leshies also have two distinctions, right? The ones who can use life magic and keeps the forest alive and those that manages the death in the forest. Do you think that the wood elves are descendants of the life faction while the dark elves are descendants of the death faction?" Adrian stated which made Levin Cloud's jaw drop.

"I got to admit that his theory crafting and observational skills are off the charts. Sometimes he spews outrageous theories, but he does not say them without base knowledge." Levin Cloud thought as he gazed at Adrian in amazement.

"So, do you accept that the meeting be held at Avalon?" Adrian asked and Levin Cloud nodded.

Adrian gave Levin Cloud the coordinates as he went to the location of the Church of Death. Adrian went to fetch the Church of Life elders that Anastacia and her mentor called. Elder Narra and Anastacia is currently waiting with the other remaining elders.

The elders of the Church of Life look all gloomy because they numbered at fifty before but now, there are less than ten. The dreadful atmosphere in the room is broken by the appearance of a portal. Adrian stepped out of the portal as he looked at the wary faces of the elders of the Church of Life.

"Equinox, you are finally here." Elder Willow stated with joy as he liked the best friend of his student.

"Yes, I am sorry for the delay as we needed to find a place where both groups could meet without bias." Adrian replied but the other elders of the Church of Life scrunched their faces.

"What do you mean biased! We wanted the meeting be held at Alfheim like what Elder Narra stated." One of the elders stated which pricked Adrian's ears as the one thing he hates the most is people who reacts without hearing the whole statement.

"The Daemos are chosen as arbitrators of the meeting and want each group to have equal ground. We decided to have the meeting here in the central continent as both groups know the place very well. We cannot impose on the inhabitants of Alfheim as they are led by a monarch. We would need the fairy king's permission first for that to happen." Adrian stated but the elders refused to listen.

"You are only saying that because you demons are already in league with the Church of Death. You love the death of all things which is why you worship the God of Death." Another elder argued.

"If you slander the God of Death then you also slander the Goddess of Life. To say such demeaning words to the Champion of the Twin Gods, do you want to face the divine wrath of the goddess?" Adrian stated but in truth he is controlled by the scenario AI halfway in his speech.

Adrian released his auras of life and death that complemented each other. The elders of the Church of Life that wanted to say something immediately shut up as Adrian's aura suffocated them despite being lower in level.

The other elders looked at Elder Narra and Elder Willow as they are the most powerful of the remaining elders. They wanted to see their reaction to the impudence of the demon, but they are not reacting. The two are even nodding along with Adrian's words.

In truth, Levin Cloud gave them a copy of the journals that he found in the abandoned church. The journal told everything about the past of the two churches. In the journal, the two churches formed a council called Harmony.

The council called Harmony handled the disputes between the two churches and they should be impartial. The members of the council included two elders from the two churches and the envoys. The two elders also learned that the two churches became stronger together rather than apart as their blessings is multiplied.

"I am just going to tell you this since there are many barking old dogs right now, but the Prophet of Life is in our care. She will also attend the meeting with the Prophet of Death that is her twin brother." Adrian stated.

"What happened to Elder Ivy that is supposed to protect her?" One of the elders asked with a disgruntled expression as he thought that the demons did something to her.

"That supposed elder that is tasked with protecting her is actually a faceless one. That faceless one almost killed your prophet, so you better be thanking me and Anastacia over there for rescuing her." Adrian replied which shocked the other elders.

From the other elder's expression, Elder Narra has yet to break the news because of the previous atmosphere. She did not want to say that their precious prophet almost died at the hands of the monsters that killed the other elders.

Another shocking news that they received is that the Prophet of Life's brother is the Prophet of Death. They could only surmise that it is not a coincidence because they know that their prophets always had a twin.

"Could it be!? The signs have already been blatant from the start, but we did not see it." An elder stated.

"That cannot be because all the twins of the prophets did not show an ounce of death energy except for the latest one. It could just be a coincidence." An elder answered.

"The truth is that the Prophet of Life and Prophet of Death is always connected. They are always born as twins like the Twin Gods, Abaddon and Gaea. You just do not know the other twin's awakening because the elder that protects the prophet would always report the death of the prophet and their twin." Adrian stated in a serious tone.

The elders of the Church of Life suddenly had an enlightenment when they heard what Adrian said. The elder that guarded the prophets would always report about their death before the prophet reached adulthood. They did not find it strange at first because the power of life is very strong for a mortal.

"By the looks of your faces, I can tell that you also realized it that the elder that protects them is the one that kills the prophet. Did you really think that their deaths are natural like what is recorded in your books?" Adrian stated in a rough tone which made the elders feel aching pain in their hearts.

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