Overlimit Skill Holder

Epilogue Chapter 1.1

Epilogue Chapter 1.1

Overlimit Skill Holder Epilogue Chapter 1.1

Epilogue 1 (1)

1 Year


Traces of chaos remained in the empty cathedral.

Chairs and tables were overturned. The curtains were scorched.

In the center, where sunlight streamed through the stained glass, there were three people—only three people in this large cathedral.

A nun who had her back turned towards us. And Her Holiness standing in front of her.

Behind the pope was–


Zerry-san’s dagger pierced Her Holiness’s chest.


Blood overflowed from Her Holiness’s mouth, her skin pale as a paper.

I started running.

Her Holiness and Zerry-san noticed my presence.

「Don’t… come…」

「Bochan, don’t come!!」


When I stopped in my tracks, everyone else who was trying to follow me also stopped.

I noticed that the body of the nun, who was on the floor, was glowing. And that person was–


Dante-san shouted, as he saw his daughter.

Non-san was using【Healing Magic】. It was the only thing barely keeping Her Holiness’s body connected to "life".

(Wha-What are you doing…!?)

Zerry-san pulled out her dagger.

As her blade was pulled out, blood began to pour out… No, wait.

What is that?

Something is clinging to the blade. Black… hair?!


I understood the situation from the information analyzed by my【World Ruler】.

「Mimino-san! Do you have a Dupe Potion left!?」

「Huh? I think I used them all– No! I have one left!」

「Please use it!! I will use【Healing Magic】too!」

Mimino-san scoured her bag, took out a potion, and slammed it on the ground. The magic used by Non-san was reconstructed by the Dupe Potion.

I ran up to Her Holiness and touched her arm to activate the magic.

「B-Bochan, you shouldn’t… If you come closer, you will get entangled–」

「That hair is the hair left by the goddess, isn’t it?」


A tuft of hair-like thing that sucked Her Holiness’s blood was lying on the floor tangled around Zerry-san’s dagger.

It’s hair.

It’s definitely hair.

The goddess’s – that woman’s hair.

(The goddess’s vessel. That was Her Holiness. However, the vessel is not just something for the goddess to "send a message" through… it’s something to take over when something unforeseen happens to her.)

My little remaining mana was steadily depleting.josei

It was all I could do to keep myself from falling unconscious. If left like this, Her Holiness would also die. Even though she didn’t do anything wrong.

She will become a victim of that woman.

「S-Sage! The hair.」


The sage moved forward and shot a small flame at the dagger. The flame burned the hair together with the dagger.

「Mimino, use your potion! Is there anyone else who can use【Healing Magic】!?」Dante-san said.

「I have brought them!」

Lady Eva and her knights arrived from the back of the cathedral.

And behind them were several high-ranking priests.

「My lady……!?」

「These are people who wanted to follow the teachings of the original church. Thus, the believers of the goddess imprisoned them. They are all high-level Healers.」

The young lady displayed a fearless smile.

She was ever reliable.

The young lady’s eyes have the power of "Magic Eye of Inspire", which motivates those who look at her eyes by using mana.

But even without such things, the young lady inspires people.

「M-Move away… even if you burned the vessel, as long as the goddess is alive, this body…」

Her Holiness tried to push me away with both hands.

「It’s okay, Your Holiness.」

I squeezed her hands–hands that were slowly returning to normal complexion due to the【Healing Magic】.

This person is also someone who prioritizes others over herself.

「The goddess has died.」I said.

The sage nodded and said:

「The presence of the goddess has disappeared… completely, this time.」

With this… it’s finally the end.

We were able to save Her Holiness’s life as well. Because people who are better at【Healing Magic】than me were treating her.

Non-san too. …Speaking of which, why is Non-san here? And Zerry-san too. I’ll have to ask them later.

While thinking about that, my body suddenly lost all strength.

It’s finally over.

Those words were the only thing in my mind. There was no longer a reason to keep standing.



Someone was yelling.

As my vision grew darker, I lost consciousness—as if I were freefalling into the bottomless darkness.

——【HCf!kM*J-y1】-san is truly amazing, right?

——Yes. Such a reliable person!

——Can I ask you for advice next time too?

Such words were thrown at me by people I had never seen before.

An office at night.

I have never been in a place like this in my previous nor present life.

The place was a bit old-fashioned, with just a few computers from the previous generation lined up.

—— See you tomorrow!

——【HCf!kM*J-y1】-san, please sleep well. You worked overtime yesterday too, didn’t you?

—— That’s right, you’re working too hard!

Next, I was in the downtown area at night.

The same people as before, who were probably drunk, started talking to me in high spirits.

——Don’t worry. It’s not a big deal. I’ll see you tomorrow!

I have heard that voice before.

——Just how long do you think thousands of years is… Once you live that long, you will lose even your emotions.

It was the voice of the woman who proclaimed herself a goddess.

She was completely different from the woman I knew. Cheerful, confident, and empathetic.

After that, the years seemed to flow.

Starting life in this world, she went through various experiences using【Unyielding】."

At times, she would encounter an accident that would have killed a normal person, and each time she desperately struggled to survive.

Even if each experience was intense, if it happened again and again, the senses would become numb.

That was how she set foot in the realm of the gods.

「…Was there no other way?」

I wanted to ask her that question.

If she had that much power, she should have defeated the monsters with her own power instead of splitting the world in two.

But… I also found out that she couldn’t do that.

Because I got a glimpse into her life.

There were dangers not only from monsters, but also from natural phenomena.

Soil changes due to abnormal weather.

Crops were dying and livestock were not growing.

If this continues, the people and monsters both will go extinct.

She had to give a shock that would shake not only the people, but the core of the planet itself—that is why she chose to split the world in two.


There was no reply.

Her colloquial language was similar to mine, so she should have lived in almost the same era as me.

As for whether she communicated back to me, she didn’t.

It felt like the conversation was going on and on.

Is it because she has lived too many years?

I can’t hear her answer anymore.

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