Omega Summoner

Chapter 595 - Fruit Of Yewdrassil

Chapter 595 - Fruit Of Yewdrassil

[Your soulbound, Charon, has died. You can summon him again when his summoning cooldown is over.]

Adrian emerged from the rubble with the help of both Sirius and Kanlaon. Adrian used his gravity altering skill to push away the rubble while the heaviest ones were carried by both Sirius and Kanlaon. 

He could not see any remnants of the paladins and priests inside the tower. As if they were disintegrated by the intense spell that Cain used. Even his body is nowhere to be seen as the magic circle that the Asmodian grafted on his body turns one's whole body into a bomb.

The body that has became a bomb because of the magic circle will have nothing left after it explodes. It is a magic circle that turns even atoms into a bomb which is why it is forbidden to alter the magic core of someone alive.

Adrian saw the residents of Abelport point at him from the ground. Some of the guards that are mages used magic to fly and try to catch him, but Adrian is already prepared. He already activated the stored Dimensional Teleportation magic that he prepared.

The Cube of Paradox became small cubes and created a portal that Adrian passed through both his soulbounds and them himself. The mages that tried to catch him did not catch up as he already disappeared by the time that they are casting their spells.

Adrian's appearance in Abelport has been deemed the Demon Disaster. Some of the priests and paladins that were outside the tower claimed that it was a demon flying. Thus, the whole incident regarding the collapse of the tower and the disappearance of every person there are attributed to the mysterious demon that has a dragon and a large wolf as a follower.

Thankfully for Adrian, no one knows his name which is why he has not gained any notoriety. If his name is known, then not only would he get the notoriety stat but also have it skyrocket due to the numerous deeds that he has done or falsely accused to.


[You have arrived at your own territory, Avalon.]

Adrian arrived at his territory in the area of the tree of life and death. Both Vitae and Mortem are currently not there as they are being taught by the elven elders about the ways of the world. The only one who greeted him is the tree of life and death that apparently is now bearing fruit.

"You can grow fruits?" Adrian asked rhetorically.action

"You can go to other dimensions?" The tree of life and death replied rhetorically.

"Sorry about that. I thought divine trees will not be able to bear fruit or something. Even the world tree in the now destroyed Neo Alfheim did not have such capabilities." Adrian stated as he thought it is impossible.

"I can bear fruits because I have yet to fully mature. My fruit is basically what you call the amalgamation of the filth in this area that I have turned into something beautiful and clean. Only those that I have granted permission could view upon my fruit or those that are gifted by godly sight." The tree of life and death stated.

"I see. Is there any chance that I could get the fruit?" Adrian asked as he saw the apple and peach hybrid looking fruit. He is also tempted with the things that he read upon the description of the fruit.


Item: Fruit of the Tree of Life and Death

Tier: Legendary (Unripe)

Type: Consumable

Effect: Increase the power of both life and death attribute skills by 15%. Also cleanses the user of all the status ailments and debuffs that the user has received. Also, it will heal the user back to 80% health while regenerating 70% of the user's mana. The user will have a boost in both health and mana regeneration while the fruit is yet to be fully digested.

Description: An unripe fruit of the Tree of Life and Death, Yewdrassil. It has miraculous effects that is rumored to even be able to revive the dead once it is fully ripe. This fruit could be called one of the best treasures that is edible. Can only be seen by those trusted by the tree of life and death.


"I will not give it for free even though I like you, Equinox. I need to have the fruits in case of emergencies. Each iteration of the tree of life, tree of death, and me can only bear fruits every 100 years before we reach maturity." The tree of life and death stated as Adrian nodded his head.

"Noted. Could your fruit cleanse the curse of a dark god?" Adrian asked as he is suddenly curious if he might have found a way to cure Cain if he knew this information earlier.

"If the fruit s ripe then there is a chance, but it is not guaranteed as curses of dark gods are tricky. They are not from our reality, so they bend reality to how they perceive it to be. That is the reason why they are not invited in our universe because they disrupt the balance of nature. Why do you ask?" The tree of life and death stated.

"Nothing. I am just curious because I want to know how to counteract the curse of the dark gods. I do not want to fight them without knowing what can be done against them. Anyways, how long does the fruit need to ripe?" Adrian asked as he eyed the fruit with glistening eyes.

"Another year or two. It depends on the surroundings as I pulled the miasma so that I can convert that into useful energy." The tree of life and death stated.

"I see. If there is a chance, then can I have one of the fruits if another grows?" Adrian asked as he knew the price of such fruit.

"I will see about it when the time comes, Equinox. If I ever need of your services, then I can use it as a reward, but I do not need anything right now." The tree of life and death stated.

"Great Tree! Someone is looking for the Champion. Ah! The Champion is here. You arrived just in time for guests that are somewhat vague in origin." One of the elves stated.

"Why are they looking for me? Do you know their names?" Adrian asked as he wants to know who his guests are. His first guess is that it is Piggy Bank as he told Adrian that he will give him the guild medallion.

"They are called Imiter and Lime. The demons do not seem to be wary of the one called Imiter despite him not being entirely human. The Lime person is actually a True Saint or at least that is what she claims to be. The elder demons are not here which is why we were told to ask the Great Tree for assistance but with the Champion Equinox here then our problem is now solved." The elf stated.

"Why do the other demons seem relieved upon seeing this Imiter?" Adrian asked as he is curious.

"The other demons say that he emitted almost the same aura as you but fainter." The elf stated which made Adrian curious as the demons know that he is more of an Asmodian than them.

"Kanlaon and Sirius, you guys can take your time and explore the place. Be sure to use your human forms." Adrian stated as his two soulbounds suddenly changed into their human forms. Adrian assisted Sirius with his because the Abyssal Fenrir has yet to master Polymorph.

Sirius looked like a thirteen-year-old boy that has hair with three colors which are white, black and gray. His eye color remained the same and he resembles Adrian a bit as the latter seemed to be the blueprint for his appearance. The clothes that Sirius wore looked like a mix between eastern and western style that also has the black, gray and white motif.

"Try not to bother anyone as they are probably busy. Make sure to be in your best behavior as anything you do will reflect unto me. Gosh, is this what a parent feels like when they let their children out in the wild." Adrian stated but he muttered the last sentence.

"You do not need to worry about that, Master. Me and big brother Sirius will just play and see what the other races are doing. The tree friend will be guiding us anyway as it told us that it is connected to the whole territory." Kanlaon stated cutely as it looked at this chance of liberation as an exploration.

"I will watch over my younger brother, Master. I will not let you have a headache or tarnish your reputation. I just hope that my other siblings will be able to join us." Sirius stated in a serious tone as he acted as the eldest.

"I will summon them as soon as they recover so that all of you could unwind." Adrian stated as he left to visit the guest. 

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