
Chapter 312 Talk With The Luo’s

Chapter 312 Talk With The Luo’s

Chapter 312 Talk With The Luo's

"Anyway, has your mother told your father about our relationship?"

"Not yet." Sun Xing'er shook her head and told him. "My mother told me that my father's soul was seriously injured after you destroyed his soul imprint, so he is still in seclusion even now, and she still doesn't know when he will come out."

"I see." Chen Li nodded in understanding, but his expression suddenly changed. "I shouldn't have destroyed his soul imprint right away, and I should have tortured him for longer; only then would he be able to feel my mother's suffering for so many years."

Sun Xing'er couldn't help but sigh in her heart, and she felt at a loss as to how to persuade Chen Li to forgive their father. "Brother-"

"Shh." Chen Li put his index finger on Sun Xing'er's lips. "Regardless, I will never forgive Sun Taiyang, and he has to bear the consequences of all his wrongdoings towards my mother. He killed her husband and disguised himself as Chen Zhen, impregnated her twice, and left her after he got bored of her."

Sun Xing'er pulled Chen Li's hand away from her mouth and hugged him tightly. "I know that you deeply hate him, but he is still our father, and we would never exist without him, so I still hope that you are willing to forgive him."

Naturally, Chen Li knew that, but he didn't know Sun Taiyang at all, and Lin Qingzhu meant much more to him, so it was still impossible for him to forgive his father.

Suddenly, Chen Li raised his eyebrows after Chen Wei'er contacted him. "Let's go out first; there are a lot of people in the mansion, and they must be looking for me."




Meanwhile, Luo Zhenhai and Luo Yi were in shock after they arrived at Qingshui Mansion, especially since there were so many women there, plus the presence of Xiao Xianglin among them.

"Who told you two to come here, Police Head Luo?" Xiao Xianglin asked him.

Before he could answer her question, Chen Wei'er had already spoken to Xiao Xianglin first. "Who else but Long Jiuxiao ordered them to come here to arrest Li'er, and Mao Tianxie must have also given them permission? Isn't that right, Luo Zhenhai?"

"Phew." Luo Zhenhai exhaled softly and nodded to her. "You are right, Wei'er. Long Jiuxiao contacted me because Chen Li kidnapped Long Aotian, and Huang Tuan also told me about his deeds. After that, I contacted Mao Tianxie, and he allowed me to arrest him."


Chen Wei'er wanted to answer him, but Feng Xian'er suddenly spoke from the third floor. "Uncle Luo, I know that you are only carrying out your duties as a law enforcement officer, but I advise you to leave this mansion before my husband comes, and you should not interfere in their problems."

"You certainly know I can't do that, right, Xian'er?" Luo Zhenhai asked as he looked up.

Luo Yi also looked up at Feng Xian'er, but her eyes trembled slightly as she muttered in her heart. 'Sigh, I've long heard that they were inseparable lovers, but I didn't expect them to be married now.'

Feng Xian'er smiled faintly and floated down to the first floor, shocking the Luo father and daughter. "Uncle Luo! Big Sis Yi! Have you guys still not realized that Long Jiuxiao is deliberately taking advantage of the two of you? He is a superpower possessor and the head of the council, and he has full authority to send the other superpower possessors, but he sent non-superpower possessors like you two to us instead. Besides, Mao Tianxie is one of the government's backers, and he is quite powerful, but he himself doesn't even dare to stop my husband."

The Luo father and daughter raised their eyebrows, but they were startled by Chen Li, who suddenly appeared in front of them.

Luo Yi's eyes were glued to his figure. 'He's changed a lot now! Before he disappeared, he looked small and fragile, but now he looks big and strong.'

'She's much prettier compared to ten years ago, eh?' Chen Li muttered as he glanced at Luo Yi, and Feng Xian'er smiled faintly, knowing her husband's thoughts.

Luo Zhenhai was also surprised by his appearance. "Are you really Chen Li? How could your appearance be so different?"

"I am indeed Chen Li, but things changed after those people tried to kill me a few months ago." Chen Li casually answered his question.

