Omega Summoner

Chapter 616 - Triple Light

Chapter 616 - Triple Light

The angels all decided that the Faceless Arch Priest and the Faceless Arch Fiend must be killed first. They all used the remaining energy that makes their body corporeal to create a spell that will definitely destroy the two enemies.

"I am the first light!" The angel holding the spear stated as his weapon shone in a brilliant white light.

"I am the peak light!" The angel holding the sword and shield stated as his weapon also shone in a brilliant yellow light.

"I am the final light!" The angel holding the great sword stated as his weapon shone in a pale orange light.

"With the blessing of the three lights that the world receives, may they help us shine a blinding light to our enemies! Brilliance of Day!" The three angels simultaneously stated as they pointed their weapons towards the Faceless Arch Priest and Faceless Arch Fiend.

The three different colored light all converged towards a point. A huge ray of light then bathes the area that Adrian's group is in. All the enemies are disintegrated to ash as they got passed through the large ray of light.

The players that are aligned to the human alliance all got healed while Adrian's group got damaged a bit. Thankfully, Soleil is present in the area which is why they got shielded from the heat ray. The giant light ray even made Solstice hide in her armor that prevents light to pass through.

The three angels then dissipated as they could no longer prevent their bodies to keep intact. The angels all retreated to their 'borrowed' mortal bodies. Adrian's group is not a big fan of the attack that the angels have released despite that the praised of the players aligned with the human side.

"To think that they would do that. I had to retreat to my armor to not get myself killed." Solstice stated as she used the shadow version of her armor once more.josei

"At least they killed the Faceless Arch Priest and the Faceless Arch Fiend, right?" Creepysoo stated as his body is starting to smoke.

"Did you guys get a system notification that they have been killed? I did not get any." Vayu raised the concern which made them tighten up their guards once more.

When the smoke cleared, a heavily injured Faceless Priest is revealed. The Faceless Arch Fiend also looked heavily injured as it blocked the attack for its master that did not even bother to heal it. The Faceless Arch Priest tried to gather as much flesh from the other faceless monsters as it could to heal itself, but the light disintegrated most of the flesh.

"Sirius, Kanlaon, and Kimat, finish the two opponents." Adrian commanded as his other teammates joined the attack as well when they saw that the two enemies are still alive.

Six mirrors then materialized near the two faceless monsters, and it blasted them with beams of light. These beams of light carried the light ray that the angels used to attack the faceless monsters. Thankfully, the angels did not bother neglecting Adrian's group to the effect of the attack.

[Your Primordial Armament: Mirror cannot be summoned for a while due to the damage that it has sustained.]

[Your group is the first to kill both the Faceless Arch Priest and Faceless Arch Fiend.]

[All of those that participated will have their contribution points raised.]

[Those that contributed the most to the fight will be rewarded with bonus points.]


Current Ranking:

1st Equinox

2nd Hou Yiwei

3rd Anastacia


Adrian being in first place is not a shocker to his team because he really did the most in this battlefield despite being late. The gap between him and Hou Yiwei is only in the hundreds due to the fact that the latter attacked the dark god directly and broke his barrier. 

It would not take long for Hou Yiwei to surpass Adrian in the rankings as long as the former kills more enemies. Adrian did not really care for the contribution because he already has a god or the twin gods that chose him as a Champion.

He speculated that the ultimate reward for this quest will be to become an Envoy or a Champion of that god or gods. He did not care for that as he really just wants to get rid of this dark god since he saw visions of the past from the Daemos elders. He did not want to relive that horror in his gaming life.

"What should we do next? It seems that enemies have stopped spawning in our current location." Lime asked.

"We should heal ourselves first since the enemy is a dark god after all. We must be in full fighting condition to even try landing a hit on that huge thing. Come near me so that I can heal your wounds." Levin Cloud stated as he healed everyone with the help of Saena that relieved them of status conditions.

A few moments later, a group of players suddenly came close to Adrian's group. They are not the flashiest of the bunch, but they could be considered as the most trained to move as a group. The group consists of five people with different job classes with their leader being a warrior that wielded a sword and shield.

"Are you the famous 'Demon'?" The player that leaded the group asked.

"I am a demon, but I do not know what the famous adjective implies. I am just a normal player like all of you." Adrian replied but the faces of his group members indicated otherwise.

"I am Knight from the party called Dawn. I bet you heard about me." Knight stated his name as he is a famous ranker and the group leader of the famous adventuring group Dawn. Their group has finished quests with high difficulty even with just five players. All the players in his group are also rankers I their own right despite not being the best in their job class.

"Sorry but I actually do not know of you that much." Adrian replied honestly which made Knight feel a bit embarrassed and his party members a bit furious.

In fact, Adrian no longer read the forums on famous players and such because he is buried in studying all the information about Pandemonium. He never really bothered knowing the names of the players unless they are at the top of the job class.

Some of Adrian's party members are also clueless about the group that Knight leads that is called Dawn. They also never bothered looking at it because they are busy with tasks relating to their races. The only ones who know of them is actually Lime, Kabrakan and Levin Cloud.

Levin Cloud knew of them because they have a player that is the top 10 in the priest rankings named Heala. She is the most powerful support that he knows and even reads up on the guides that she posted about priests when he was still on the low levels. She might be the tenth in the rankings, but she has the best technique next to the rank one priest.

"Ah! I am sorry about that. It seems that our groups fame is not that spread as I thought it would be. Nevertheless, would you like to group up with us when we go to the middle zone?" Knight asked without any anger as he is a humble man who made the other party members look up to him.

"I have to ask my party members about it first since we are not really part of a guild. We do not like being restricted in moving around. What do you guys think?" Adrian asked his party members.

"You decide what you want. You are the party leader." Lime answered.

"I will go with big brother's decision." Creepysoo answered.

"I think that our group is fine as it is, but it is fine if our groups stay at a close distance with each other. Just so that we could provide support with one another. That is just my suggestion, but you should do what makes you think that we can have better survivability." Levin Cloud stated as he knows why their team is asking to team up.

Knight's group, Dawn, might have one of the best healers but they lack in fire power. Meanwhile, Adrian's group has a lot of fire power but has less healers. Knight's party decided to supplement their lack of fire power with Adrian's group while also providing the aid of their healer which will lessen the burden of the healer's in Adrian's group.

In fact, Levin Cloud has yet to fully show what he is capable of doing because they are still in the inner zone. He only used quick heals and quick status ailment purifications. He has yet to show 30% of his actual potential as a priest. He did not find it rude for the other party because he is a very objective person.

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