Omega Summoner

Chapter 884 - Chaos Spring Exploration IV

Chapter 884 - Chaos Spring Exploration IV


Monster: Guardian of the Stormy Spring

Level: 200

Health: 82%

Mana: 88%

Description: A golem made of pure wind that is said to have even its core crafted from the northern wind. It is impervious to temperature changes and can bring forth great winds from all directions. It mainly deals magical damage, but the wind blades it creates can deal great physical damage.


The Guardian of the Stormy Spring is built like a humanoid made of wind with six boulders acting as different parts of its body. The first two boulders are its shoulders, and the second pair are its hands. The third pair are its feet that would make the ground rumble with each stomp.

The windy core is apparent as the it could be seen on the chest of the humanoid Guardian of the Stormy Spring. The wind core that it has on its chest is located at the inner part and is protected by another layer of wind. The only reason why the wind core is easy to perceive is the fact that the wind revolves in the opposite direction that the wind of the body rotates.

As soon as the body of the Guardian of the Stormy Spring manifested completely, its first order of business was to send the two boulders that make its hands flying towards Adrian's location. These two boulders are not enhanced or even enchanted with wind elemental magic which is why it was blocked by Kimat.

Kimat did not even flinch as he received the attack head on as his fur is equal in sturdiness to metal already. The two boulders became small rock shards upon clashing with Kimat's body. The stone shards did not even damage Adrian, Tino, and Tina as they have already a barrier applied to their bodies.

The Guardian of the Stormy Spring noticed this and changed its attack pattern and turned into a tornado with the eye of the storm being the wind core. The tornado did not even move as it only released countless wind blades that dealt both physical and elemental damage.

"Charon, Soul Lock!" Adrian commanded as all of them got absorbed into the coffin that Charon carried.

The numerous releases of millions of wind blades ended but Adrian's group is not damaged. The only one who sustained a bit of damage is Charon as his Incorporeal ended. Charon got damaged by the physical damage of the wind blades instead of the elemental damage as he has great elemental resistance.

The numerous cuts on Charon's body soon vanished as Adrian casted Invigorate to hasten the healing. The Guardian of the Stormy Spring suddenly stopped for a moment when it finished releasing the numerous wind blades and returned to its humanoid shape.

Kimat has five skills that he received when he evolved which are Lightning Discharge, Silver Thunder Armor, Metallic Copy, Metallic Body, and Storm Shrapnel Catastrophe. Kimat already used one of the skills earlier which is Lightning Discharge.


Skill: Lightning Discharge

Tier: Epic

Type: Active Area of Effect

Effect: Discharges a specific amount that is specified by the Thunderlight Tigris in the area of twenty meters. It deals 100% to 500% of the Summoner's and Soulbounds total magic damage. Since the lightning cannot be controlled, there are some areas or spots that cannot be affected by the lightning discharge.

The Lightning Charge gauge of the Thunderlight Tigris will be reduced when it uses this skill. No lightning will be discharged when the Lightning Charge gauge of the Thunderlight Tigris is below 5%.

Cooldown: None

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: Instant

Lightning Charge Gauge cost: Dependent on the soulbound


This was the skill that Kimat used when he destroyed the five tornadoes coming towards them. Kimat is still recovering his Lightning Charge Gauge as he used about 85% just to stop all five tornadoes. The lightning covering his body is still not that prominent compared to when he was first summoned.

"Kimat! Use Silver Thunder Armor and then Metallic Copy." Adrian commanded.


Skill: Silver Thunder Armor

Tier: Epic

Type: Active Defense Buff

Effect: Calls upon the lightning and metal element to form an armor around the Thunderlight Tigris. This armor cannot be pierced by normal attacks, and it is extremely light compared to how durable it is. The Thunderlight Tigris will also be able to gather more lightning elemental energy when equipped with this armor.

The armor will break after a few hits from enemies, but it will also release a burst of lightning elemental damage and metal shards to those close to the Thunderlight Tigris. The lightning elemental explosion will deal 100% of the Summoner and Thunderlight Tigris' total magic damage. The metal shards will deal 100% physical damage of the Thunderlight Tigris but will decrease by 10% for each additional shard that hits the enemy.

Cooldown: 5 hours

Mana Cost: 5000 Mana Points

Cast Time: 5 Seconds


Skill: Metallic Copy

Tier: Epic

Type: Active Replication

Effect: Using the power of the metal elemental energy, create a clone of the Thunderlight Tigris that has the same stats. This clone will not have the same health as the Thunderlight Tigris but will have a durability meter.

Once the durability of the Metallic Copy drops to zero, it will burst into metallic shards that will damage those in a five-meter radius. The metallic shards will deal 200% of the Thunderlight Tigris' physical damage and each succeeding shard will deal 10% less damage to a minimum of 100% per metallic shard.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Mana Cost: 10,000

Cast Time: 5 seconds


Kimat roared and lightning descended upon him while the ground below him started to cover his body. When the lightning descended on his body and cracked the soil shell that covered him, silver colored metallic armor covered Kimat's body parts. He now has full body armor with spikes around it.

Kimat then activated Metallic Copy and another Kimat appeared from the ground below him. It took five seconds in order to fully replicated an armored Kimat just like the skill description. Two large tigers are now beside Adrian. With just one gesture from Adrian, the two Kimat's charged towards the Guardian of the Stormy Spring.

The Guardian of the Stormy Spring did not let the two Kimat's approach it as it was instructed to make sure that the intruders do not reach the next destination. It hurled numerous rocks that it picked up with its body once again, but it did no damage nor stop the two Kimat's in their advance.josei

The two Kimat's body collided with the Guardian of the Stormy Spring and the wind that made the golem's body resisted the physical bash of the two. The Guardian of the Stormy Spring once again turned itself into a tornado, but it also used the boulders to add further damage to those caught inside of it.

The durability of the Metallic Copy started to continuously drop while inside of the tornado. It took about twenty minutes of continuous damage from the tornado for the Metallic Copy to finally get destroyed. Numerous metallic shards started flying inside of the tornado that greatly damaged the core of the Guardian of the Stormy Spring.

Since it was a tornado that sucked in all the metallic shards, the wind core became damaged as the metallic shards were heavier and gathered in the center. The wind core acted as the eye of the tornado which means all the heavy stuff will gather in its wake.

The explosion of the Metallic Copy also meant that its Silver Thunder Armor also exploded. Metals with lightning charges could be seen swirling inside the tornado that is continuously damaging the Guardian of the Stormy Spring. A low groan could then be heard as soon as the Silver Thunder Armor that Kimat had also exploded.

It seems that the Guardian of the Stormy Spring could no longer tolerate its current form as it is getting continuously damaged. It is getting damaged continuously, but Kimat and the twin giants are having a difficult time approaching the core. It was insanely difficult to go inside the tornado as the wind pressure will definitely send someone flying away a few meters.

The Guardian of the Stormy Spring knew that its body will eventually have difficulty maintaining its tornado form, but it had no choice. It must perform its duties to its utmost efficiency even if it leads to its own destruction.

This is the reason why golems cannot become living things as they do not have emotions to use but just a primary objective planted into them. Even flesh golems that is made of living beings cannot become a living lifeform due to this single fact. Golems do not own a soul because they are made of materials gathered instead of being naturally formed.

In the end, the Guardian of the Stormy Spring performed its objectives and broke down by itself. The numerous metallic shards hitting its wind core finally damaged it.. As a last attempt, the Guardian of the Stormy Spring overloaded its core and exploded which sent the metallic shards and boulders in all directions.

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