Omega Summoner

Chapter 779 - The Mountain’s SS Rank Monster

Chapter 779 - The Mountain’s SS Rank Monster

[The Killer Mire Bivalve has been killed by the United Kingdom National Team. They are awarded the equivalent points for killing an SS rank monster. Congratulations!]

The people that wanted to kill steal the Killer Mire Bivalve could not even get near it as Merlin already covered the area with illusion magic as soon as she cast the Poison Flame. They tried to traverse the complex maze but those that successfully navigated through the illusion is greeted by a monster exploding into ash.

With only three minutes left before the half time starts, the players scoured to the next potential areas with SS rank monsters. From the ashes of the Killer Mire Bivalve, ancient runes started to form and sunk down onto the ground. The marshlands suddenly started losing moisture as if it is getting dried up by a powerful entity.

The once muddy western area is now as dry and barren as the desert. Merlin noticed the ancient runic characters, but she could not understand it fully since she only saw a phrase.

"A monster born of flame and toxin." Merlin muttered as she could only make out that phrase before the ancient runes buried itself onto the ground. She wanted to follow it down, but they must also move to the next area if they were to win this competition.

With just a minute to spare, an intense beam of light erupted from the northern area where the mountain range is present. About three teams are present in that area when the beam of light erupted but it was Apolaki that activated the seal.

From the beam of light, a large bird that look like a rooster or eagle manifested. It looked like a rooster combined with an eagle that could fly but it is actually one of the legendary creatures present in Pandemonium. The monster of the skies that is said to be one of the apex predators. The monster that appeared is none other than the Roc.

The timer buzzed and half time triggered. The field suddenly froze as if time is stopped. Even the players could not move as they are frozen in place. Each place that the player was in is marked and they were sent out of the gaming pods.

"Everybody! We will take a break for lunch!" The announcer stated but the people in the audience were already eating on their seats as they do not want to miss the next events.

The players did not waste the hour that is given to them with just eating as they also discussed their strategies to kill steal the SS rank monster that appeared. A flying monster is more difficult to defeat if it is not brought down. This monster is also a Roc which is said to possess feathers that are as tough as steel.

The three teams that strategized the most for this battle are the Russian, Philippines, and Swedish national team as they are all in the mountain area. The other teams also planned their next course of action of either attempting to kill the last SS rank monster in the desert area or join the attack on the one in the mountains.

The players closest to the Roc will attempt to try and steal the kill while those farther tried their luck at the dessert. Lunch has ended and the audience could only wait for the next exciting battle. As soon as the time resumed, all the players burst out of their position and traveled to the locations that they have chosen.josei

The Roc saw the small people below it and only snickered as it could feel their bloodlust. It thought that mere prey actually thought of killing its majestic self. The Roc's arrogance made it fall for a simple trap or rather traps. The moment it descended, multiple traps suddenly activated in the area and hit the SS rank monster.

The Roc became shocked by the sudden attacks that scratched its body, but it could tolerate it. The Roc could not believe that such petty things were used to try and constrain it but that is not enough. The Roc thought that the man below it (Apolaki), is the one that created the traps, but he is actually just bait.

A few meters away before the talon of the Roc hit Apolaki, a trap that is placed mid-air activated. This trap is one of the secret traps in Dupe's arsenal as it could literally bind those in the area for ten seconds. It might have taken 50% of all her mana and a minute of cast time but it is worth it because its effect will not diminished even if used on a boss monster.

The Roc suddenly got shocked as its body suddenly froze mid-air as if it was caught in something. Dupe then snapped her finger and multiple traps that contain the lightning element suddenly activated. These lightning traps are called Rail Gun and it fired a large burst of electric energy to a designated location.

The Roc's weakness is lightning as its large body is an easy target for lightning strikes which is why it does not put its nest on mountains with lodestones. The Rail guns activated and hit the Roc with such precision that the SS rank monster fainted for a few seconds.

Apolaki did not miss this chance as he threw his Kris towards the chest of the Roc. The spirit sword did not do much damage, but it fused with the Roc's body. The Roc regained consciousness and immediately became furious due to it being treated like a sandbag.

The Roc gathered its strength and broke the magic circle that held it. A flap of its wings was enough to blow the Philippine national team away. When the other national teams saw that the enemy team got blown away, they used this chance and rushed towards the Roc.

Thorns suddenly erupted from the ground and prevented the Roc to take to the skies. A chain ball suddenly wrapped around its neck while the man wielding it pulled himself towards the Roc.. It is not only that as a woman with a unique spear threw her weapon and pierced one of the wings of the Roc.

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