Omega Summoner

Chapter 582 - Depths Of The Soul II

Chapter 582 - Depths Of The Soul II

Adrian summoned Sirius as the Tree of Life and Death extended some of its branches towards the demon wolf. It seems that the vines acted as some sort of probing tool as mana is released from its tips and onto Sirius. 

"I see. It seems this item that bonded with Sirius has not yet penetrated up to his soul. It is preventing him from evolving." The tree of life and death stated.

"Is there anyway that I can make it reach to the depths of Sirius' soul?" Adrian asked as he did not know how to achieve that.

"I believe that only you hold the answer to that question Champion Equinox. You and Sirius share a special bond as both of your souls are intertwined. Only you can unlock his full potential by going to the depths of his soul. 

I believe that you have achieved it before so you can do it again." The tree of life and death stated it tapped Adrian's forehead and showed him the memory when Adrian went to the depths of his soul.

"I do not know exactly how to go inside the depths of my soul since it was just a chance back then. I can go inside my subconscious, but I cannot go deeper than that." Adrian explained as he might unwittingly provoke the inner demon inside him.

"If that is your problem then I can help you. I will direct your consciousness so that you are sent to the depths of your soul. Please follow my instructions and you will be successfully guided there." The tree of life and death stated as it extended a branch towards Adrian's right hand.

The vine wrapped around Adrian's right wrist and emitted a calming energy. The calming energy gave Adrian a better chance to focus. It also made him connected to the tree of life and death which means that Adrian could be pulled out of his trance is something bad will happen.

"Thank you." Adrian replied.

"Let us now start/ Listen carefully and precisely to my instructions. You will easily arrive at the depths of your soul if you do so." The tree of life and death stated.

The tree of life and death then told Adrian to sense his connection with Charon. It seems that Charon is already connected to Adrian with the depth of his soul. Adrian will have to follow that connection since he could get lost inside the depths of his own soul as it is the most complex part of the body.

"I can feel it, but it seems like I am walking inside a dark corridor. I cannot see anything." Adrian stated as he found himself in a place that is only pure darkness.

"You are doing good as it means that you are now in between your subconscious and soul. Summon Charon so that he can lead you towards your Soul Chamber. That is where the souls of your soulbounds are stored." The tree of life and death instructed.

Adrian then thought of Charon and called for him. A few seconds or minutes later since Adrian has no sense of time, chains could be heard rattling. He followed that sound since that is undoubtedly Charon. He ran towards the direction of the rustling chains and what the tree of life and death said is true.

"Charon!" Adrian shouted as he saw Charon in his full Lifeless Lord Form."

Charon greeted Adrian by transforming into his smaller form. He went next to Adrian and went for a hug. Charon might be an undead, but it is very affectionate although it could only speak broken words since it has yet to fully grow his intellect.

"Master! Welcome. Me. Follow." Charon stated and Adrian just smiled as he followed Charon towards the depths of his soul.

Meanwhile in the outside world, Adrian is now floating in mi-air and emitting some sort of energy. He is actually emitting nether energy since he is tapping into his very soul. The tree of life and death tried its very best to conceal the energy, but it is not yet powerful enough to do so.

Everyone in the territory felt the oppressive but calm energy. The elven sentinels even rushed to the site only to see Adrian in a trance. The tree of life and death told the elves that everything is fine and that they should get back to their duties.

The elves did not doubt the words of the tree of life and death. Still, they called the elders that are in the outskirts of the village to watch over their great tree. It is also the fact that they are using their abilities to conceal the spreading pulses of nether energy.


Adrian is then met with a familiar corridor that he arrived before. It now has six doors instead of five since Kimat is now added. Each door has its own characteristics which makes it unique. Charon's door is more like an entrance to a giant skull. He entered it after safely guiding Adrian. 

Adrian looked at the six doors and could easily see what the personalities of his soulbounds are. The closes door near Charon is made up of lightning and thunderclouds which seems to be Kimat's door. Another that is next to it is actually just a small lake that should be Dodu's door.

The door next to Charon's is a door that looks like a ray of light shining down from the heavens that is sprinkling feathers. The two most impressive doors are the last two as they seem to be much bigger than the others.

The second biggest door is made up of flames and ice constantly swirling with each other. That door should be of Kanlaon's. The biggest door is what Adrian is a bit shocked as it is just pitch black like darkness has enveloped the entire area. If one looked closely then they would see that the darkness is actually shadows that are continuously swirling.josei

"This must be Sirius' door." Adrian stated as he stepped inside the darkness and his figure vanished as if he is swallowed.

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