Omega Summoner

Chapter 781 - The Last Two SS Rank Monsters I

Chapter 781 - The Last Two SS Rank Monsters I

The Roc at the north and the Sand Apparition in the south. These two SS rank monsters are vastly different from the other SS rank monsters because they have legendary status tied to them. The only SS rank monster close to their power would be the defeated Blood Hungry Crimson Tiger.

The audience did not know what to focus on first as the two battles were very interesting due to the people that joined. The north side has the Russian, German, Philippines, and Sweden's national teams against the Roc. The south side has the Japan, Ukraine, France and United Kingdom's national teams against the Sand Apparition.

The battle in the north side is basically just them pinning down the Roc so that it will not fly away. The person that is pinning down the Roc is definitely the one that has the most contribution in the fight. His chain is keeping the Roc pinned down to the ground as he buried the handle to the ground while Anastacia used earth hardening magic to secure it.

The Roc's right wing might have been pierced by Frey's spear, but the legendary bird could still use it to try and fly. The wound on its right wing could be seen slowly getting healed by its innate vitality. Sveto needed to tank more damage from the SS rank monster so that he can perform a killing strike against it, but Apolaki is preventing him from tanking the damage.

Sveto did not know whether Apolaki is doing it intentionally or is just coincidence, but it is getting on his nerves. When the Roc would use its beak to attack Sveto, Apolaki would suddenly appear behind its neck and strike using his kampilan. The Roc would then squint in pain as its weakness is definitely the back of its neck.

Frey saw this and immediately knew what Apolaki is doing. She proceeded to do the same, but she cannot easily mount the Roc as it would just shake her away. She even tried piercing the back of the Roc with her spear to keep mounted but it was harder than she thought. She does not know how Apolaki is actually doing great damage the Roc.

The German team members that just arrived are Eis and Schutz as they were the closest one in the area of the Roc. They did not bother attacking the others as they just needed to burst down the monster before it takes flight. Eis is the best when it comes to this as her main elemental attack is the ice element which is a great threat to flying monsters that are not cold blooded.

Eis used an area spell called Blizzard to turn the already cold northern part of the map into a true icy paradise. This did not affect Sveto that much as he is actually from the human race that is from the north which means that he has achieved the Cold Resistance passive skill to a high enough level that he can ignore the cold temperature.josei

The others except for Schutz that has the blessing of the Frost Giant due to being in a party with Eis are experiencing the accumulated fatigue of being in a cold environment. Anastacia is a fine as she can warm herself using one of the life elemental spells called Temperate, but it continuously uses some of her mana to do so.

Dupe is currently hiding in a corner as her traps will get disarmed the moment that she dies. She needs to be alive in order to trigger her traps or else everything will be for naught. She already prepared thirty or so traps in order to kill the Roc when it goes to a certain health threshold.

"That Eis is not helping at all. She made the battlefield even more chaotic than it already is." Dupe stated as a person suddenly manifested next to her.

"You do not need to worry as I am already accumulating enough damage as it is against the Roc. I will make sure that we will be the one that kills it." Apolaki stated as he once again vanished into smoke.

The battle persisted in a battlefield filled with ice and the Roc is showing signs of fatigue as the damage piled up on its body. The one that the Roc wanted to kill the most is the warrior holding a strange sword that seems to easily cut its rock-hard skin like it is tofu. Every time that the Roc is distracted, that warrior would deal a critical hit against it.

Another annoying thing is the chain that is pinning it down to the ground. The Roc would have easily pulled it up or break the chain if it was a normal chain but even a legendary bird cannot break something gifted by a god. The chain is also anchored to the mountain itself due to the intense focus that Anastacia is giving it. Her eyes even looked bloodshot with each powerful tug that the Roc does.

The Roc had finally enough and decided that it must burn its life just to escape. It decided to pursue revenge after recovering from its wounds. It had already mastered all the faces of those that attacked it. The Roc's heart suddenly started pumping like crazy and its body heat that became low due to the freezing cold started to rise in heat.


The Roc shouted as its strength doubled and its body heat increased as it is now bursting with energy. The chain that is anchored to the ground using Anastacia's powers easily got pulled out which made Anastacia spit out blood in the process.

Now that the Roc is no longer tethered to the ground, it can now fly the skies as its right wing is somewhat healed. Although it is burning its life in the process, it can now escape and plan its revenge later. It wanted to enjoy its freedom first before exacting its revenge.

The Roc looked at the people below it with arrogant eyes that said 'I will have my revenge and I will tear your limbs apart when I do".

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