Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 332

Chapter 332: Blood-Sucking Icy Soul Sword

I followed the voice and turned around to see. Senior Shu was dashing toward us. Although he was old, he was still very fast. He reached Qin Minghao in just an instant. He grabbed the Thunder Sword and cut his finger with it, then moved toward the seven fiends.

I went from feeling desperate to overjoyed the moment Senior Shu arrived. My fighting spirit was boosted, and I threw more soybeans at the fiends. 

At this moment, Senior Shu’s looked very intimidating, totally different from his usual self. He looked like a warrior that would kill anyone who stood in his way. The seven fiends were stunned by his aura, and they gasped in shock.

Senior Shu sneered. “You’re just a bunch of evil spirits, yet you dare to show off in front of me?! Tonight, I will show you how formidable the Blood-Sucking Icy Soul Sword is!”

Then, he aimed the Thunder Sword at the fiends. 

The sword moved strangely fast, leaving afterimages in the air. The fiends hurried to dodge, but one of them couldn’t make it in time. The Thunder Sword slashed it. 

The fiend was cut into two, screeching in agony. 

Senior Shu seized the chance and attacked again, slashing at it several times. Eventually, the fiend turned into a flash of dark light that disappeared into thin air. 

Senior Shu had scared the other fiends, who no longer dared to press forward. josei

Since Gold-toothed had suffered in their hands earlier, he screamed excitedly, “Senior Shu, beat them to death! Earlier, they thought that we were weaklings!”

Senior Shu sneered. “Why let them off so easily? How about I subdue them and make them endure the pain of a thousand-year-long confinement?”

Then, Senior Shu advanced with his sword. The fiends freaked out and ran for their lives, disappearing shortly after.

Senior Shu moved two steps forward then stopped. Gold-toothed wasn’t pleased and asked him to chase after the fiends. 

However, Senior Shu spurted a mouthful of blood and slumped on the ground. He didn’t even have the strength to hold the sword and put it aside.

I was scared and rushed toward him. “Senior Shu, are you okay?”

Senior Shu smiled. “I used my essence power, and I have no strength left. At least, I was able to scare off the fiends.” 

Gold-toothed looked at Senior Shu in puzzlement. “Senior Shu, you should have tried to hold on for a bit longer. You would have defeated them.”

Senior Shu glared at Gold-toothed. “Shut up. Do you think I’m that strong? If I hadn’t used my essence power, I’m afraid all of us would have become food for the fiends. We’re lucky that they left right away...” 

I was stunned as I didn’t expect the wounded fiends to be this powerful. I wondered how intimidating they were when they were at their peak.

It also set off my grandfather’s power. Since he could seal the seven fiends at their peak, he was unimaginably strong.

“Help me. I need rest,” said Senior Shu. “Ginseng, young deer antler, birds nest, shark fin… Give me anything to recover my strength. I need to recover quickly. Otherwise, you guys will become the fiends’ side dishes!”

Qin Sisi nodded and called a restaurant to deliver the delicacies as soon as possible. 

Then, she went over to Qin Tiantian and sighed in disappointment. 

Qin Tiantian was still petrified and stared at the ground blankly.

Qin Sisi squatted next to her. “Sis, are you all right?” 

Qin Tiantian observed Qin Sisi with skeptical eyes. She looked shocked for a while, then hugged her sister and cried. “It’s all my fault! How could I do something so absurd like that?! Sister, you have to help me!”

Qin Sisi nodded. “You’re my sister, my closest family member. I will forgive you, no matter what you did. Don’t worry. I won’t tell dad about this.” 

Qin Tiantian blurted, “Sis, I will treat you better in the future. I won’t take your things again…”

Then, she burst out crying again. She looked really miserable when she sobbed. 

If I didn’t know about Qin Tiantian’s personality, I would have believed that she regretted her actions and wanted to change herself.

“Stop crying!” Gold-toothed couldn’t stand it. “You’re freaking annoying. Everything has been solved, hasn’t it? If you want to redeem yourself, start by giving us our money.” 

Gold-toothed roared valiantly. Perhaps he hated Qin Tiantian’s hypocrisy, but he completely ignored her sobbing.

Qin Tiantian was used to people being servile to her, and Gold-toothed had been pretty good at that. Now that his attitude changed, she was enraged.

She wanted to explode but suddenly sensed that there was something wrong about this situation. She could only shoot Gold-toothed a fierce glance and swallow this grudge, asking him how much he wanted.

