Omega Summoner

Chapter 617 - The Dark God’s Wrath I

Chapter 617 - The Dark God’s Wrath I

"While merging our parties will be a good idea, I do not think it will be beneficial to all of us. Our parties each have their own quirks in handling things. Although, that does not mean that both our parties cannot team up by being close to each other." Adrian stated which made Knight think it over.

"Are you not joining us because you think that we are weak?" Heala asked Adrian's group.

"It is not that we think that you guys are weak. You see, our group has been used to all our skills and abilities. I am sure that your group also feels the same. Also, we might have trouble in sharing loot as we have our own ways of dividing up loot." Levin Cloud answered.

"It is fine, Heala. They are also looking out for us because the enemy this time is really unpredictable. We cannot burden their group in saving us if we land ourselves in a pickle. In a sense, their decision is the most objective." Knight state to quell the slight annoyance that Heala is feeling.

"I also agree with our groups just being in helping distance with each other. We might disrupt their momentum if we fully incorporate with them, and they might also disrupt ours." The wizard in their group stated.

"Fine. I will agree with the strategy that you guys will come up with." Heala stated as she is actually the one who thought of the plan to join Adrian's group.

She wanted to join forces not because she wants to know more about Adrian's group, but she wanted to last until the fight with the dark god. They have received offers from other guilds, but their terms are almost unfair to them. She is actually half thankful that Adrian's group is not like other groups headed by a famous player.

"Nevertheless, I am not the actual reason why our group got famous." Heala stated as she looked at the little girl beside her.

"Let us make our way towards the dark god then. We can force our way through now that the army has occupied the middle part of the imperial capital." Adrian stated as he memorized the situation as soon as his transformation got cancelled.

"We can also aid them while we go towards the middle." Knight agreed as all of them went towards the dark god while swatting away the weak faceless monsters.


[You have received great contribution by participating in the killing of the Faceless Arch Priest.]

[You have received great contribution by participating in the killing of the Faceless Arch Fiend.]

"Finally, we managed to kill the damned thing." Hou Yiwei stated as they killed the Faceless Arch Fiend and Faceless Arch Priest about ten minutes later than Adrian's side of the map.josei

"Apparently, we were not the first one to kill it as stated by some of the guild members that are on the other side. They said that the 'Demon' is now in this battlefield." White stated as she read the announcements of their fellow members in their guild channel.

"How could they kill it before us?" Hou Yiwei asked.

"Apparently, angels descended and helped them in killing the threats. They are now going towards the dark god as reported by some of our guild members." White stated.

"We should start moving as well towards the dark god. They are probably going to use the army as a shield to get towards the dark god anyway. If we want the most contribution for this battle, then we must strike the dark god ourselves. 

We have the special item that makes our attacks deadly towards it. The barrier will also be soon raised by the Church of Light which is why we need to hurry and get close towards the dark god." Hou Yiwei commanded as he summoned his fire drake and rode to the skies.

Due to his keen eye, he could also see Adrian riding Kanlaon towards the dark god. Hou Yiwei could not keep his jealousy that the summoner has a dragon. He could feel that the dragon that the 'Demon' is riding on is not a normal dragon but a true dragon.

A few seconds later, the 'Demon' suddenly turned towards his direction and smiled. He thought that he is just seeing things, but the 'Demon' even waved towards him. 

"To think that he could see me. It means that our strengths are not that far apart." Hou Yiwei stated but he actually misunderstood.

Dragons are able to perceive those who look at them from afar. It is actually Kanlaon who noticed, and he noticed it immediately because a dragonkin was the one observing him. If Kanlaon was not a benevolent and kind dragon then he might have blasted Hou Yiwei from the skies for being rude.

"Let us just focus on what is ahead, Kanlaon. They are just eyeing you because you are awesome and one of a kind." Adrian stated as he already saw some summoners in the area that are generic while there are a rare few that is talented.

"If that is what you want master then we shall move forward and kill that gigantic monster." Kanlaon replied as the dark god is a towering existence even to him.


[The last Faceless Priest has been killed.]

A notification suddenly popped up in front of every player in the vicinity of the imperial capital. All players regardless of faction have received it which made them somewhat afraid. System notification like that will not appear unless something will happen.

Suddenly, the demigods that were fighting the dark god all came flying down. The demigods crashed on the imperial capital's walls as a powerful shockwave sounded from the screeching voice of the dark god. The dark god, Nyarlathotep, suddenly injected its hands towards the ground.

[The dark god, Nyarlathotep, has used Grasp of the Faceless God.]

The floor that transformed into flesh and muscly veins suddenly rooted everyone in place. The tentacles that bound each individual suddenly started to pull them down.

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