Omega Summoner

Chapter 642 - Immigration Plan I

Chapter 642 - Immigration Plan I


"I can see that some of the others were races that joined us in the fight against the dark god. I think I should prioritize in talking with them about their situation. They do not seem to be in great standing as their armor and clothes look worn down." Adrian stated as he created a spell that transported the first group that he needs to talk to.

Ascalor nodded with Adrian's decision and that there would be enough space even if all the demons stay in Avalon. Pann basically already transferred his pets to the territory since they needed sunlight to become healthy. The old man already imposed on Adrian, but the latter is not bothered because Pann produces food for the territory.

Adrian whisked the first group away which made the crowd clamor. He had to tell them what he did and how he will talk to each of their representatives. They would just have to wait below since they need for security purposes.

"I will talk to each of your representatives and see if you are fit to come live in my territory. Those that wish to come and live in my territory should think about what they can offer me in exchange. Make no mistake, I am offering you protection in exchange for your services." Adrian stated as he knew that he cannot just blindly take people in.

The first group that Adrian took in are people that look like a mix between a snake and a human female. They are Lamias and are on all female race since their conception. They need males of other races in order to produce offspring for their lineage to continue.

Lamias have a male counterpart called Nagas, but they are more violent and prideful compared to the Lamias. Nagas are also a society of warriors which meant that the weak are killed off in battle and only the strong may survive.

Adrian did not have a chair, so the elven elders made one with the use of their Nature magic. A table and chairs are made in order to accommodate the guests. Adrian sat in the table while the elven elders and Ascalor are beside him.

Adrian thought it was strange that they were not sitting with him, but they ensured him that this arrangement is better. Adrian also offered Ascalor a seat, but he also declined saying that he needed to stand to stretch his old bones.

"Welcome, Lamias. This place is called Avalon and what might be the reason that you came to my territory." Adrian stated which made the leader of the Lamias exclaim in shock.

The leader of the Lamias thought that Adrian was just the representative but to think that he is the actual lord of the land. They thought that the elven elders and Ascalor let him sit down as their representative, but it seems that that was not the case.

"Pardon us for the intrusion my lord." The leader of the Lamias stated as she bowed which made the other lamias uncomfortable as she was bowing to someone younger than her.

"It is of no offense as your valiant race has aided us in defeating the dark god and his followers. I do not like beating around the bush so what is it that you desire?" Adrian asked as he still have other groups to talk to.

"We would like to ask for the protection of the lord. It pains me to admit but the Lamias are in need of land that we can call our home. We shall not do it for free as we have heard that you only take in those with talent that they can offer." The leader of the Lamias stated.

"What is it that you are good at that will want me to let you live in my territory?" Adrian stated as he released some of his Asmodian aura that made him very imposing. The lamias that looked down on Adrian could only swallow their pride as they are in front of a real ruler.

"We might be saying this, and you might think that this is an exaggeration, but we are Herbalists that have trained in the natural arts that have been taught by the ancient druids. This land is plentiful of medicinal plants, and they grow as if they are weeds.

If you let us live in your territory, then we will offer you our services in creating tonics from the medicinal herbs that are plentiful in this territory. We will give our labor for free to the lord of the land in exchange for the safety of our race." The leader of the Lamias stated as she bowed deeply which the other Lamias stated.

"Before the young lord gives his answer, what happened to your territory that is hidden in the mountains? You said that the mountains that you live on is a natural barrier for invading enemies." Ascalor stated as he did not know the situation of the races that joined their coalition since he was fixing rifts that kept appearing in the world.

"When the humans started their greedy conquests, other races have joined in as well in the bloody wars. Our mountain was claimed by the orcs that came from the other mountain as they claim that an Orc Lord has been born and is leading them." The leader of the Lamias stated as she clenched her fist from remembering how they were driven out of their home.

"Did you say that an Orc Lord has been born?! This is serious as orcs tend to follow those that are the strongest of their race. If the Orc Lord wished for needless conquest, then all of the orcs will blindly follow him or her." An elven elder pointed out which made Adrian perk his ears.

"I think we should accept them. Not because they are pitiful but the fact that they are Herbalists is a great help to your territory. You can market it to the other merchants in order to grow the economy." One of the elven elders telepathically told Adrian but he already made his decision.

"I agree that your race can come to my territory, but they must swear loyalty to me and no one else.." Adrian stated which made the Lamias jump in glee.

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