
Chapter 311 Luo Yi

Chapter 311 Luo Yi

Chapter 311 Luo Yi

When he arrived home, Long Jiuxiao immediately called Tang Wan and Jin Kang to meet him in the living room, and he asked them. "How could Chen Li kidnap Aotian?"

"I don't know, Boss." Jin Kang answered by shaking his head. "I was practicing in my room earlier, but I didn't hear any commotion, so I don't know how he was able to kidnap your son."

"He didn't lie to you, husband." Tang Wan also answered as she sighed softly. "When I entered our son's room, I saw Aotian acting strangely, and he kept shouting at me, but I couldn't hear his voice at all."

"How could Chen Li do that kind of thing?" Long Jiuxiao muttered to himself before asking his wife again. "Did he do something to you?"

"No... Chen Li didn't do anything to me." Tang Wan nervously answered her husband's question, but it was impossible for her to tell her husband that he had kissed and touched her. "After he saw me, he immediately took Aotian and disappeared just like that."

Long Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows as he watched his wife's face carefully, but then he sighed softly and took out his smartphone before contacting someone.

[Why are you calling me at dawn like this, Mr. Long? Is there something urgent? Anyway, I got a report from my subordinates that there was a mass murderer in the city, and I'm going to go investigate everything now, so I don't have much time for you.]

"Yes, I have an urgent matter at hand, Luo Zhenhai!" Long Jiuxiao then explained to him everything that happened, including Chen Li's action of slaughtering those people, and he also told him about the incident with the Qin family.

However, Luo Zhenhai did not simply believe Long Jiuxiao's explanation. [Is the person who slaughtered those people really Chen Li? After all, he is still on the missing persons list, and we still haven't managed to find him.]

"Hey, you can ask Huang Tian about this matter; he already knows that Mo Xie is Chen Li. Besides, he was the murderer of Shen Hu and Shen Lu, and he was also the mastermind behind Yang Lang's disappearance." Long Jiuxiao angrily spoke to him. "Moreover, my wife witnessed it with her own eyes that he kidnapped our son, so I want you to lead your people to that mansion to arrest him right now. However, you should also bring some people from special forces with you, or those people will block you from carrying out your duties."

[I will ask Huang Tian about this matter first; if he corroborates your words, I will lead some people to arrest Chen Li.] After he said that, Luo Zhenhai immediately ended their call, and he contacted him directly.

"How is it? Does Luo Zhenhai agree to lead his subordinates to arrest Chen Li?" Tang Wan asked him.

"That bastard doubts my words." Long Jiuxiao replied irritably. "He must be contacting Huang Tian now, but I'm sure he won't cover up this matter, especially since Chen Li has already done something to Jiang Ming."

"En." Tang Wan nodded in agreement. "Sigh, I hope Luo Zhenhai can really arrest Chen Li and bring our son back, for I'm afraid that he will do something bad to him."

However, Long Jiuxiao immediately stood up and walked out. "Jin Kang! Follow me! We'll go to that mansion, but we'll just watch Luo Zhenhai from a distance."




Meanwhile, a woman with sleepy eyes walked out of a bedroom, and she sat next to a middle-aged man who was seriously talking to someone on the phone.

The woman has light blonde wavy hair, and her elliptical face looks mature and attractive even though she has no make-up. She has two round black eyes with light bags under them; her nose is quite sharp for an Asian; and her lips look thick and sensual. Her figure was very tall, and her body was not slim but not fat either. Even though she was wearing loose pajamas, they couldn't hide her round and bouncy breasts, and her buttocks also looked full.

[Anyway, Zhenhai, you can go to arrest Chen Li officially. However, you should warn your men not to be repressive or use violence to do so, or else he will kill them.]

"All right, thank you for your advice, and I will definitely warn my subordinates sternly."

After Luo Zhenhai hung up the call, the woman directly asked him. "Who's calling you at this hour, Dad?"

"Yi'er, I want you to contact your subordinates and tell them to come here right now." Luo Zhenhai replied as he sent a message to his subordinates to come to his house immediately.

