Omega Summoner

Chapter 869 - Kingdom Of Magnusupra

Chapter 869 - Kingdom Of Magnusupra


The guard giants might look threatening but hey are apparently juts good people dedicated with their job. If they really had no interest in welcoming visitors in their kingdom, then Adrian's group would have already been killed the moment they showed up on their doorsteps.

What Adrian did not realize is that he is emanating an aura that is making the giants not as hostile. The effect of the Angel Slayer title that he has is giving him a base level of familiarity towards the giants. The one thing that the giants hate the most are the angels because they have persecuted them non-stop since their inception.

When the six-meter tall giant and the four-meter-tall giantess appeared, the first one that they noticed is Adrian. He radiated a familiar feeling especially towards the tallest giant. Adrian does not know but the tallest giant that came out of the gate actually has the same title as him which is Angel Slayer.

"Greetings, travelers. I am the Princess of the Kingdom of Magnusupra, Dainta. Welcome to the kingdom of the giants." The giantess stated as she welcomed the three which surprised the guards.

"Is this really fine, General Goliath?" One of the guards asked the six-meter tall giant as they did not expect the princess to suddenly welcome the ones that suddenly popped up.

  "You might not know this but that demon there exudes a great aura like me. Tell me kid, have you killed an angel before?" Goliath asked Adrian and even assumed that he was a kid even though demons do not age physically after reaching maturity.

"He must be different from the giants here as he could actually assume my age despite demons not looking over the age of twenty. He is also extremely different compared to them as his vitality is through the roof. The princess is also special. Her soul burns so bright that it could be mistaken as the sun." Adrian thought as he could see the souls of the two using his evil eye.

"My name is Equinox and I have killed one angel in my lifetime. He is Lycan and she is Solstice. I have come because I need access to the Chaos Springs." Adrian stated as he hid that the angel only died as she was only caught up in the attack that he used.

Goliath and Dainta could now see why the guards could not make a decision easily. Not many know of the condition of the Chaos Springs as it is forgotten by the world. Only the giants that can live to about a thousand years still remember it clearly as their progenitor is said to be sealed there.

"We can welcome you to our kingdom if you need to rest but accompanying you to the Chaos Springs is impossible. We might have the key, but we do not possess the means to traverse it." Princess Dainta stated.

"Why can you not traverse the Chaos Springs?"  Adrian asked but he was told that they should continue their conversation elsewhere. The entrance to their kingdom is not a proper place to discuss about the Chaos Springs.

With the escort of their princess, the giants peered through their great windows of the small people that entered their kingdom. They clamored when they saw the demon as some have yet to see a demon in their lifetime. The other two that came to them is definitely a bit different than what they imagined.

When the giants looked at Lycan and Solstice, they rather feel odd when they stare at them. They felt that they were looking at their polar opposites or something. They are not feeling hate or disgust, but they just know that they are different.

"Why do I feel like they are staring at me? Is it my armor?" Solstice asked as the kingdom of the giants is surprisingly sunny to the point that her armor returned to her body despite still being nighttime.

"They are probably looking at you guys with perplexed emotions because you two can be described as beings of darkness. Your asmodian ancestor is said to be the personification of darkness itself. If you look closely, the tapestries hanging are of the sun." Adrian pointed out.

"You are right, but I thought that they hate the Goddess of Light? Is one of her symbols not the sun?" Lycan whispered but the princess of the giants still heard.

"We hate the goddess of light, but the sun here is not something that symbolizes her. As you can see, the sun is of orange color as a testament to the god where we really come from. The Titan of the Sun, Helios." Princess Dainta stated proudly.

"I thought that the giants are a product of the Nephelim mating with humans? At least that is what we were told." Solstice stated.

"The goddess of light might have made the angels but even she is not capable of creation itself. Creation is not her domain, so she had to use a body of a dead god in order to create the angels. The first Nephelim is then the product of an angel and a devil's union.

But do not mistake of the fact, we giants are the testament that blood of the Titan of the Sun living in our veins. Even though he died during the war, we still worship him as we were born thanks to him." Princess Dainta stated.

"I see. Instead of being born as an angel, devil, or Nephilim, they are born due to the uncontrolled will of nature." Adrian thought as Daemonios are also like the giants.

From what the princess of the giants stated, not all children born from human and nephelim parents are giants. Although, giants are almost 99% born even if giants' mate with other species. It seems that their genes take precedent instead of their mates.

The kingdom of giants is not only filled with giants back then, but the other species soon died out due to not being able to live in a kingdom above the clouds. In the end, the humans that accompanied them were sent back down to build a kingdom and that the giants will support them as a promise.

"You mean to say that the Kingdom of Suburiasi is actually the settlement of the humans that vacated with your kind back then?" Adrian is shocked upon learning of the fact.

"Yes. In fact, my grandparents and parents were actually human. I was born below and is only brought up here about five hundred years ago.." Princess Dainta stated which shocked them.

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