Omega Summoner

Chapter 581 - Depths Of The Soul I

Chapter 581 - Depths Of The Soul I

"You know that Lifeless Lord of yours? You would need to do the exact same thing that you did for it for Sirius. You must connect Sirius to the very depths of your soul." Pann stated.josei

"The depths of my soul? How am I going to do that? The last time I went there is just a coincidence. I do not know how to actually consciously go there." Adrian replied.

"I do not know other things to help you with other than that. Summoners that are powerful have strong connections to their soulbounds. The stronger the connection then the stronger the power of both the soulbound and the summoner." Pann stated as he knew about summoners since he studied their magic when he was younger.

"Thanks…I guess." Adrian answered as he went to find a suitable location to go inside the depths of his soul.

"Be sure to return once you make Sirius evolve. I want to see what an Abyssal Fenrir looks like." Pann stated as he returned to caring for his beloved creatures.

"Maybe I could go and ask the tree of life and death since it probably knows more about the world than me. It could even answer the question of how I can make Sirius evolve since it is part life after all. It must know of the ways on why creatures evolve." Adrian thought as he looked for the portal that led to his territory.


Adrian entered the portal and arrived back to his territory. He got shocked by the amount of people inside of it as wood elves, dark elves, and demons are filling the territory. He is a bit satisfied but noticed that some new trees are erected about a few meters away from the tree of life and death.

The wood elves and the dark elves say that there is no need for a shrine since that would only hinder the growth of Yewdrassil. They prefer the vibrant nature that the tree of life and death brought but there seems to be some sort of houses erected in his territory.

The most notable structure is that of a structure that is like the tree of life and death. It looked like a shrub that is made of dead twigs and lush leaves. It looked like some sort of meeting room for the elders as they need to reconvene in order to have a decision.

"To think that my territory would be this bustling." Adrian stated despite only about a hundred fifty or so are in the territory.

The wood elves and dark elves did not bother Adrian as they already knew him from the fervent praise of the elders. They even used a magic tool to capture his image and spread it to their subordinates. Adrian wanted to protest but he could not stop the enthusiasm of the elven elders with the support of the Daemos elders.

"Levin Cloud is not here because of a mission, and he needs to meet Anastacia. It seems that they need help with the whole Abelport situation that Adrian asked for assistance.

Adrian hurriedly went to the location of the tree of life and death. It is heavily guarded by the elves, but the elven sentinels let Adrian through when they realize who he was. He noticed that the twin prophets are meditating under the tree, and it seems that they are becoming powerful.

"Hello, Champion Equinox. How may we aid you today?" a dark elf elder asked that is accompanied by a wood elf elder. 

The two elders seem to be the guards of the twin prophets. They seem extremely glad that Adrian visited the place. Adrian looked around and saw that there are few elders present here in the location of the tree of life and death.

"If you are looking for the elders then they are out in search for ways to bring down the dark god that descended. The great tree has told us that the dark god is almost about to break the barrier that seals it inside the imperial capital." The wood elf elder stated.

"I see. I am not here to give you guys tasks or anything, but I need to speak to the tree of life and death. One of my soulbounds fulfilled the requirements for evolution but he has yet to show signs of evolving. I need to know if there is something wrong with him." Adrian stated as the two elven elders bowed to him and gestured him to continue.

"The great tree always said that you can always talk to it. You are the friend of the great tree." Both the elven elders stated simultaneously.

"Is that so? Hehe. Anyways is the tree…great tree growing splendidly?" Adrian stated as he did not know that his status with the tree of life and death is already in the friend status.

"According to the great tree, it is growing splendidly but it cannot yet fully grow to its utmost height due to the insufficient divine energy that is being collected by it. It seems that the dark god is also using the divine energy of this world in order to break the seal that the gods used." The dark elf elder stated.

"Thank you for escorting me. You can now get back to your duties in protecting the twin prophets." Adrian replied as he went behind the tree of life and death since that area is quiet.

"Greeting, Champion Equinox. It has been quite a long time since we met again. It seems that you are busy, but you returned more powerful which means that the champion is not slacking about. I am glad that you have become more powerful as the day of the release for the dark god that descended is near." The tree of life and death stated to Adrian via telepathy.

"It is nice meeting you too. I know about the dark god's release which is why I need your help regarding my soulbound." Adrian stated as he summoned Sirius.

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