Omega Summoner

Chapter 885 - Chaos Spring Exploration V

Chapter 885 - Chaos Spring Exploration V

[You have defeated the Guardian of the Stormy Spring.]

[You have received the Stormy Crystal.]

The Guardian of the Stormy Spring self-destructed with the intention of bringing everyone on the island with it. All the metallic shards and boulders that was collected in the eye got sent flying in all directions and destroyed the terrain.

Adrian knew that the twin giants will not be able to block the numerous projectiles which is why he sent Kimat to block it for them. Adrian tried to block the shards and boulders using his wings, but it hurt more than he initially thought. The barrier provided by Charon shattered in under three seconds which is why he decided to summon Dodu.

Dodu used Damage Transfer in order to absorb all the damage that should be aimed at Adrian. He did this a bit late though as Adrian's health was already in the red zone by the time that the transfer happened. If Adrian did not summon Dodu then he would have died and used his revive then and there.

"Thank you, Dodu." Adrian stated as he patted the slime to which Dodu gave a cute jiggle.

Adrian looked at Kimat and noticed that his body is not even damaged, but he did get health reduction from the metallic shards and boulders sent flying his way. Kimat's body is fine because of the passive skill that he has called Metallic Body.


Skill: Metallic Body

Tier: Legendary

Type: Passive Skill

Effect: Gives the user enhanced defenses by making its body have the properties of metal. It also gives the Thunderlight Tigris another gauge called the Lightning Charge Gauge. This skill also gives 80% resistance against the metal element and earth element.

It also provides a 50% damage reduction from slashing attacks and projectiles. This skill also makes the Thunderlight Tigris receive 20% more damage against Fire elemental attacks and spells. It also gives the Thunderlight Tigris the ability to act as a lightning rod.

Cooldown: None

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: None

Lightning Charge Gauge: 33%


The passive skill that Kimat has is a great arsenal when it comes to defending from users of wind elemental magic or sword users. This is the reason why he could easily tank the attacks that the Guardian of the Stormy Spring releases. Kimat still got damaged, but he is not easily shredded by wind magic due to this and he still has above 50% health.

"Thank you for protecting us." Both Tino and Tina stated as they saw the devastation that the Guardian of the Stormy Spring has done to the surroundings. The whole terrain that should be made of cliffs are now flattened ground.

"It is of no concern. Let us continue forward." Adrian stated as he pointed at the bridge made of air.

Adrian let Kimat try the bridge made of air first to make sure that it is durable. If the bridge cannot support Kimat then it is not stable enough to cross. Funny enough, the bridge made of air currents is actually sturdier than it looks. Even if Kimat jumps, the air current bridge will not collapse.

The fourth floating island is almost the same as previous floating island. The only difference is that there is a smell of soot and burnt ground in the air. The group thought that that they would be safe until they reach the middle part but the ground below them suddenly glowed.

"Greater Seal: Kimat."

"Greater Seal: Dodu."action

"Greater Summon: Kanlaon!"

"Greater Summon: Sirius!"

The glowing ground suddenly started to emit intense heat that can easily roast someone just standing on it. Adrian had a bad feeling and immediately summoned Kanlaon and Sirius. Without their consent, Adrian commanded Kanlaon to collect the twin giants while he rode Sirius.

Adrian commanded his soulbounds to immediately head to the ground that is not glowing. The glowing ground suddenly erupted with orange and crimson flame a few seconds after they left. If Adrian did not have a bad premonition about the ground, then they would have been finished.

"We have great heat resistance but even that can kill us if we are directly inside of it." Tino muttered with a scared tone.

About a quarter of the whole area in the fourth island exploded into flames. It was not the end of the problems as boulders that were as big as houses suddenly started to roll in their direction. Each of these boulders are even lit with orange and crimson flames.

"Kanlaon!" Adrian commanded as Kanlaon used his dragon breath to try and stop the boulders.

A loud explosion suddenly happened in the area that they are in, and white smoke appeared. The vision of everyone suddenly got impaired but they can hear something crashing against each other in the distance. It sounded like two or more rocks hitting each other but they cannot be sure unless they verified it with their eyes.

Adrian unfurled his wings and swept the white smoke in order to see what is in front of him. A few seconds later, he can see silhouette of a snake like entity that seemed to stand up. When the white smoke fully cleared, he saw the next guardian and he did not expect this form.


Monster: Guardian of the Fiery Spring

Level: 200

Health: 94%

Mana: 95%

Description: A golem made of molten rocks and the rumored fire from a dying star. It has great elemental resistance that it could even resist the water element thrown at it. If the water is not 500 degrees below zero, then you could forget about damaging it using water elemental energy. It also uses the earth's heat to continuously raise its temperature.


"The enemy is here!" Adrian shouted as he took a good look at the Guardian of the Fiery Spring.

The golem had the appearance of twenty house size boulders connected together. It is also in constant flame with the core of this golem located at the first boulder that one could saw make up its head. The core of the Guardian of the Fiery Spring is different in color from the charred boulders as it has a blue hue.

The twin giants looked serious as they knew that they must contribute greatly this time. What made the twin giants amazed by the golem is that its flame is somewhat tantalizing to them. They felt that the flame of the Guardian of the Fiery Spring will not harm them which is why they did not hesitate to charge towards it.

Adrian wanted to warn them, but he saw something unique as the fire of the Guardian of the Fiery Spring is somehow in synergy with the energy of the twin giant's body. They did say that they are the closest to their ancestor called the Titan of the Sun.

"If the fire is from a dying star and they have the same physique as the Titan of the Sun, does it mean that the description of the fire being from a dying star not false?" Adrian thought as he learned to not always trust the monster descriptions since one can be led astray from limited information.

Adrian watched as the twin giants somehow became more powerful from before. When they touched the body of the Guardian of the Fiery Spring, they did not even get burned by the flames. In fact, it felt as if the two of them are being purified by the flame as Adrian could see that they are becoming more and more energetic.

Adrian tried the same approach by getting close, but he started to get damaged when he reached a distance of three meters from the Guardian of the Fiery Spring. He is getting damaged by the heat despite having fire resistance. The flame on the body of the Guardian of the Fiery Spring is not normal as it surpassed his resistance.

The Guardian of the Fiery Spring saw that two tall humanoids were not getting burned by its fire. If a golem had feelings, then it would become depressed. But golems have no emotion which is why it decided to complete the protocol that is embedded in its core. It was to make sure that any living being will not be able to pass through.

The twin giants could see that their attacks are taking effect, but they could not reach the core. The Guardian of the Fiery Spring, on the other hand, cannot kill the twin giants with its heat as they were basically immune. Adrian knew that he cannot go melee in this battle which is why he used his Bow Primordial armament.

Adrian flew on top of Kanlaon and released arrows while the latter released his breath attacks. The Guardian of the Fiery Spring had movement that are like a snake so it would dodge attacks by swaying its body in an S motion but that also made it predictable.. It did not take long for the team to get used to its movements.

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