Before Gold-toothed could open his mouth, Senior Shu said coldly, “What solved? We have dealt with the Seven Fiend Soul Locking Formation, but we aren’t done with this Thunder Sword yet. Without the suppression from the seven fiends, this sword is going to become more dangerous.”

After Senior Shu said that, Qin Minghao, who was calm the whole time, suddenly screamed. Then, his entire body convulsed as if he received an electric shock. 

If he wasn’t tied up, he would have jumped up to attack people. 

I was startled, worried that Qin Minghao would wiggle out of his restraints. I went to him and pressed him on the ground. 

However, this wasn’t a good solution. I could feel Qin Minghao’s huge raw strength. I couldn’t stop him for long.

I had a headache and looked at Senior Shu. 

Senior Shu said, “Feed him Corpse Scent Grass! The Corpse Scent Grass can subdue evil spirits after being affected by the formation.” 

I immediately ran to grab a big tuft of Corpse Scent Grass. As Senior Shu had directed, I put all of it into Qin Minghao’s mouth.

The grass tormented Qin Minghao, which caused him to struggle harder. He sent me flying backward.

I landed on my poor butt and saw the stars.

Li Mazi rushed to pull me up. I gave a wry smile. “Don’t worry about me. Stop Qin Minghao first.”

Unexpectedly, before we could approach him again, Qin Minghao quieted down. After a while, he no longer wiggled. It looked as if he was sleeping.

I exhaled in relief and found that I couldn’t put up with it anymore. I was so tired that I directly laid on the ground. 

The guards came over and brought me into the luxurious building.

After they cleaned up the mess, the security guards went to Qin Sisi and said they wanted to resign. 

Mr. Qin’s crimes were exposed, and they had aided him. If they didn’t make things right at this moment, the Qin family would crush them later.

Qin Sisi forgave them and said that she wouldn’t trouble them in the future. She even gave them an extra one-month salary.

I was a little confused and asked Qin Sisi about it, “Why are you so generous to these guards? They betrayed the Qins. If you show mercy to these traitors, it will be hard on the managers of the company.” 

Qin Sisi shook her head reluctantly. “They say it’s better to mess with the Yama King than with little devils. If we offend them, I’m afraid they won’t act rational or think about the pros and cons before doing something extreme. I don’t want to feel regretful later.”

I forced a smile and had to admit that Qin Sisi was much better than me when it came to understanding people. She knew the way the world worked. 

Senior Shu was exhausted, but he wasn’t hurt. After eating some nutritious food, he regained the colors on his face. 

I had a lot of doubts, so I went over to ask him. 

“Senior Shu, Qin Minghao said that he also has an expert behind him and that he knew everything. Was he talking about my grandfather?” 

Senior Shu gave a slight nod. “If that person could calculate things fifteen years ahead of time... I’m afraid it could only be your grandfather. Sigh, how could he be so formidable? How could he be so sure when he made his assessment?”

I was surprised. “Senior Shu, you mean… My grandfather predicted the events that happened today fifteen years ago? I thought that he just recently got wind of this stuff.” 

Senior Shu sighed. “Fifteen years ago, the Longquan Villa discreetly sold this Thunder Sword to the Qins. At that time, your grandfather had sensed that something was wrong, and he suspected Qin Minghao’s brother, Qin Minghan. He’s the person that contacted you. Your grandfather could only ensure that the Seven Fiend Soul Locking Formation would work for fifteen years. After fifteen years, Mr. Qin would attack Qin Minghao one more time. Back then, your grandfather had already warned Qin Minghao about this possibility!”

He continued the story. “Until today, Qin Minghao kept this matter buried in his heart; he never told anybody about it. Your grandfather knew that Qin Minghao was skeptical because the other party was his blood brother. He didn’t have the heart to go hard on him. But now, after everything that happened, Qin Minghao could only believe your grandfather’s words. He did as your grandfather had arranged that year. Your grandfather had taken care of every detail, including how the Zhang family would come looking for you, and how the two of us would meet, which would lead me to get involved as well. In hindsight, it seems easy but planning all of this fifteen years ago was no joke. Your grandfather was really too smart. I’m afraid I will never be able to reach that height in this lifetime…” 

Senior Shu sounded a little regretful. 

We all gaped in awe. How could someone arrange such a detailed plan fifteen years ago? Was he even human? 

I forced a smile. My grandpa was really something… Only a deity could plan something of the sort! 

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