Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 333

Chapter 333: White Bones

I asked Senior Shu, “What should we do next? Even my grandfather could only seal the Thunder Sword. How can we subdue this thing?”

Senior Shu smiled. “Don’t worry. When the time comes, your grandfather will make time out of his busy schedule to come here.”

I was elated. My grandpa is finally willing to show himself?

After thinking that I could see my grandfather again, I couldn’t contain my excitement.

However, I was still worried. Those fiends weren’t dead yet. If they returned and encountered my grandpa, they would recognize that he was the one that had sealed them. They would definitely fight him to the death if that happened!

Senior Shu patted my shoulder. “What a filial grandson! But you don’t need to worry. I scared those seven fiends for good. Even if they were bolder, they wouldn’t dare to come back.”

I exhaled in relief. “That’s good, then.”

It was after midnight, but we didn’t dare to sleep as we were afraid that the soul in Qin Minghao’s body would resurface. We were also worried that Mr. Qin would send assassins to take revenge.

But nothing happened. The night quietly passed.

Early the next morning, Senior Shu gathered us together and asked us to dig the floor of the mansion.

After Qin Tiantian heard that, she wasn’t pleased. “The tiles in my house were imported from Belgium. They are worth millions of renminbi. Who will compensate us after you break the floor?”

I was enraged. “If you don’t want to dig up the floor in your house, you’ll have to dig your own grave very soon.”josei

After I snarled at her, Qin Tiantian didn’t dare to make any more comments. She pouted her lips as if she was showing her last resistance.

Qin Sisi said, “How could we let you dig the floor by yourself? I will get some labor workers to do that.”

Senior Shu shook his head. “It’s okay. We can’t keep the secret if many people know about it. It won’t be good for your family’s reputation if this gets out. Also, if they do something wrong, it’ll create a lot of trouble.”

Qin Sisi was reluctant but nodded. She called the housekeeper and asked him to prepare some tools.

I asked Senior Shu, “Why do we have to dig up the floor?”

Senior Shu explained, “I’m sure there were twenty-eight horsemen who followed Xiang Yu. We need to unearth them and deal with their souls first. We don’t want them to support Xiang Yu later. It’s already a headache to deal with Xiang Yu; if we have to deal with the horsemen as well, I’m afraid we won’t make it. Our butts would be exposed while we are busy covering our heads.”

Li Mazi laughed and said, “Haha, that was a good one. I agree with Senior Shu.”

Soon after, the housekeeper brought us some farming tools. We used iron shovels, hammers, and electric drills to dig a big hole in the luxurious Belgian floor. Qin Tiantian seemed pained.

The Belgian floor was of high-quality, and it took us quite some time to dig a big hole and expand the cave underneath. I felt exhausted and regretted that we didn’t find some construction workers.

Senior Shu puffed his cigarettes as he watched us work our butts off. He looked very pleased.

After a whole morning of digging, we were sweating and panting. Everybody was dead-tired. We had dug around two meters deep, but we still hadn’t seen the skeletons.

I started to wonder, Are we even going to find skeletons down there? What if there is nothing? Wouldn’t we have toiled for nothing?

I looked at Senior Shu. He smiled and said, “Have you ever heard the proverb that if you dig three meters down, you’ll find a corpse?”

Li Mazi said, “What if the skeletons we dig up aren’t the horsemen’s? Don’t you know that deliberately digging up someone’s grave will bring you bad luck and a lack of descendants?”

Senior Shu laughed cheerily. “Haven’t you heard that when you lift your head, God’s watching you from above? Since a deity is watching you, what are you afraid of? Also, I heard of someone digging up an urn of ashes, but they’re doing just fine.”

Li Mazi blushed and laughed awkwardly. He shut his mouth and began to dig faster.

Senior Shu was talking about Li Mazi just now.

Qin Sisi’s interest was piqued. “You know someone that specializes in unearthing urns? Can they sell them for money? This person has a business mind. If I have a chance, I would like to meet them.”

I burst out laughing. Well, that man is right in front of you!

