Omega Summoner

Chapter 780 - The Desert’s SS Rank Monster Awakens

Chapter 780 - The Desert’s SS Rank Monster Awakens

The focus of the audience is on the fight with the Roc, but another highlight of the event happened. The Desert area also shot a beam of light as the SS rank monster there is also awakened. One of the Ukraine national team's players stumbled upon a golden lamp in the desert.

The player who picked it up brushed off the golden lamp as it thought that a genie will come out and it might grant them wishes. Cersei noticed too late as even her devil god did not notice as well because he only really cares about what his contractor does.

A beam of light shot upwards a few seconds after the golden lamp was rubbed. The player in question also got surprised by the reaction as items that they picked up in the map were usually useless. The sands of the desert that was currently chaotic became a standstill.

The desert became calm and even the sandstorms subsided making the illusory look of the desert area become no more. The golden lamp then produced a huge swirl of sand that looks like a giant tornado. The players were not caught in the sand tornado as they immediately backed up when they saw the intense light that the golden lamp emitted.

The players already knew that the SS rank monsters were sealed inside an item, but they thought that one needed to be inside of their ruins to activate it. It seems that they were mistaken as they cannot see any ruin in the area that they picked up the golden lamp from.

It is then that they noticed as the sand covering area is lifted into the air that they were actually standing on top of the very ruins. The sand just piled up and covered the ruins which made them think that they were safe from activating the SS rank monster.

"We can still defeat it as long as we play it smart." Cersei stated as she proceeded to summon an aspect of her devil god into the mortal plane. She already used this skill in the second round so she would continuously use it now that its cooldown would be refreshed after every event.

"To think that you would summon me again, Cersei dearest. I told you that you should summon me in bodies of water so that we can easily win." The aspect of the devil god Vepar stated as it started to terraform the sand beneath its feet into water by collecting all the water in the desert once again.josei

The swirling sand did not look like it was stopping as it continued to rotate about in a slower fashion. The aspect of Vepar then pointed to a red orb in the eye of the sand twister.

"That is the monster that we are facing." The aspect of Vepar stated as he summoned a trident from the water below his feet.

"That floating red orb is the monster. Are you sure that you are not mistaken because it clearly just looks like an optical illusion?" Cersei asked as her Inspect skill could not pick up the monster.

"No, my lovely darling. That whole sand spiral is the monster. That red orb thing is just its central control nervous system that also functions as its brain. That monster is called the Sand Apparition that is said to be closest to an earth elemental spirit king." The aspect of Vepar stated as the Ukraine National Team gasped in shock.

The SS rank monster of the desert is none other than the infamous Sand Apparition that is said to be the terror of the western continent. It is one of the monsters that people do not like to encounter because it has a physical body that is difficult to damage. Its physical body is made up of sand which is the bane of all warriors as it is basically immortal in the desert.

"You do not need to worry about those rumors about it being close to an earth elemental spirit king as that is just what humans tell you. In fact, it is more of a mindless beast or a golem than an actual monster. If you destroy the red orb, then it will also get destroyed along with it as that stores its consciousness." The aspect of Vepar stated.

"Oh! Do not think of unnecessary things when near it as it will make it into a reality." The aspect of Vepar's warning came too late as the sand started shifting into the things that the Ukraine national team are thinking off.

The first thing that manifested through the sand is the image of a genie that one of the Ukraine national team has envisioned. A sexy female genie riding on a flying carpet could be seen being conjured up by the sands that make the Sand Apparition's body. The next thing that they knew is their team members suddenly walking towards the genie that is calling to him in a sensual manner.

"What are you doing!" the team leader of the Ukraine national team shouted but their team member showed no response to his voice.

"It is useless as he is now charmed by the Sand Apparition's ability called Sand Reality. It is the reason why the people of the western continent hate that monster. It lures people into its brain and saps the life force from their body until they die. It does that to be able to become a real intelligent monster instead of a monster that only shows what you think."  The aspect of Vepar stated.

"How do you know so much about it?" Cersei asked as Vepar seemed to be very knowledgeable about the western continent.

"Well, a lot of people ask for yours truly in the western continent. When their god could not give them water then the devil god will as long as the price is right." Vepar stated as he tipped his top hat that he just conjured up.

Devil Gods have lesser restrictions compared to the normal gods as they do not truly occupy a realm of their own. It takes a lot of a god or goddesses' power to operate their divine realm. The devil gods are different as they utilize one realm but share the space with all of them.

This should have been impossible to tolerate as gods are very arrogant and would rather die to live with other gods, but the devil gods are different. They are ascended from one race and treat each other as family. Their close bond also makes their followers know that the devil gods are not really evil. It is just their perception in society skewed because of the influence of a powerful religion.

"How can we help him?" Cersei asked.

"Easy. You either kill him or kill the Sand Apparition." The aspect of Vepar stated but the others could not believe what they heard.

"He is going to die anyway so let us just attack the red core." Cersei suggested which made even her contracted devil god to laugh uncontrollably.

"It is truly correct that I chose you as my scion. To think that you are devilish in your own ways." The aspect of Vepar stated as it spread his wings and headed towards the red core.

The other Ukraine national team members did the same and heeded the words that came out of Cersei as a fact. They would rather sacrifice their team member that die trying to save him. They cannot dispel the effect of the charm from their team member's eyes so they can only go wild.

With the aspect of Vepar by her side, Cersei's curse became more potent and have a higher chance of hitting the target for a long time. Since she does not know what the weakness of the Sand Apparition is when it comes to curses, she used all her curses as a way to buff her team members.

She even buffed their charmed group member with more life force so that the Sand Apparition will take its time feasting on him. The aspect of Vepar came close to the red core and sand started to swirl just before him. Before the sand could fully realize, the aspect of Vepar destroyed it with an attack.

"Those sand illusions will make you charmed like that guy if you are not careful. Destroying the sand building up will be a way to negate that but that fix is not permanent. We need to destroy the red core with magic as physical attacks do not deal much damage to it." The aspect of Vepar stated as he continued on destroying the sand illusions that are being produced by the Sand Apparition.

It would have been fine if only the Ukraine national team is present as they could limit the number of illusions being produced but they are not the only team there. On way of another, the whole battlefield became filled with different types of sand illusions.. Illusions that have now become a reality.

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