Omega Summoner

Chapter 883 - Chaos Spring Exploration III

Chapter 883 - Chaos Spring Exploration III

The water bridge led to another floating island that is also different from the others. The third floating island is only made of rocks, but the strong point is the great wind pressure blowing them back to the water bridge. The floating island is basically a wind tunnel that pushes those that wants to traverse to the end.

This is the first time that the group encountered difficulty as they could barely reach the middle. The golem should only appear when they reach the middle, but they cannot do so. Even Kanlaon and Sirius' body could not easily block the wind pressure as it lifts them up.

The wind direction is not just a horizontal, but it curves upward to make sure that those with feet cannot plant it on the ground. Even Kanlaon cannot adjust the wind temperature to make sure that the wind pressure gets erased. It seems that this wind is unnatural as it is not affected by temperature changes.

"We cannot even get to the middle where the guardian spawns. At this rate, we might need to turn back and abandon the exploration." Adrian muttered but the twin giants do not want to turn back yet as they have yet to give a great contribution.

"Maybe we should go forward by ourselves to decrease the wind pressure." Tina suggested which Adrian also agreed.

"Greater Seal: Sirius"

"Greater Seal: Kanlaon"

"Greater Seal: Saena"

Adrian sealed back his soulbounds in order to traverse easily without minding them. His soulbounds also need to rest for a while as their stamina is also drained. They need to recover in his soul chamber for that to happen and the fight with the guardians do not happen immediately anyway.

Adrian, Tino, and Tina fanned out with a distance of three meters away from each other. They wanted to see if they can traverse it with sufficient space from one another to see how the wind blasts react. The first quarter was a bit easier as they catch more wind if they travel in a group.

The wind pressure somewhat decreased when they are not grouped up which is why they reached the first quarter of the way. It would have been easy, but the strength of the wind pressure doubled by the time they reached that point. They could feel that they will not last long if they cannot properly have a foothold.

"Quantum Cascade!" Adrian casted.

Using his skill Quantum Cascade, Adrian made the twin giants come near him. He situated them behind him in order to form a single line. Since they are bigger than him, they can still feel the wind pressure in greater volume compared to Adrian. He had no choice but to downsize the twin giants for his plan to work.

"Polymorph!" Adrian casted as the twin giants got reduced in size to Adrian's height.

The twin giants got shocked that they became smaller. It was not an uncomfortable experience, but it was certainly a new thing to feel small for them. They are a bit awkward but did not point it out because they knew that their demon companion will not cast a spell without proper plan.

"We must form a single line. I will take on the wind pressure first so that it will lessen when it gets to the second person." Adrian explained.

Adrian unfurled his wings and folded them into something like shields. Fortunately, his wings are very sturdy and does not get whisked way by the wind that easily. When Adrian did that, the wind pressure became less for the twin giants that are behind him.

"Gravity Control!" Adrian casted as he stepped forward.

He intensified the gravity that they experience in order to give further footing on the ground. Since he achieved level 200, his stats have multiplied, and his mana also increased. They are no longer getting blasted away by the wind pressure heading in front of them. About thirty minutes of slowly moving and an empty mana bar later, they managed to reach the middle of the floating island.

They reached the middle, but the guardian did not appear. Although they can feel that the wind pressure increased, the guardian is not manifesting. If the guardian does not show, then the wind pressure would surely not stop which means they will get blasted off back to the second floating island after an hour or so.

"The guardian is not showing itself. Is it at the end of the floating island?" Tino asked.

"Something does not feel right. It feels as if the wind is alive or somehow intelligent." Tina stated to which Adrian suddenly got an idea.

"Greater Summon: Charon!" Adrian shouted as his undead soulbound appeared.

The twin titans are then wondering what kind of monster Adrian summoned. They do not have much information regarding undead which is why they cannot recognize a Lifeless Lord. It also carried a heavy looking coffin on its back, but it was not getting blown away by the wind pressure.

The reason why Charon is not getting blown away is due to the fact that his body is not really completely tangible. It only looks tangible because of his menacing look and giant casket but Charon is closer to an undead spirit than a skeleton or death knight.

"Charon absorb all the mana that you can and convert it into a shield to protect us." Adrian commanded and Charon looked at him with a quizzical look.

"Your skill does not necessarily siphon life, but the mana contained in the soul of an individual. This is the reason why your skill cannot kill a person even if you drain it to the red mark." Adrian explained as he knew that life force cannot be exchanged to create barriers.

Charon's Soul Siphon is not a skill that absorbs life but absorbs the mana contained in the soul. Since the soul is being damaged, the other party's health gets diminished as a result. From Adrian's deduction thanks to the suggestions of the twin giants, he can guess that the wind pressure blasting on their face is not natural.

  "The guardian is not showing itself because it has already shown itself the moment that we stepped on the third floating island. It has been pushing us back since we first moved forward. Since this area has strong wind pressure, it must be here, but we cannot see it. It is still not entirely verified but that is my gut feeling." Adrian stated.

Charon understood what its master is commanding when he said just to spread out the chains. Once he spread out the chains, Charon would then absorb anything that he perceives as life. Adrian did not know if his thinking is ingenious or not, but something is being absorbed into Charon.

The group is suddenly having a thin barrier coating their body to defend against attacks that are physical and magical in nature. It did not take long for the wind that was only trying to push away the group to become erratic as if it is controlled by an intelligent being.

The wind rumbled and a tornado came down upon the group as if trying to eliminate them. Charon is the main target of the tornado, but he just brushed it off by turning incorporeal as the attack was physical in nature. The barrier protected the others from the stray wind blades.action

Since the tornado proved ineffective, the controller of the wind increased it into five tornadoes coming from different directions. It seems that the five tornadoes will collide in their general direction. Adrian can only think of one thing and that is to counter wind with a higher wind elemental energy.

"Greater Summon: Kimat!" Adrian shouted as a magical circle with the face of a white tiger appeared.

A large feline covered in lightning came out of the magic circle. He also created a loud thud when he landed on the ground which is a testament to his great weight. Kimat is now a monster that carried both the lightning element which is a higher form of wind element and the metal element which is another higher form of the earth element.

Kimat released a roar and understood his assignment. He released a high amount of lightning that collided with the five tornadoes. Upon doing so, Adrian could see a silhouette of a core when the five tornadoes got dispersed. Kimat's body electricity could be seen to have diminished due to the amount of lightning he released.

The sparks on his body could no longer be seen and he also looked somewhat fatigued. His attack was not for naught as the wind pressure suddenly vanished. There is no longer wind blasting in front of them and they could now stand easily without getting blown away.

A clear core like what happened with the Guardian of the Flooded Spring appeared in front of them once more, but it seems that this one is made of wind.. It looked like a sphere of wind manifested in front of them or rather it was there from the start and they just cannot discern it.

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