"Huh?" Lou Yi was surprised to hear that. "What are you going to do, Dad? Why do you want them to come here?"

Luo Zhenhai let out a heavy sigh, and he told his daughter about his conversation with Long Jiuxiao and Huang Tian earlier, which made Luo Yi's expression extremely shocked. "Honestly, I still can't believe that Mo Xie is Chen Li, and he was even the mastermind behind all those heinous murders."

"Is that true, Dad?" Luo Yi asked with a frown. "I remember for sure that Chen Li didn't have any superpowers, so I couldn't believe that he could do all those killings."

Luo Zhenhai nodded and spoke to her again. "At first, I still didn't believe Long Jiuxiao and Huang Tian's words, so I decided to contact Mao Tianxie, and he confirmed to me that Chen Li really did all that."

"What did Uncle Tianxie say to you?" Luo Yi asked him again, for she still found it hard to believe that Chen Li was a murderer. josei

Luo Zhenhai immediately told his daughter about many things, including Mao Tianxie's confession that he and his subordinates witnessed Chen Li's brutal actions, and his suspicions about his actions against the Qin family.

Even so, Mao Tianxie did not tell Luo Zhenhai about the cultivators, and he only told him that Chen Li had obtained many superpowers that had never been recorded before, which made him extremely powerful.

Luo Yi fell into a daze after she heard all that, and she felt that everything Chen Li had done was like a fairy tale of revenge, for she also knew about the matters between his Chen family and those families.

Seeing his daughter's expression, Luo Zhenhai then spoke to her. "Yi'er, I know you owe your life to Chen Li after he saved you from an accident back then, but we are law enforcement officers, so we should forget about our personal matters for now and go arrest him."

Lou Yi sighed softly and walked towards her room. "I will prepare now, and I will ask some of my subordinates to come here as soon as possible."

Sometime later, Luo Zhenhai and Luo Yi's subordinates arrived at their house, and the two of them immediately led them to Qingshui Mansion.




At first, Chen Li wanted to accompany Dongfang Hanxue for longer, but she had already fallen asleep due to exhaustion, so he immediately moved her to one of the rooms in the bamboo houses.

After that, Chen Li went to check on the mysterious egg he got after making a contract with Sun Xing'er. Unfortunately, he felt disappointed because the egg still had not been hatched, even though he had left it in Tianyi Realm for five whole months. Moreover, he had tried scanning the egg many times, but the system still couldn't recognize the type of beast inside, so he was very curious about it.

Suddenly, Sun Xing'er appeared beside Chen Li and hugged his arm. "Are you impatient for this egg to hatch, brother?"

"En." Chen Li nodded to her. "How long will it actually take for a beast egg to hatch? I can't wait for it to hatch, especially since I don't know what kind of beast is in this egg."

"Each beast egg has a different incubation period, and there are some of them that will hatch after a year." Chen Li sighed heavily after he heard that, and Sun Xing'er told him again. "Since we don't know anything about the beast inside this egg, we can only wait for it to hatch. However, I'm sure that the beast inside has a bloodline that is stronger than mine, especially since my bloodline is always suppressed when I'm around it."

Chen Li nodded to her. "I hope so, so I can get a powerful beast contract, and it can help me to face my enemies in the future."

"Hehe." Sun Xing'er giggled at that. "Did you forget that I am your contract beast? Even though my bloodline is weaker than the beast in this egg, I am still very strong, remember?"

"No." Chen Li shook his head at her; he then kissed Sun Xing'er's lips for a moment before speaking to her. "Even though we have such a contract, you are my half sister and also my future wife, and I have never considered you as my contract beast."

Sun Xing'er smiled and laid her head on Chen Li's shoulder. "No matter what, your enemies are my enemies too, so you don't need to hesitate to ask for my help in dealing with them, okay?"

"I know." Chen Li replied with a nod. "However, I will not rely on anyone else to face my enemies, and I will only ask for your help if I truly cannot face them. Anyway, has your mother told your father about our relationship?"

- To Be Continued -

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