They were shocked to hear that, and Luo Yi asked him. "Who were those people who tried to kill you? So you disappeared for months and changed your name to Mo Xie because of that?"

"En." Chen Li immediately told her. "Long Aotian, Shen Lu, Bei Qiang, Yu Wen, and Yang Chen ganged up on me and left me in the northern forest to die. Fortunately, I met my savior; he then took me to another place to treat me until I recovered completely, and he also taught me many things. That's why you guys couldn't find me for months, and I came back to take revenge on them."

"So you killed Shen Hu, Shen Lu, and those people in the small alley?"

"Yes." Chen Li openly admitted his actions. "I used one of my abilities to control Shen Lu, and I ordered him to kill Shen Hu. Besides, I also killed the people in that small alley, for they wanted to kill me after their leader lost the gamble with me. As for Long Aotian's subordinates, I killed them because they also ganged up on me back then."

"Is it true that you slaughtered those people? Did you also kill the Qin family?" Even though he was sure of Mao Tianxie's previous statements, Luo Zhenhai still decided to ask Chen Li directly about them.

"Since Long Jiuxiao sent them to kill me, I slaughtered them and their families, including people from the Qin family." Chen Li nonchalantly replied.

Luo Zhenhai and Luo Yi gasped in shock after hearing that, and they looked at Chen Li in horror, especially since the number of his victims was so great, and he did it in just one night. Moreover, they didn't see the slightest remorse in his expression, and he seemed indifferent to it.

Suddenly, Chen Li took out four bundles of documents and handed them over to Luo Zhenhai, but he instead looked at him in confusion, and he couldn't understand how the documents had appeared out of nowhere. "You guys can read them first, and you will understand my reasons."

Hearing that, Luo Zhenhai and Luo Yi read each page of the documents seriously, but their expressions kept changing after they learned all the truth about those people's past actions.

Chen Li shook his head at their reaction. "Do you guys still think that I'm a criminal now? How long have you been investigating my father's death? More than fifteen years, right? Even though Aunt Wei'er has told you about their involvement in his death, you were never able to do anything to them, so I decided to act on my own."

Luo Zhenhai couldn't refute Chen Li's words, for he had investigated Chen Zhen's death for so long, but he had never been able to find any clues or evidence about those people's involvement in his death, so he couldn't do anything to them. "Then"

"No." Chen Li snatched the documents and stored them right away. "I'm still short some of the evidence to publicly convict them, but I'll get Long Jiuxiao's documents soon. After that, I'll reveal everything to the public, and I'm sure the government won't remain silent on this matter. So you guys better don't get involved in this matter, especially since you two are just ordinary humans, or else you will suffer."

"Even so-"

However, Chen Li immediately interrupted Luo Yi. "Big Sis, do you think I should just stay quiet and allow them to kill me?"

Luo Yi was speechless to answer Chen Li's question, for she certainly couldn't possibly tell him that he had to resign himself to being killed by them.

"I killed them because they were criminals, and they wanted to kill me first." Chen Li then created a small hole in the air and pointed at the two people standing in the distance. "See them? Long Jiuxiao doesn't even dare to come here himself to face me, and he wants to sacrifice all of you, but I certainly won't do anything to innocent people."

"How can you do this kind of thing?" Luo Yi asked as he looked at Long Jiuxiao and Jin Kang through the hole, but the two men didn't realize that they were watching them.

"This is one of my abilities, but I won't tell you two about my abilities." Chen Li answered as he closed the hole again. "Anyway, you guys should take your subordinates back and stay away from these matters for now. However, you can prepare to secure this city, for I'm sure this city will be thrown into chaos, especially after I reveal all the evidence of their crimes to the public."

Luo Yi sighed and spoke to his father. "I think Chen Li is right, Dad. We won't be able to do anything about these matters, and the superpower bureau is the one who should be taking care of these problems."

Luo Zhenhai nodded in agreement with his daughter, but he then said to Chen Li. "You should tell me before revealing those documents, so we can prepare to secure this city." josei

"I will."

- To Be Continued -

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