Omega Summoner

Chapter 485 - The Meeting Of The Twin Churches

Chapter 485 - The Meeting Of The Twin Churches

The elders of the Church of Life all became silent upon the realization of the reason for the deaths of their prophets. They could no longer say anything because they view that the mismanagement of their prophet as a great sin.

"Everyone, we did not know, and it is not only our church that became a target. Those faceless ones have integrated themselves too well. We must rebuild out strength and kill their god with the help of the Church of Death." Elder Willow stated to convince the wary elders.

"I agree with Elder Willow. We are now at our lowest point and we need all the help we can get to bounce back. Remember that our ancestors are also part of the Church of the Twin Gods back then. The Champion told me that we will become closer to the Goddess if we do this deed." Elder Narra added.

The elders of the Church of Life all looked at each other for a few seconds before ultimately agreeing. Adrian did not bother them while making their decisions because he does not want to persuade them by force. He never really like compelling people to believe his cause.

If you use guilt or blackmail in persuading someone then you are basically taking advantage of them. Adrian wants the elders to realize that the choice of joining the two churches together would be beneficial for them. A bond formed through unjust means does not last long.

"Since everyone is ready, let us then depart to Avalon where the meeting will be held." Adrian stated as he channeled the Dimensional Teleportation Spell through the Cube of Paradox.

The elders of the Church of Life that has seen Adrian's weapon gasped. They could feel the power emanating from the weapon and that power is life. The floating cube before them is alive which means it is a weapon that developed an ego.

"Please follow." Adrian stated as he is the first one to enter the gate to expel the wariness of the elven elders.


Adrian and the elven elders soon arrived at his territory. Adrian could see that not much has change except for the overgrown vegetation. He immediately summoned all his soulbounds to roam free because they can in his territory. The system notification said so.

[Your soulbounds can freely roam your territory as long as you give permission.]

The elven elders are once again shocked upon seeing Adrian's soulbounds because they are not common. The elders could easily recognize the Demon Wolf, but it looked different from the ones they encountered.

The jaw dropping presence of a dragon that became a human. A majestic white bird that even they have difficulty recognizing. The thing that made them wary is the undead holding up a giant coffin that transformed itself into a cute small ghost with a cute small coffin in its back.action

The last thing that they saw is a creature only spoken of in legends because it has been years since anyone has seen one. They curiously looked at the slime that has eyes and is one meter in height. They then looked towards Adrian with both fear and admiration.

"The Goddess will not choose a weak champion but to think he has tamed beasts that are difficult to see." The elven elders thought.

"You guys can play but do not go outside the territory. If there is a wild monster, then beat it up since we do not want the already old buildings to fully collapse." Adrian commanded and his soulbounds all headed in the same direction.

Adrian thought that his soulbounds will go their separate ways, but it seems that they will play with each other. Adrian did not know that his soulbounds treat each other as brothers and sisters. The oldest being Sirius as he is the oldest of the soulbounds.

After a few seconds that his soulbounds went to play, another portal appeared before them. About ten hooded individuals came out of this portal with Mortem with them. The one who conjured up the portal is actually Du'an. Creepysoo also came with them and greeted Adrian with a fist bump.

The to arrive are the Daemos elder Koronn with Levin Cloud and Vitae. The twin prophets immediately sensed each other and hugged. The scene would make anyone cry upon witnessing the scene if they knew how the twin lives have been.

Despite the heartwarming atmosphere that the twin prophets are giving off, there is obvious tension in the air as the Church of Life and Church of Death elders confronted each other. They do not emit an aura filled with hostility, but you can feel that they do not like each other.

"Since we are all here, we should start the discussions. I, Ascalor, the Daemos elder of Space will precede the negotiations of both sides. Let me remind you that both groups decided to set aside their difference so that they may revive the Church of the Twin Gods.

I will not be biased and swear upon the Twin Gods that punishment be dealt on me should I be unfair." Ascalor stated and made a vow of fairness before the Goddess of Life and the God of Death.

The elders of both factions could now breath a sigh of relief as the arbitrator's words meant they are true and fair. The elders of the Church of Life knew that giving a vow to the Goddess of Life meant death upon breaking. The elders of the Church of Death knew that giving vow to the God of Death will be the most painful death for punishment.

"Before we proceed, can I ask the esteemed Daemos elder if such a church been established before?" One of the Church of Life elders asked as they are curious if such a thing really happened. They do not have records of such a Church in their current history.

"From my memories since I was a child, there is a case that the Twin Churches are a real thing of the past. Although, I believe they are already in a decline at the time due to unfortunate events that happened. It seems some council elders became too greedy." Ascalor answered and the wood elf elders waited if there is a reaction from the sky.

Since Ascalor made a vow to the twin gods, he would get struck by divine punishment should he lie. Seeing that there is no divine punishment being issued, the elders of the church of life could see that the statement is true. This made them contemplate more as they thought it is not that serious but now, they know that is the truth.

"I, Levin Cloud, will continue from here and the Arbitrator will only interject should he deem it worthy. I may not be familiar to the elders of the Church of Life in my new form, but I am Elder Willow's student. I come today as the Envoy candidate for the Church of the Twin Gods." Levin Cloud announced and Adrian also added something.

"As Champion of the Twin Gods, I shall bear witness in this historic occasion as my eyes are also the eyes of the Twin Gods. You all shall decide the unity of the church or the absolute destruction of it. Whatever the group decides, the twin gods shall know. Know that the Goddess Gaea and the God Abaddon is watching you." Adrian stated which made everyone tense up.

Adrian only read out the system notification that appeared before him as it is necessary for the proceeding. He did not know that the weight of his words is actually really heavy as he is the Champion of the Twin Gods. The elders of the twin churches might not have sensed it before but now they could sense it fully.

The life and death energy in the surroundings became plenty due to the appearance of the prophets. This means that even a passerby could now sense the two energies and it meant that people who are sensitive to them will be even more sensitive.

"Yes, Champion Equinox." All the elders of the twin churches stated with utmost respect.

"If that is the case then we may begin drafting the laws that will be enforced by the twin churches. You can write anything you want as everything that is written in the paper will still be up for debate. The Church of the Twin Gods advocate fairness above all." Levin Cloud stated and brought out two papers and two quills.

The elders of the two churches suddenly started writing the laws that they want to be enforced by the new Church of the Twin Gods should they agree to combine the two churches. As the elders of each church are focused in drafting their preferred laws, Adrian got system notifications indicating that his soulbounds are defeating numerous monsters.

Adrian did not think to much about it first but then he realized that it might be part of this event they are holding.

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