Omega Summoner

Chapter 584 - The Three Spheres

Chapter 584 - The Three Spheres

"It wants me to choose." Adrian stated as he checked the three spheres.

The spheres for Samael, Ghogiel, and Satoriel are lit up as it guided Adrian for the answer. It gave him choices instead of an actual answer. It gave him three possibilities which is just like real life because there are always multiple answers for one problem.

Each sphere corresponds to a different state of something. Adrian did not know but it might affect the skills of Sirius. He will not know if the transformed skills will be better or enemy specific. He decides to check each of the spheres if they will tell them about the functions of each.

Adrian reached out to the first sphere that is closest to him. The sphere with the name Ghogiel is what he came up to first. The sphere looks clouded by some sort of barrier inside. The sphere is even hindering him as if it is something that is special about the sphere itself.

[Ghogiel represents the antagonism to the well of creative potential and eternal motion in Chokmah. Ghogiel itself is the nature of blocking and inhibiting the influx of divine motion.]

"What is Chokmah?" Adrian muttered but then he looked at Charon. 

Charon's sphere is glowing in a light that is something disrupted. The energy that is inside the sphere called Thagirion is a disruptive type of energy. Adrian then checked the other spheres if they exhibit a different type of energy circulation.

Adrian checked the other spheres that did not glow and true to his findings that they are unique. The uniqueness of each sphere means that they will give the others a different ability. Charon has a different ability and evolution thanks to being bound to the sphere of Thagirion.

[Satoriel represents the death of creative energy in aid of eternal, lifeless structure. The pursue of Satoriel is to becloud the nature of being behind shapes that fail to reflect the essence they represent.]

"I know that it might seem great but why do all their description seem bad. Then again in order to treat poison, others must use poison to cure it. I am just needlessly stalling since I do not know what to choose as this is a very important decision." Adrian muttered as he looked at the definition of Samael.

[Samael - Unauthentic brilliance can be understood as the beginning of illusion and deceit. In the realm of the mind the shadow of Hod therefore is represented by the lie, artfulness, or beguilement.]

The sphere for Samael is different from that of Satoriel. The energy inside of Satoriel is calmer but at the same time the deadly calm which does not suit Sirius right now because Sirius has structure. This sphere might be better off to Dodu because of them having the same characteristics.

The energy that Samael is giving off is also very different because it is beautiful yet behind that beauty is power. It seems that it is more like an illusion to hide the reality of the object. Adrian thinks Samael is more apt for Sirius since his shadows could also be used to create illusions which his other soulbounds could not.

Adrian also knows that the name Samael seems a bit special since it has been given in previous games that he played. The name Samael often refers to the former archangel that was close to the creator. He got punished because of his attempt of overthrowing the creator because he was created perfect unlike the others before him.

"It is not like Sirius would like slit my throat because of some sort of resemblance to the name. The fact that Sirius shadows could be more of illusions will be better for him. All I needed to do is make sure that I am making the correct decision." Adrian thought as he looked at the other spheres again.

"Ghogiel's sphere exhibited a power to stop things. Satoriel's sphere exhibited a power to undo the structure of things but that could also affect Sirius as he might become structureless as well. Satoriel exhibited something like illusions as behind the illusions is raw power." Adrian thought as he made his decision.

Adrian chose the Samael Sphere because of the illusions that it exhibited. It might be useful especially to Sirius since he is mostly a surprise attacker since he could get one shot by strong spells. The only thing that Adrian did not know is that another term for Samael is the Poison of God.

He did not know of this, but his other inner demons are actually smiling with his choice. Even they think that the Samael sphere is the best choice for Sirius. The inner demons just did not give advice because they know that they are just sidelines as the host ultimately makes the decisions.

"How do I even transfer Sirius' soul inside of this sphere?" Adrian thought but he suddenly got flooded with the memory of how he inserted the soul of Charon inside the sphere. All he could do now is pray that the same thing will happen.

Adrian touched the sphere that is labeled Samael and imagined that Sirius' soul is being transported inside of it. He focused with the sole intention of putting a soul inside of an empty sphere. Adrian could feel something slip outside of his own body and enter the sphere.

A wisp that has the same color as that of the nether mist is now inside the sphere labeled Samael. He looked at it and noticed that the soul looked like that of a wolf. Adrian is sure that this is none other than Sirius' soul or at least a representation of it.josei

The small wisp suddenly expanded, and the form of Sirius is now inside of the sphere. Adrian smiled as he noticed that the transfer has been successful if it is even called a transfer. Adrian knows that the Sirius inside of the sphere is not actually Sirius himself but something like an avatar.

The avatar acts like a bridge to the energy that is being suppled inside the sphere so that the changes in Sirius' body will not be so sudden. Adrian could feel something tugging at his soul as Sirius is now changing faster than before.

[Soulbound Sirius has been bounded to the Qlippoth sphere of Samael.]

[Soulbound Sirius is now a permanent soulbound and could no longer be replaced by other soulbounds.]

"Qlippoth?" Adrian muttered as he could vaguely remember this term from a previous game or novel that he read.

Adrian is trying to remember what the Qlippoth is as it seems to be connected to the design of a tree inside or at the depths of his soul. He thought long and hard about where he heard the Qlippoth term is. He then became enlightened as it is famously misinterpreted as the tree of death but that in fact is false.

The Qlippoth is actually just a shadow of the Sepiroth which is sometimes called the tree of life. The term is vague because it is not often mentioned or used because of it name or origin. But one of the games that Levin Cloud pushed him to buy explored the Sepiroth further.

In that game, Adrian had to acquire the items that represented each branch of the Sepiroth. He fought demons or abominations in that game, but the last boss just laughed in the end. The last boss of that game laughed as its life is coming to an end and stated a fitting sentence to describe the relationship between the Qlippoth and the Sepiroth.

"You might have defeated me but remember that we demon kings of the Qlippoth will return because we are the shadow that the light casts. Those beautiful beings that you see on top of us is nothing more than a subjective reality. We, the demon kings of the Qlippoth, will return as light is nothing without its shadow." The last boss stated as it vanished.

True enough, the developers of that game released an extension pack. This time instead of the main character battling the demon kings again, he got betrayed by the archangels of light. The main character then used the powers he obtained from the demon kings in order to kill the archangels of light in the side of the Sepiroth.

In the end, the player will learn that he is both light and shadow. A trait that each person in the world has. Sometimes people cast their light to show everyone or inspire them. Sometimes people become shadows as they are hiding behind the light but at the same time cannot part with it.

Adrian once again looked at the giant tree and he could feel that this is both the Sepiroth and the Qlippoth. He is now on the bottom of the tree or the shadow that the magnificent tree casts. Each of the spheres in the Qlippoth represent something which means it is a shadow of the spheres on the other side.

Adrian suddenly got a realization that he is not only choosing from one side but also choosing for the other side as well. The thing that he is not sure about is that there are ten spheres, but a summoner could only have a maximum of nine soulbounds.

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