Qin Sisi was curious. “Why are you laughing?”

I turned to look at Li Mazi.

Li Mazi screamed, “He has a mental problem. There’s no need to mind him.”

Qin Sisi was smart, and she could guess that we were talking about Li Mazi. She looked at me with questioning eyes. I knew she wanted me to confirm if it was Li Mazi.

I gave her a nod. Qin Sisi was happy and looked at Li Mazi with admiring eyes.

Soon, my shovel hit something hard. I immediately squatted to pick up the metal piece. Unexpectedly, it was a bronze spearhead.

I knew it had to be the horseman's weapon. I was elated and began to dig faster. Shortly after, I saw a lot of white bones.

I was surprised to see that the armor on the skeletons had not rotted. These things were worth a small fortune.

As they were worth money, we wanted to carefully extract them from the skeletons. Senior Shu urged, “We don’t have time for that! If we sell these things, they will bring disasters to many people. Who knows if some souls are attached to these sets of armor?”

I was reluctant, but we didn’t have a choice. We could only tear open those sets of armor.

There were twenty-eight skeletons in total.

Senior Shu asked us to gather the skeletons and burn them.

The flame that was burning the skeletons was really strange. There was no wind, but it was raging. Moreover, we could hear crackling explosions come from the flames.

I knew that the souls living in these bones were trying to escape. However, they couldn’t.

Then, Senior Shu asked us to fill the big hole.

I was puzzled and asked Senior Shu, “Is Xiang Yu’s body also in this pit?”

Senior Shu shook his head and said, “If we could find Xiang Yu’s skeleton, it would be easy to deal with this matter.”

Your grandfather had the same idea. He also wanted to find Xiang Yu’s corpse. However, Xiang Yu’s skeleton isn’t here.”

“How is that possible?” said Li Mazi. “Xiang Yu’s skeleton should also be in his tomb, right?”

Senior Shu shook his head. “No, this is just an empty grave. If Xiang Yu was buried properly, he wouldn’t be this resentful! Moreover, the people that buried Xiang Yu were afraid that Liu Bang would dig his remains up to insult him further. That’s why they didn’t tell anyone where they buried him.”

We understood and nodded.

After filling the hole, we waited for the night to come.

After thinking about my grandfather, I couldn’t suppress my excitement. I showered and dressed well. I didn’t want him to worry about me after seeing my unkempt appearance.

Meanwhile, Qin Sisi went to the hospital to check on her uncle. When she came back, she told us that her uncle seemed to have turned crazy. He kept screaming and crying. Then, he lay still on the bed and refused to eat. They had to feed him through a tube.

I sighed and wondered if Mr. Qin had regretted his actions or if he couldn’t accept the situation. However, it was no longer important. I wasn’t bothered enough to care about their family’s business.

The night came.

I quietly sat at the door, and Qin Minghao lay still near me.

He was unconscious, and he wasn’t pretending this time. Ever since the fiends were expelled, the resentful energy in the Thunder Sword was no longer restrained. Qin Minghao couldn’t bear it, so he couldn’t wake up during the day.

Qin Sisi and Qin Tiantian stayed next to him. Qin Sisi cared about her father while Qin Tiantian looked restless all the time. She wanted to play with her phone, but I glared at her. Eventually, she had to put it away.

At around 10:00 PM, a strange, chilling wind blew over. I shuddered and felt my skin crawl.

Senior Shu muttered, “Be careful. It’s either your grandfather or the seven fiends.”

I held the Sirius Whip and watched for any commotion around me.

Soon after, I noticed that Qin Sisi seemed to be in a daze. She sprang up and stood on the tips of her toes as her puzzled eyes scanned the room.

I was excited as it was my grandfather possessing Qin Sisi’s body. I gazed at her. “Grandpa, is that you?”

Qin Tiantian burst out laughing as she didn’t know what was going on.

Qin Sisi nodded. “My dear grandson, you weren’t filial.”

Sure enough, it was my grandfather’s voice.

Qin Tiantain gawked and dropped her jaw in shock as she looked at her sister.

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