Omega Summoner

Chapter 596 - Meeting The Metamorph

Chapter 596 - Meeting The Metamorph

Adrian left his two soulbounds for their enjoyment as they should be able to freely wander off inside the territory without much problem. The elves and demons in the territory knew of them which is why they did not bother them. The players that have been given access to Adrian's territory is another story altogether.

Adrian followed the escort in order to see if what this interesting person needs from him. He knows that it is actually the demon elders that they want to see but they are not in the territory which makes the next like in charge be Adrian. He just had to entertain them and get them to stay away if their business is not welcomed.

As Adrian is walking, he suddenly felt a slight headache. The marking that Cain gave him suddenly reacted which meant that a soul fragment of his brother, Abel, is nearby or it just reacted due to something unforeseen. He just received the marking so there could just be side effects from having it.

Adrian is then led to an area that is something like a reception where it is just a large area with nothing there. The only ones that are there are the numerous guards that are training which are both elves and demons.

The two figures that wanted an audience with the leaders of the demons are waiting there. Adrian could not be more shocked to see a battle armored nun with a bayonet and a normal looking boy that is about in the early teens waiting for him. The little boy might look normal, but the soul of this boy is unique as it is burning in a different light compared to the others.

"The one who looks like nun should be the True Saint while the other is undefined as of now." Adrian thought as he moved near them.

"Lime and Imiter, your attention please." The guard stated as they were mesmerized by the guards that re training beside them.

"Sorry about that. We were distracted." Lime replied with a sorry tone. She is mesmerized by the training of the elves and demons because of the specific routine that is made for them. She could clearly see that the trainings are specifically made for their body types.

"It is not a problem as you guys might not have seen many demons that are around. They are not really the social type which is why even us elves are having difficult time having conversation with them. Ah! The champion is with me. Forgive me for my offensive words." The elven guard stated.

"I can attest to that as they rarely get out of the place where we came from. We rarely interact with other races other than ourselves so please me more attentive to the other demons." Adrian stated as he smiled at the elven guard.

"He is a player. Could he be that famous demon player? I never thought that I met someone famous." Lime thought as she could see that Adrian is different to the other demons. His information is also like that of a player.josei

"It is nice to meet you. My name is Equinox. I am basically the leader here right now as the elders are not here." Adrian stated as he reached out for his hand.

"I guess he really is a player seeing that he wants a handshake. There is no such greeting in Pandemonium like that unless they are players." Lime thought as she shook Adrian's hand.

"I am sorry for bothering you, but we really need your assistance right now." Lime stated as she looked at Imiter.

"I see. Can I at least know what you need of my assistance? I am really busy right now which is why I am not as free as you think I am. If I can fulfill your request, then I will help you to the best of my ability." Adrian stated but in reality, he is looking at the pendant that is hanging at Imiter's neck.

"I will get straight to the point then. Can you please accept Imiter and his family as refugees? I do not know who the lord of this territory is, but this should be the safest place for him right now." Lime stated but Adrian's face suddenly stiffened.

"I do not know who gave you the idea that we are accepting refugees, but I cannot simply allow an unknown person to be in my territory. There should be a process and it seems that you guys brought something troublesome judging by the tone of your voice." Adrian stated with a serious tone.

He is not a hundred percent sure of the little boy's identity. Not to mention the little boy's family that will come with him. Adrian might be nice, but he is not that nice to just suddenly accept someone that needs help because they need or act like they need it.

"Can you please reconsider? You are the lord of this territory after all. This is the place that is the safest for him." Lime argued as she knew that going to the holy cities will not be beneficial since a lot of refugees are already heading there.

"I am the lord of this territory and I decide who gets in and out. People with unknown background wants to live in my territory just because they are the safest here. Nothing in life is that simple as times right now is the most troublesome since monsters that could shapeshift are roaming about and creating chaos. Tell me, why should you be an exception?" Adrian stated as he looked at Imiter.

"I see. You can already tell that I am not entirely human. I can tell you way to get rid of the godly monster in the imperial capital if you take me in." Imiter stated in a tone that is not befitting of a small child.

"How about you give me that necklace of your and I might change my mind?" Adrian stated as he pointed at the necklace that is hanging around Imiter's neck.

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