Omega Summoner

Chapter 868 - The Gate Of The Giants

Chapter 868 - The Gate Of The Giants

It was not only the Hexadrom that released twelve rays of light but also the Hexaminis. They just needed to keep their distance, and all will be well, but a sudden unexpected action caught them unaware. The Hexadrom and the Hexaminis suddenly started to rotate their upper and lower half.

The Hexadrom and Hexaminis basically started a light show that is almost the same as what Adrian does when he accumulated enough energy for the mirror. Due to this development, all of them needed to evade using adaptive aerial maneuvers. The beams of light basically became chaotic because of the erratic nature of the rotating enemies.

"Shadow Walker!" Adrian immediately activated the third skill attached to his Primordial Armament.

Adrian entered the shadow world and decided to come close to the Hexadrom. The mechanical beast is still emitting beams of light that made the energy level it currently has to drop. For every minute that the enemies emitted the beams of light, the Hexadrom will lose 1% of its energy while the Hexamini will lose 2%.

Adrian did not need to try and dodge the beams of light as he cannot be affected by them when he is on the shadow world. Sirius also did the same as Adrian and hid on the shadow world. The ones that needed to actively dodge the beams of light are Lycan riding Kanlaon and Solstice.

Lycan held on with his life while Solstice would turn into red mist in order to avoid the beams of light that are difficult to evade. Adrian knew that he must act now while the barrier protecting the Hexadrom is not deployed. It seems that the Hexadrom and the hexaminis have brought down their barrier when they spun in a chaotic fashion while releasing beams of light.

"Sirius, use Nether Rush." Adrian commanded as Sirius turned into nether mist and targeted the Hexaminis.

Adrian targeted the Hexadrom as his next basic attack is empowered. With a large arc swing, Adrian managed to cleanly hit the Hexadrom. Upon doing so, he no longer became one with the shadows and revealed his real body. The Hexadrom noticed Adrian, but the damage has been dealt to its body.

A large clean cut could be seen on the body of the Hexadrom which made it unable to spin. The blinking lights have turned to red as its body has received damage in a critical state. Adrian could even feel that he lucked out and that the mana getting absorbed by the core suddenly dropped significantly.

The Hexaminis suffered the same fate as Sirius' attacks and the follow up attacks of the others almost destroyed the Hexaminis. As a resort, the Hexadrom and the Hexaminis deployed their barrier once again and glowed in a healing light. The damaged bodies of the Hexadrom and the Hexaminis aer slowly getting repaired as if time is getting reversed.

"The barrier is gone!" Solstice cried out as she noticed that the green coating of the clouds above suddenly vanished.

"This is our chance! Sirius! Kanlaon!" Adrian commanded and the two already knew what their master wants.

Sirius picked up Adrian via his collar and carried his master upwards. Lycan held on tight while Kanlaon caught Solstice mid-air and increased his flight speed. The bodies of the Hexadrom and Hexaminis are almost done getting fixed and the green barrier enveloping the clouds could be seen returning slowly as the body of the mechanical monsters regenerated.

Adrian used his Evil Eye and noticed that the bodies of the Hexadrom is actually carved with ancient runes. It cannot be seen easily but the inner armor of the Hexadrom and Hexaminis have runes embedded on them. He can hypothesize that the barrier is related to runes inside the Hexadrom and Hexamini.

"If mana is not used on the runes, then the barrier might be always deployed. If the Hexadrom or Hexaminis are restoring their bodies, the runes must be deactivated or else the body could explode." Adrian thought as the barrier is closing faster and faster.

"Faster!" Adrian shouted as he pushed the speed of his soulbounds.

Sirius flipped Adrian over and let him hug his back tightly. Lycan looked like he was holding for dear life as Kanlaon prioritized speed instead of negating air resistance. The Hexaminis were the first to recover and the hole in the barrier is only about twenty meters wide.

The twenty-meter-wide hole started to become smaller and smaller as the body of the Hexadrom started to rejuvenate. The hole might be closing fast but Sirius being carried by Adrian entered first. The hole became smaller which made Kanlaon shapeshift in order to fit while also being able to carry Lycan and Solstice. At the last second, Kanlaon managed to enter the hole without any damage. The barrier closed after a second of Kanlaon entering the gap.

"We made it!" Lycan shouted as he suddenly felt sick but the thing that wanted to get out of his tummy returned when they were surrounded by five-meter-tall people that are heavily armored.

"This is not what I expected." Lycan suddenly muttered.

"What did you expect? Did you think that we will be welcomed normally?" Adrian joked but a spear was already pointed towards his head.

"State your business, midgets!" One of the guard giants stated as he pointed his spear towards Solstice.

"That hurts. I am actually pretty tall when I am compared to other people." Lycan stated but the atmosphere was still heavy.

"We come for the key needed to enter the Chaos Spring." Adrian answered honestly which made all the giant guards point their spear at him.

The giants were not that different from humans. Their proportions are that of a five-meter-tall human. They were not extremely tall to the point that they tower over mountains. It seems that some of the stories in the main world regarding giants are hyperbole.action

What Adrian and the others are more interested is the fact that they can walk on the clouds. The clouds in the area are practically as hard as soil. If Lycan was not being threatened right now, then he might have kissed the clouds for being solid as he does not want to ride Kanlaon anymore.

The gate of the giant kingdom is a sight to behold as it was twenty meters tall. The pillars on either side are fashioned to be giants carrying their spears crossed. When Adrian did not answer, the gianst once again asked the question but one of the spears poked his neck a little bit this time.

"Why are you here and why do you know of the Chaos Springs?" The giant guard asked.

"If I answer you honestly, will you give me the key?" Adrian asked in return to which the giant guards thought that the demon before them is too confident.

When Adrian asked that question, the guard giant could not utter a word as he will not do so even if the demon before them answers. They cannot easily dispatch of a demon because even the giants fear them for their ability to manipulate space. If they mistakenly offend a demon, then they might see their precious kingdom crashing down from the sky.

Unlike the other races that were prejudiced about demons because of the indoctrination, the giants know that demons value their kin to the point that they will avenge them with their lives. The giants know of a demon species that rivals their physical strength which made them fear and respect the demons.

Since the guard could not answer Adrian's question, he immediately whispered something to one of the guards on standby. The guard then entered on the door for guards as if he went to fetch someone. The waiting game has started as soon as one of the guards left.

"Umm? Will we live?" Lycan asked as he still has spears pointed at his head.

"We will. It seems that they went to get someone that can be used for negotiations. The ones here are basically just guards without a captain." Adrian replied.

The giant guards could not rebuke Adrian's claims because it was the truth. When he read all the details about the giants, he surprisingly learned that they are also a tight knit community due to their low numbers. As long as they do not become hostile, the giants will not necessarily fight them.

A few minutes later, the giant gates suddenly opened, and three giants came out of the gate. One of the giants is the guard that delivered the message while the two individuals are different. A male and female giant could be seen coming out of the gate with the messenger.

The male giant is much bigger than the other giants as he is as tall as six meters. The other one is a female giant that measured about four meters but she wore clothes that could be describe as a priests' clothes.. These two are definitely different from the others.

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