Omega Summoner

Chapter 583 - Depths Of The Soul III

Chapter 583 - Depths Of The Soul III

Adrian stepped inside of the darkness, and he became swallowed like it is hungry. When he regained his vision, he is inside an area where the shadows are lurking everywhere. Waves of shadows are also rustling everywhere around him.

"Sirius, are you there?" Adrian called out but his soulbound is not answering.

The shadows that are all over the place suddenly flickered and changed on color from black to the colors of the nether mist. He noticed that the nether mist is slowly getting synced with the shadows that are slowly getting influenced by something foreign.

The nether energy is starting to merge with the shadows. Adrian went deeper into the Sirius' Soul Chamber as he is not responding to his calls. Adrian could not manage to see or hear inside Sirius' soul but that did not mean he is going in totally blind.

Adrian used his connection with Sirius and closed his eyes. He focused more and moved in the direction that he felt that he should move. He moved in a straight line then turned and then went back to his former location. He stopped moving when he stepped backwards and turned behind.

Adrian opened his eyes and saw Sirius sleeping in a location that is filled with nether mist. He never checked before if Sirius is unresponsive and just jumped inside of his soul. The nether mist seems to be doing something to Sirius as it is gathering towards him at a slow rate.

"He is undergoing existential evolution." The tree of life and death stated.

"What does that mean?" Adrian asked but he is met with silence.

The tree of life and death did not answer because the connection with it has become unstable. Adrian is in too deep of his soul and the tree of life and death could not penetrate that part of a living person's soul. Adrian is now on his own as the he could guess that the tree of life and death could no longer reach him.

Adrian tried reaching for Sirius, but he could not get close to him. The nether mist combined with shadows is no longer permitting him to go near Sirius to check the latter's condition. It is then that Adrian heard someone whisper to his ear.

"It seems that you need assistance." A voice that is the exact same copy of Adrian's suddenly stated which made Adrian jumpy.

"Who are you and why are you copying my voice? Are you the one behind this issue on why Sirius is not evolving?" Adrian stated but the voice just laughed at him.

"Do you really think I will be able to do something like that when this place is your own soul. Only you can dictate what happens inside this place. You are the only one able to control your very existence. If you let others control it then you are no better than a puppet." The voice that is the exact same copy of Adrian's replied.

"What do you mean? Who are you? I demand to know you!" Adrian commanded as he tried following the advice of the voice that sounded exactly like him.

"If you are curious then all you needed to do is look upwards." The voice stated and Adrian did just that.

In the place that is supposed to be pure darkness, Adrian could see something on the other side of what he calls the ceiling. A person that is actually him but looked different from him as this other person has four pairs of wings instead of one. The horns on his head are also more like crows as a smaller second set is placed on top of the large ones.

"It is nice to meet you body owner. I am what you call your inner demon. I guess you already know my identity since you already beaten one of us and successfully fused with you. 

But it seems that your greater inner demon did not explain what to do. He must have been so flattered to join with the main host." Adrian's inner demon stated as it looked down on Adrian as they are in separate dimensions separated by some sort of wall like when he is inside the fox marble.

"Are you one of my inner demons? The Archdemon one?" Adrian asked.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! You have won the grand price." The Archdemon inner demon stated.

"What do you mean when the greater demon did not explain anything?" Adrian asked as he is curious why would his inner Archdemon say something like that.

"How do I say this without offending you? You are not yet fully a greater demon. You are a greater demon in name but not a complete greater demon."  Adrian's inner Archdemon stated as it sat on a throne that it materialized out of nowhere.

"Why not come here and explain to me instead of being on the other side of that wall?" Adrian commanded but the command did not occur.

"Even if you are the master of your soul, you cannot force your inner Archdemon to go down to the level of a greater demon. You have to pierce the veil yourself and come to me when you have successfully integrated all of your greater demon self." The inner Archdemon stated.

"If that is the case then tell me what I need to do in order to help Sirius fully integrate with the energy inside of his body." Adrian commanded which made the inner Archdemon smile.

"Now you are getting it. There is no rule stating that I cannot help the main body if he commands me to. Alright then you better listen. You just have to eternally bond Sirius to you like what you did with Charon." Adrian's inner demon stated.

"In details." Adrian commanded but the inner Archdemon just smiled.

"The Noblesse inner demon is telling me to stop giving you hints. As doing so would violate our existences as a blocker of sorts. We are a wall that you must climb after all. Last tip that I could give you is that 'You are the master of your soul'". The inner Archdemon stated before it vanished. 

The ceiling that was transparent before suddenly became dark again. Adrian might not like that he was not given a direct answer but the answer that he is given is suffice.

"I am the master of my own soul." Adrian muttered to himself as he psyched himself up.

"Show me the way on how I can help Sirius' soul to properly fuse with the nether energy present in the Shackle of the Realms." Adrian commanded.

A door that is rusted and broken suddenly materialized in front of him. The door automatically opened, and Adrian walked inside with great confidence. He feels as though that is the way to help Sirius with his predicament. He will not let his faithful companion be utterly helpless from the nether energy.


Adrian entered a different area where he saw is a giant tree that punctures the sky. The tree that he sees is so large that it made him feel like an ant. The tree roots are so large and are holding giant spheres with runic letters engraved in each of them. 

Adrian tried flying towards the tree trunk, but an unknown force is pushing him back down. He did manage to see that at the other side of the of the trunk is where the inner archdemon is sitting on a throne. 

The archdemon smiled as he looked down on Adrian as the host figured out what he hinted out without much difficulty. The surprising thing that Adrian has seen is that someone is looking down at him on top of the huge tree. The distance is so far but Adrian could somehow vaguely see the individual looking at him.

Adrian could not fully see the individual on top of the tree, but he could see that the individual had six pairs of wings. The individual also had something like a black halo of some sort. Adrian felt intimidated yet he felt that he is looking at himself for some reason.

Adrian flew back down as his body could no longer handle the pressure that is pushing him down from the top. He had no choice but to investigate the spheres that are being grasped by the roots of the giant tree. All spheres had different character written inside them but only one had something inside.

"Thagirion." Adrian read the sphere that held Charon's soul.

He inspected each of the spheres as the solution might be putting Sirius in one of the orbs. That would have been easy, but Adrian suddenly got more questions than answers. What sphere to put Sirius in? What would happen if he put Sirius inside the wrong sphere? More importantly, how can he put Sirius' soul inside that sphere?

"There seems to have been more question than answers which vexes me more." Adrian muttered as he thought of something outrageous but not too out of the box.

"What sphere should I put Sirius' soul in?" Adrian asked and three spheres lit up.josei

The spheres for Samael, Ghogiel, and Satoriel. Adrian did not know why three spheres lit up, but he could more or less guess why.

"It wants me to choose." Adrian stated as he checked the three spheres.

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