Omega Summoner

Chapter 641 - Choosing An Evolution

Chapter 641 - Choosing An Evolution

Each of Kimat's evolution have their own requirement that is different. The easiest part of them is that each evolution requires Kimat to be above level 150 which he already crossed. The next steps are the only thing that Kimat needs in order to evolve.


Evolution Requirements for Lightning Cat

1.      Achieve level 150

2.      Gather Five Lightning Crystals (0/5)

3.      Feed the Five Lightning Crystals to Kimat (0/5)

4.      Kill Enemies that have the Lightning Element that is +/- 5 levels from Kimat (0/10)

Description: A peculiar monster that is said to have been an upgraded version of an elemental cat that now has its pure element covering its body. Despite being a cat, it is two meters long and one meter in height. It is said to gave been a descendant of a tiger due to how big it is. 

It is a balanced fighter that is said to rely on its great lightning control to confuse enemies. The Lightning Cat also relies on its magical aptitude compared to its physical aptitude, but it has balanced stats.


Evolution Requirements for Thunderstroke Panthera

1.      Achieve Level 150

2.      Gather Three Lightning Sapphires (0/3)

3.      Feed the Five Lightning Sapphires to Kimat (0/3)

4.      Kill enemies that have the Darkness Element that is +/- 5 levels from Kimat (0/10)

Description: An elusive type of monster that is said to have the powers of the darkness element and the lightning element. It is said to prowl on its prey for days if it has to. It is a master of stealth and quick attacks that it earned the name of lightning assassin.

It is a monster that is more reliant on its stealth and quickness to deliver a killing blow. It has better physical aptitude compared to its magical aptitude. It focuses more on agility and magic control.


Evolution Requiments for Thunderlight Tigris

1.      Achieve Level 50

2.      Gather One Lightning Magic Stone (Large) (0/1)

3.      Feed the Lightning Magic Stone (Large) to Kimat (0/1)

4.      Kill enemies with the Metal Element that is +/- 5 levels from Kimat (0/10)

Description: One of the most ferocious animals that is said to be as powerful as a thunderstrike and as fast as lightning. It mostly sacrificed its speed for the power coursing to its body, but it is still faster than other monsters.

It has a body made of metal that is perfect for conducting electricity. It is said to be a hybrid metal and lightning elemental monster. It has better defense compared to other cat type monsters due to the special metal fur it is enveloped. It is a balanced fighter but heavily relies on the strength of its body.


Each evolution is special and have their own quirks that make them special. The Lightning Cat is basically a version of Kimat that is an upgrade of his current form. The Thunderstroke Panthera is an assassin version of Kimat that relies on his sudden attacks and the darkness attribute.

The Thunderlight Tigris is a heavier but tankier version of Kimat. Adrian wants to evolve Kimat to this type of monster, but he does not know where he can get the items and the enemies needed to evolve his soulbound.

"I should search for the monsters myself. Metal type monsters are basically difficult to find, and they need to be close to Kimat's level. I can ask Piggy Bank to find the large lightning magic stone for me." Adrian muttered as he suddenly got visited by numerous elven elders.

"We are sorry for disturbing you, Champion Equinox. There is an urgent matter that needs to be done." One of the elders stated which made Adrian curious as they never went to him before for a task. This would be the first time that they are coming to him for something important.

"Is there something wrong that I need to fix?" Adrian asked as he thought that a quest would be given to him.

"It is not something wrong, but it is something urgent that we need to discuss. There is a huge slew of different races that are coming to your territory. They seem to want to immigrate here. The news even reached the beastkins as they are waiting for you to address them." Another elven elder told him.

Adrian became shocked as he thought that the other races would not arrive today at the moment, he unlocked his town. He thought that it would at least take them about a week or a few days before they arrive. He now had to stall evolving his soulbounds for the problem with the immigration.

Adrian got escorted by the elven elders to the edge of the territory and Adrian saw different groups of individuals that are present below them. It seems that they were not allowed to go to the floating island due to their sheer number.

The teleportation magic circle that got installed got destroyed when Adrian upgraded the floating island. The teleportation magic circle for the other island is being prioritized now instead of the one that brings them to the main floating island.

"I did not expect them to be this many already. I expected about ten or so but the fact that about two hundred or more has come is out of my expectations." Adrian uttered which made the elven elders also agree.

"Remember that these are just their representatives that want to immigrate here. It means that they could bring thousands of their race if you agree to them coming to this territory." Ascalor suddenly stated as he appeared beside Adrian which scared him.

"Why do they want to come to my territory when there are many unclaimed territories that are available right now?" Adrian asked Ascalor.

"They are not here for the food that we offer of course. They are here for protection as the other races present are the ones that are not strong enough to hold a territory. The crazy expansion that the humans made the other races leave their homes.." Ascalor stated in a serious tone as he could see some races that joined their war against the dark god.

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